
July 3013 - Numerology - The Number Six & The Mark of The Beast

Empowering Numerology
The Number Six

Last month we examined the number five, which links us beyond the physical to Source. This month we go beyond viewing Source and it’s power of creation to the number six, which asks us to activate our awareness of the choices we make as part of the power of the creative force.

The number six is the midpoint between three and nine. Three represents the creative power of the masculine and feminine either in alignment with Source or completely focused on the physical. It is either powerfully creating for good or manifesting out of fear. The nine is a number of great wisdom and completion. 

This midpoint focuses on choices. Six is a happy vibration and it will test one to choose from the heart, which is the wisdom of six.

Six has both symmetry and confusion like pool balls perfectly racked then scattered by a focused cue ball, creating numerous choices to win the game. Six is the first number with so many options that the mind wrestles with them. This is the test, and of course the opportunity to rise to the next level.

The interesting number of 666, (a master number), is called by some people, “The Mark of the Beast.” It carries the vibration of the three energized six times, the frequency of choices that has multiplied six times, therefore temptation to choose poorly is increased, and also reduces to the number nine, which concludes with mastering choices.

The association of 666 was created through religious paths, relating this number of ‘The Beast” to the devil,  evil, etc. To understand the basis of this entity, we need to realize that in the density of the physical form, there will be many temptations. “The Beast”, (evil), is simply lack of awareness or consciousness in making a choice for the good of the whole, which is how the Divine self always chooses. Making choices cloaked with lusty overtones, which create new frequencies in our bodies, minds and emotional levels, feed on greed in all its varying forms.

To fully understand six and six, six, six; here is a mundane example. A diabetic person knows eating sugary foods is not wise. At dinner ice cream is offered for dessert. Though this is not what the body wants, they give in to their emotional and mental desires and eat the ice cream. It seems a simple choice but it is not the choice that the Divine Self would make.

In our higher bodies we view the universe and all its contents as a continuum, a whole. We see it in terms of frequency and will always choose to accelerate the frequencies, not lower them. But in the human consciousness, we ignore this and the needs of the trillions of sentient beings that make up our physical bodies (our personal universe), and allow the lust of emotional and mental desire to run rampant.  

When we ignore what the heart knows, and act on desire we fulfill the saying; “The devil made me do it.” Thus, we can understand the mark of the beast is simply many choices that cause us to succumb to our desires and cause pain to ourselves or others.

When we achieve mastery through this frequency we will no longer be swayed by temptations.

Another fact regarding the number 666, is that in the periodic table it signifies the element of carbon; the basis of our physical bodies. When placed under great pressure for centuries carbon is transformed to a diamond. This is completely in alignment with soul’s journey in the physical world. It often takes hundreds of lifetimes to learn to choose wisely in every arena of physical life. When we do achieve this, we are no longer the 666 but are transformed to its reduction, the 9 in its highest form.

On a personal level, the number six, through birth date or name, indicates a life filled with choices designed to help achieve mastery. I call the sixes, the social butterflies. They are great networkers, love talking and interfacing with others, laugh easily and are usually gracious, fun-loving people. Their challenge is to choose from the heart rather than through peer, family, cultural pressure or fear. Like the butterfly, they transform in life and are both colorful and flighty. Because choices are their path, making commitments is their challenge. So this frequency requires some kind of sanctuary in any committed relationship…it may simply be a room of their own.

2013 is a six year, so all these issues will be apparent this year. To fulfill the highest level of six, one can practice viewing all life as a continuum and making conscious choices each day. A simple technique; begin the day by consciously saying, “Today all I do, say or think, is for the good of the whole.” Then, in the evening, review the choices you made. Writing them down prepares you for the next day. Over time you will transform. The benefits are peace at every level. To be at peace with all life is what it means to be a diamond.

July 2013 & It’s Frequencies

July is: J (1) + u (3) + l (3) + y (7) = 14 = 5
2013: 2 + 0 + 1 + 3 = 6
Total: 5 + 6 = 11 

Like June, July carries the frequency of 5, the number of knowledge. But, unlike June, July is a feminine water five. So, in this month we have the vast knowledge of Mother Earth graciously nurturing us.

July’s five frequency, is perfect for connecting with family, nurturing, learning or sharing with everyone we call family.

Additionally, it is a good time to extend the family connection to the wisdom and medicine of all life forms because the watery five energy, opens the channels for us to communicate and understand all forms of life. Now, is the time to listen to your animal friends, because July’s frequency will help you understand them.

When we add 2013 to the frequency equation, we will be faced with choices regarding our care for the Earth, its creatures and it may also be our biological mother or other females or female issues. Remember, choose from your heart center, not your mind or emotions. Choose for the good of the whole and begin   achieving the mastery inherent in July 2013…that of 11. Eleven is the feminine mastery of manifestation; the doorway to other worlds through dreams and visions. Thus, July’s nurturing nature extends to great naptimes, meditations with nature and, an awakened awareness of when your body is on automatic and you are off in other worlds. Enjoy this month, it offers so much at every level and a great opportunity to accelerate humanity’s frequencies and awareness.

Michele Avanti has been teaching metaphysics since 1972. She is a metaphysical minister, an ISAR certified astrologer, an accredited Fixed Star Analyst, an EFT, emotional freedom technique professional and an energy mover. Michele mentors clients through individual consultations. Call 541-863-6631 or email her at AstrologyAndMore@gmail.com for an appointment. For more information, visit Michele’s blog at AstrologyAndMore.blogspot.com


June 2013 - Empowering Numerology - The Number 5

Last month we examined earth’s own physical number, the number four. This month we move to a whole new level with the Number Five. Where Four connected the four elements of: Fire, Earth, Air and Water; the number Five adds Spirit, the force of eternal creation. 

In its most basic shape, Five looks much like a house, or a container with a pitched roof. In other words it is a container that holds what comes in from above. This house-like shape represents the heavens pouring life force into the four elements. The number Five is the fifth element, Spirit. The earth (number 4) is the box at the bottom, and at the highest point, the number Five pours Spirit into the earth. This energy or frequency activates the creation of all forms of life.

The human form is a pinnacle of Five. It is fully represented in the number Five by a human with arms and legs out-stretched, the top of the head being the pinnacle or fifth point. Humans are the pinnacles because only the human form has the ability to control and dominate, for good or evil, all other forms on the planet.

When a human child is born, the top of the head, which we call the crown chakra is the entrance point of the life energy, or soul. This point remains soft till most children are between five and seven years old, for during these early years, the individuated consciousness that is taking on a personality in the physical form, is still traveling between worlds. This is the rooftop of the human form, also known as the entrance of the pranic tube. Through this part of the body, the fifth element, Spirit continues to activate and inform the consciousness of the new personality or human form. After the age of seven, a person must consciously choose to open this doorway to receive the input of the higher self, spiritual self or Spirit.

With the Five frequency pouring into the crown chakra of humans, there is an enormous responsibility to carry the information of Creator into the physical world of Creation. Five is the number of Knowledge. Inherent in this number is the ability to achieve wisdom, though most will be stuck in the material worlds, or the emotional and mental worlds and thus miss the opportunity to experience the three hundred sixty degree viewpoint of Spirit.

When we are in harmony with Five, we are open to hear the voice of creation, imagination, and inspiration. Some may call it intuition. When we are out of sync with five, we feel lost, not knowing which way to go, and we fall into the path of worry. Worry ignores the present and focuses on the past or the future, too often dragging past issues into the future.

If we wish to activate Five in our lives, we must first live in the present. Dismiss the issues of the past, bless them, be grateful to them and let them go. Then instead of obsessing with outcomes and the details of how to manifest; sit still and allow Spirit to flow into our consciousness. Fully visualize the crown chakra open with light, fill with love and gratitude for all life, then rest in it. The information will arrive. Perhaps not in the exact moment but when we least expect it. That ‘Aha!’ moment happens and we see clearly the next step. A sense of peace will envelop anyone who opens, to allow Spirit to live in his or her house, which we call a human form. 

June 2013 & It’s Frequencies

June is J (1) + u (3) + n (5) + e (5) = 14, which reduces to 5
2013 is 2 + 0 + 1 + 3 = 6
Total 5 + 6 = 11, which is a Master Number, so we will not reduce it any further.

June carries the frequency of the number five, the number of knowledge. Junes’ ‘Five’ is neither feminine nor masculine but rather it oscillates between the two, and it’s element is ‘Air’. June’s Five activates socializing, communicating knowledge and networking without distinction to gender. Here the five speaks to community, as in, “It takes a village to raise a child.”  When we connect with others, without allowing society’s issues of ethnicity, culture, creed, politics, caste, clothing or lifestyle, to get in the way, we utilize the frequency of June. By connecting transparently with others, we release the reservoir of knowledge that we often forget we have. We discover our own wisdom, while gaining knowledge, compassion and understanding with others.  

Use June’s frequency to speak from your heart without concern for how others may criticize you. Allow yourself to flow into the world. The salutation, “Namaste!” resonates to five.  This greeting means, “I bless the Divine in you!” It acknowledges that we are connected to the source of creation and that we each carry this great light, though some choose not to allow it to shine. When we approach all life, not just the human form with the thought, ‘Namaste!’ we align with five and activate our ability to accept the wisdom of creation from every source, from plant and tree, to animal and man.

The full numerology of June 2013 asks us to make a conscious choice (6) to master our ability to manifest our dreams (11), by opening to our own source of wisdom by sharing with others from our hearts without prejudice (5).

Considering the frequencies of June 2013, whose numbers are 5, 6, 11, this month asks us to stay in the present moment and dream here and now, knowing full well our dream is cradled by others till it becomes physical. It asks us to connect with others without prejudice so that we can assist others through our speech, in manifesting their dreams. Doing this will bring amazing rewards from speeding up your own manifestation process to discovering the depth of your own wisdom.

Michele Avanti a metaphysical minister and has been teaching metaphysics since 1972. She is also an ISAR certified astrologer, an accredited Fixed Star Analyst, an EFT, emotional freedom technique professional and an energy mover. Michele mentors clients through individual consultations. Call 541-863-6631 or email her at AstrologyAndMore@gmail.com for an appointment. To learn about her radio show, classes and current metaphysical news, visit Michele’s blog at AstrologyAndMore.blogspot.com 


May 2013 - Empowering Numerology - The Number 4

This month we will look at the number four, which is the first fully physical number. Through four, we become grounded on this earth. It signifies physical Creation, the power of the four directions and the four elements: Fire, Earth, Air and Water. These sustain all life and remind us of how our planet came to be.

Earth began as a renegade fiery rock charging through this solar system.  Eventually it reached a place in space where the inertia of its movement and the magnetics of the Sun, as well as other planets in our solar system, caused it to settle into an orbit; the comfortable spot it has held for millennium in the eco-system of this solar system. While the rock cooled, it developed a balanced spin and a steady orbit, and waters that may have been trapped inside or frozen in deep pockets rose to the surface. They formed oceans, ice caps, rivers, lakes and springs. Water filled a large portion of the surface of the now developing planet, while changes of hot and cold, due to the spin and the stretch of the orbit created seasonal and regional climates; thus the planet developed an atmosphere. This created the perfect environment for many life forms.

Contained in the number four is the history of earth. In single strokes, four creates a square, the foundation of a building, a protective perimeter, a controlled space; the symbol for the basis of grounded growth.

The four corners of the space symbolize the four cornerstones of creation and in each individual’s life they are represented in several ways:
  • The personal line of creation: physical, emotional, mental and spiritual parts of who we are.
  • The integrating line of creation: the self, the pairing or mating relationship, the progeny and the genetic/dynastic ancestry.
  • The tribal line of creation: the individual personality, the family circle, the tribal service/career and the tribal outreach - warrior or diplomat

Additionally in complex nations like ours, where ethnicities and religions are mixed the tribal line breaks into two other parts;

  • The national/patriotic line of creation - identical to the tribal except it, aligns with the government, not ethnic culture.
  • The religious line of creation - identical to the tribal except this aligns with religious beliefs which may be global as in Christian or Hindu, etc; or more specific as in Lutheran verses Catholic. 

This information helps us explore where we focus and how we ground. Taking time to consider each area will reveal where we are out of balance. By understanding the areas in our lines of creation, we begin to understand the number four. Bringing issues into balance, we take control of our lives, and thus create personal peace.

When we are in harmony with four. we are in total control of our lives. When out of sync with four, we discover an area where we’re telling others what to do and how to do it. We’re taking away someone else’s power of choice, taking on a karmic burden and losing control of our lives.

Being the foundation of creation for the human form, and its stability; four asks that we anchor the four elements within ourselves: fire (passion and creativity), with water (emotions, dreams, and sensitivity), with air (thoughts, words and judgments), and earth (actions, and physical health).

When each area is in balance, we have peace and happiness in our lives.

Here is a simple chant to help bring the number four into balance: “El Ka Leem Om.”  Repeat in rounds of four. These are the Sanskrit words for Earth, Fire, Water and Air. By chanting them we call in the Divine Intelligence of each element to bring peace and balance.

May 2013 & It’s Frequencies

May is M (4) + a (1) + y (7) = 12, which reduces to 3
2013 is 2 + 0 + 1 + 3 = 6
Total 3 + 6 = 9

May carries the frequency of the number three, the number of nurturing. Three is feminine water. It signals the union or separation of two, which results in a third part. Being an act of creation from the two, this third part must be nurtured to grow. May’s energy of Taurian earth, takes the three from watery emotion to practical action. So in May, three is about nurturing the physical body in practical ways. When we satiate the body, we nurture our emotions and mental activity flattens into a peaceful zone.

Nurturing the body can be done with food, and physical pleasures of all kinds: massage, swimming, dance, etc. May emphasizes dancing with nature. We may do a Hawaiian hula, playfully celebrate with the May pole, or waltz in the woods. Whatever dance we choose will align us with the four elements and they will ground and balance us with love, compassion, mental clarity and inspired passion. 

The full numerology of May 2013 asks us to make a conscious choice (6) to nurture ourselves and the earth (3), and to fulfill our choices completely (9).

Nine is the perfect number; it encompasses three, threes. While nurturing yourself, you will discover your dreams, and when you nurture your dreams, you will complete both yourself and your dreams. This is the perfect act of completion, which is part of the number nine.

Considering the frequencies of May 2013, whose numbers are 3, 6, 9, this month asks us to choose to complete our self-nurturing dreams. It asks us to ask ourselves, “What would I love to do, that I have said, ‘Someday’…” May 2013 contains the energy to ground our…“Someday dreams”… now.

Michele Avanti a metaphysical minister and has been teaching metaphysics since 1972. She is also an ISAR certified astrologer, an accredited Fixed Star Analyst, an EFT, emotional freedom technique professional and an energy mover. Michele mentors clients through individual consultations. Call 541-863-6631 or email her at AstrologyAndMore@gmail.com for an appointment. To learn about her radio show, classes and current metaphysical news, visit Michele’s blog at AstrologyAndMore.blogspot.com  


Fear, anxiety, panic, Reactions from ancient belief systems

Last Dec 21, 2012, a new frequency flowed into our solar system. It filters through our energy fields and many people are uncomfortable with it, while others find it pushing them to change their lives.

To flow with this new frequency we need to release old belief systems, which are buried deep our subconscious. They are patterns developed through religions and tribal/ethnic cultures. 

These beliefs gave us community, but did not share truth. They taught us to fear, anger, hate, fight and flee without logic, divinity or love. 

Last night on my new podcast, which we do each Wednesday night at 7pm PT / 10pm ET on blogtalkradio.com/Iamthelight I addressed some of the issues of fear, offering deeper understanding, insights and techniques to help free you. 

Here is the podcast for you to enjoy

Listen to internet radio with I Am The Light Network 

Questions? Please Post them on our facebook page and please like it too!: facebook.com/IAmTheLightNetwork


Mercury Retrograde, Full Moon, Saturn, Pluto = Busting Belief Systems

Saturday, February 23rd, Mercury stationed Retrograde at 19:52 Pisces, while on Monday, February 25th we entered a 7:24 Virgo Full Moon cycle. 

As you may have heard me mention before, this cycle will be filled with news, so much will happen that you will have to take extra time to learn about it and may not hear all of it for months. 

But let's look at what it means to the individual. 

Though anyone over 20 has experienced a Mercury Retrograde in Pisces before, this one is potent and unique because of where our solar system is in the galactic center, the frequencies that have been released back on December 21, and the fact that Saturn and Pluto are working with Mercury to transform old belief systems that have imprisoned the collective consciousness for the last 26,000 years. 

Additionally during this two week moon cycle we will experience the struggle of self-criticism, external criticism and all the issues of perfection and imperfection that hold us from being whole and happy. This is a period where every form of self-sabotage will rear it's head. 

Rising from the depths of ancient lifetimes through one's psyche, there may be irrational feelings of anger. To put your finger on why you are angry may be a little bit difficult because it has to do with patterns embedded in your consciousness through belief systems that were designed to control us and sabotage our understanding of our own power. 

So let those feelings rise and release them. 

If you know EFT, use it, if you are familiar with Tom Kenyon's work read his latest Hathors report and use the meditation and sound frequencies that they offer through him. 

At this time, all humanity is on a journey of significant change and this period is one direct wave. 

Lightbearers need to stay grounded because as all the controlling belief systems are uprooted, many will not be able to handle a completely new way of viewing who we are. A view that is based on truth rather than man's reaction to the physicality and his need to control it. 

Here's a quick look at the headlines over the last four days:
As Pope Resigns, Clergy Abuse Survivors Remember 2008 Meeting
A Racial Entitlement? Supreme Court Threatens Voting Rights Act,...
Shell halts 2013 drilling plans in Alaska's Arctic seas
GOP's obstructionism is suicide strategy
Higher cancer risks' after Fukushima crisis 

Congress sends Violence Against Women Act to Obama


Empower Yourself with Numerology

Have you ever wondered if numbers have power? Do they have meaning? Can numerology empower you in life? 

Numbers are used everywhere. You can’t go through a single day without engaging with numbers. “How much does this cost?” “What was the phone number?” “Did you get that address right?” “What is your zip code?” “Please put in your pin number.” “Can I get your zip code?” “That show is on channel 231.”

Basic numerology addresses the birth date and the name that appears on a birth certificate. But is that all there is?
Every bit of Creation is connected, not coincidentally,  but logically and numbers are a key to all of it.  All numbers have a frequency, much like the notes on a musical scale. When we speak or think, we activate frequencies and each has a numeric basis or counterpart.

So what does it mean and how can this knowledge help us in our journey for joy, health, love and prosperity?

Let’s start with the most basic number: One, 1, or I. It is a single note, clear frequency, a directive of energy. It reflects what the Ancients called, The Pole*, and for which the Pole Star was named. This ancient energy calls in Primordial Creation, God/Spirit, Direction, Support and the Act of Manifestation.

It is not a unifying number but an individuating one. It is interesting when we realize that One begins all creation and it is about, I, the letter whose numerical counterpart is the number, Nine, which is the completion of all things.

So in this first number, we become aware of a basic principle of creation, it all begins with One and it is the One who will complete the act. 

This number informs us that we are the creators of our universe, we begin it and we complete it, but we must also realize that it is a great expansive circle that once we complete, we begin again on a higher frequency. Understanding this allows you to realize that nothing is flat in creation, but all things spiral and are seen as flat when we look up or down, from the center, which is where each of us stand in our worlds of creation.

Let us come back to the mundane and look at how we can use the number one in daily life.  When we focus our lives through the filter of One, we consciously engage the universe to manifest what we want.

So how do we use this ‘One’ filter? First step is to be aware, that is what we opened in the previous paragraphs. Secondly, we must focus this energy through words, song, meditation, prayer, writing and thought.

Sankrit writing of the word, OM

The key word of power, which represents the Sacred Element of Air, calling in the wisdom of the Ancients, is ‘OM.’ O=6, M=4, together they create 10, which reduced to one digit becomes the number, 1.**  See note below on how to reduce numbers in numerology.

When we focus on the word, OM, sing it, write it, and add to it the images or words of what we desire, we send a clear, focused message to Spirit.

This frequency can be taken to an even higher octave, by going to a word that is the Master Number*** of one, a word that equals 11, ‘HU.’ (Pronounced like ‘hue.’)

Modern Numerology's Alpha Numeric Chart

This chart allows you to quickly access the number related to any letter. Thus you can identify what numbers are active through a name, or address.

When looking at the chart, the letters listed below each number will activate that frequency and you can add them together to find the power of a word. For example, the name, Art. Look at the column with number one at the top. There you will find A, thus A=1, R is located in the 9 column, so R=9, and T is located in the 2 column, so T=2. Thus for Art we would add, 1+9+2=12, which when reduced = 3.

I welcome any questions about the meaning of a name, and will be addressing names in this new monthly column later in the year.


Hidden Frequencies From Our Collective Consciousness

This period in the Gregorian Calendar, which has been adopted by the Western Collective Consciousness is called February 2013, or Feb. 2013, it carries a numerological frequency unlike any other time in our lives.

Here is how the numerology adds up.  February, 6+5+2+9+3+1+9+7=42, which reduces to 6. This number is also the key number for the entire year of 2013, six, which makes 2013 a year of choices, networking, and gives a more optimistic attitude.

When we add February’s 6 to 2013’s, 6, we have 12, which equals 3, the number of nurturing, family, re-uniting, working together through challenges. So the current frequency is aligned with working through challenges, new children, those who divide and naturally, how we will make choices during this time is key.

This is not the only frequency for the month, additionally, we call February, Feb, which adds up to: 13 and thus the number, 4. These frequencies tell us it is time to transform and take control instead of controlling others, or giving away control.  The four regains all the corners of the universe, it activates all centers and swiftly frees or directs.

Using all of February’s frequencies to achieve the best possible outcome, this is what is indicated: 

·       Be aware of the choices you make this month (2013 will ask this each month.)
·       Make choices to nurture others as family. Allow the love of the Earth to flow through your heart center as you approach life this month.
·       This energy will help you reclaim your power and stop controlling others. Share what you know, but remember that it is not wise to force your knowledge on anyone. It is a period to remember to honor and respect the choices others make for their lives, even if you think you know better. This is the answer to empowerment under the number four. Examine the choices you are making in each cornerstone of your life, physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual. Focus your choices on nurturing and self-empowerment, and you will fulfill numerology’s frequency for February 2013.

*The ancients believed there was a pole that held up the heavens, and that information was sent back and forth to heaven through this mighty pole.

**In numerology, all numbers are added together and then reduced to a single digit, unless after adding them together the result is a number with double digits, such as: 11, 22, 33, 44, etc. These remain intact and are called Master Numbers.

***Master numbers are all numbers that consist of replicating digits, such as 11, 22, 111, 222, 444,444, etc. Master numbers activate the originating frequency to a higher octave and thus empower the individual exponentially.

Michele Avanti has been teaching metaphysics since 1972. She has taught in many areas of metaphysics and is also an ISAR certified astrologer, an accredited Fixed Star Analyst, an EFT, emotional freedom technique professional and an energy mover. Michele mentors clients through individual consultations. Call 541.863.6631 or contact her through facebook. To learn about her radio show, classes and current metaphysical news, click on the consultations tab at the top of this page AstrologyAndMore.blogspot.com/consultations.html


Cross Species Friendships - An Elephant & A Dog

Here is yet another example of how the Divine Innocents (what people call, animals) are teaching us to love each other. Best friends between unusual species causes humans to take notice, and re-consider what is possible. 

This amazing film shares a story of loving friendship between an elephant named Tarra, and a dog named, Bella. It should open any heart; and cause the mind to question why we can't find common ground with other human beings.

Perhaps it is that we have lost sight of what is important and have created too many distractions through mental gymnastics, which we use to answer questions like, "Why am I here?"

We invented religions that instead of unifying us, divide us.

We have created moral grounds through ideas, and forgotten common sense.

We have set in motion a vehicle of exchange, in money or precious metals, which gives power to the few, while the most valuable vehicle of exchange, which is love, is overlooked completely.

No other species has done this. They overlook all shortcomings, except in issues of hunger.

But even hunger may not be grounds for fighting. Here is a video of a cat sharing milk with a rat.

And another amazing study* shows one rat faced with a choice of either freeing another rat or opening a capsule with food and eating it. This rat takes no time deciding. He frees his fellow rat first, then opens the food capsule. But then he again surprises us by eating exactly half of the food, and allowing his friend to eat the rest. 

Every experience that these Divine Innocents share, whether by what appears to be co-incidence or through a scientific study, expands human consciousness. 

Each surprising act of animal kindness we experience is a great gift, it expands our consciousness and also shows us we are changing. Today, there are more people then ever before who realize that Love is the only 'Valuable." 

Our desire to serve is in our Divine Nature and many are realizing this. Many are driven by their Divine passion and thus creating change across our collective consciousness. As more people shift their viewpoint to choose to do everything as an act of love, more people will begin to shake free of the mental games, which demand dollars instead of the expression of love, and we will move into a new world.

Enjoy this film and allow your heart to open to the possibilities that previously you thought impossible.

What do you love? Are you doing what you love? If not, ask yourself why. If your only answer is money, re-examine your choices. If you make money so your children will go to college, then what you are doing is an act of love. But alas, if you are not happy with it, you need to re-examine what changes you can make to insure you enjoy the work you do.

Recently a friend told me that she wanted to make a change in the way she makes money. I felt guided to suggest a job as a receptionist and she immediately said, “But I cannot type.” I said, “But you can learn.” This is an example of the blocks we place in our minds that create a personal prison. Best to take a moment to examine what keeps you from your joy and begin to dissolve those blocks.

When we are joyful, we do not see the differences of politics, creed, ethnicity or lifestyle, because joy is love. Consider these things as you watch this exceptional film.

This film was shot on November 8, 2010 by CBS Evening News. A little less than a year later on November 4, 2011, CBS reported that dear sweet Bella had died. It is thought she was killed by coyotes. But Tarra carried Bella's body over a mile back to the sanctuary center. Bella's body was free of blood but Tarra's trunk had blood on it. Tarra has been grieving over the loss of her friend and the other elephants have brought her food to make her feel better. The Elephant Sanctuary has set up a Bella Memorial Fund to help strays like Bella and to support the elephants as well as some of the fund supports other humane societies. Here is the link: http://www.elephants.com/Bella/Bella.php  or you can donate by buying a little something to remind you of Bella & Tarra in their gift shop at this link: http://www.elephants.com/tarra/TarraBella_Shop.php

*Read more about this study in Scientific America at this link: http://www.scientificamerican.com/article.cfm?id=jailbreak-rat

**You can also listen to the whole story as it aired on NPR, at this link: 


2013 Pivotal Year to Manifest Your Dreams

If you really want to achieve a change in your life, this is the year to do it. 2013 is a pivotal year. Last year we learned some key lessons and consciously made choices to expand the consciousness of all humanity. This has accelerated consciousness, and in 2013 it will be very noticeable to anyone who keeps a pinpoint focus on what they want.

How to Make 2013 Your Most Successful Year

This Friday, January 11th, we truly begin year with the new moon in Capricorn. This is the time to clearly define what you want. Take time to plan your year this weekend. Write it down in a clear sentence on an index card.

Then on Tuesday the 15th with the stars in a great position, declare to the universe what you want.  If you can, make your statement at 3:33 pm PT, or up to 5am Wednesday January 16.(Convert time for where you live.)

Place that index card in a safe place, and on every new moon of the year, take it out and tell the universe how grateful you are for manifesting whatever you have written on the card.

Here the dates for all the New Moons this year:
Jan. 11@ 11:44 am PT
Feb. 9 @ 11:20 pm PT
Mar. 11 @ 12:51 pm PT
Apr. 10 @ 2:35 am PT
May 9 @ 5:28 pm PT
Jun. 8 @ 8:56 am PT
Jul. 8@ 0:14 am PT
Aug. 6 @ 2:51 pm PT
Sept. 5 @ 4: 36 am PT
Oct. 4 @ 5:34 pm PT
Nov. 3 @ 4:50 am PT
Dec. 2 @ 4:22 pm PT
May you manifest all you desire this year.

Michele Avanti is an ISAR Certified Astrology Professional, Metaphysical Minister, Accredited Fixed Star Analyst, EFT - Emotional Freedom Technique Professional & an Award Winning Author. Michele has been expanding minds through metaphysics since 1972. 
Listen to Michele's weekly radio show at: www.blogtalkradio.com/iamthelight