
Gaia's Ascension & The Law of One

Crystalline Earth Grid, see link at bottom of this blog 
We are at a time of significant change, do you feel it? Have you found yourself doing more meditation, catching and changing negative thoughts, feeling more gratitude and love, and most noticable a greater calm and peace in your life?

Gaia is in a Vibrational Ascension. She is moving to a new frequency scale, one that is freer. We who will remain with her, must join that vibration.

It is one of peace and love.

It is what you wanted when you first entered the world as a child, but so sadly discovered that it only existed in small pockets. It is a world where we actually realize, "All Life Is Divine!"

This is encoded in every cell in your body. But the world view, which was developed over centuries for us to experience separation created a belief system that this was not true. For thousands of years we have lived in fear of loss, fear of lack, and fear of abandonment, We have developed an energy that did not exist when these lower worlds were created; 'Hatred.'

Many souls in human bodies chose a path of self fulfillment and power without regard for the divinity of all life. Those of us who did not make this choice, find ourselves wanting to go home because the experience of living without universal understanding causes us pain.

Our connection to all life is part of who we are. When we operate from this place of connectedness, which you have heard me call 'The Grid', we feel the pain, suffering and torture all our divine connections. This includes, not just human forms, but plants, animals, and even mountains. The disturbance and destruction of life forms is experienced by everyone. This is the Law of One.

As Gaia continues vibrationally ascending, and we join her frequency, we will align once more with The Grid that connects all life in a tangible way. No longer will those who we have called, 'Sensitives' in the past, be alone. Instead, we will all become 'Sensitives,' because in complete alignment we feel the feelings of all life. We know the knowing of all life. From trees to mountains, from dolphin to cow, from Asian to European, we feel and understand each other.

The Law of One is not mandated. Instead through the very act of feeling and knowing, we can no longer harm another because we experience them as ourselves. To hurt other life would be the same as hurting one's self.

This is where we are going as we work with Gaia, The Grid, and escalate our vibrational frequencies to a higher level.

So though there are many incapable of bridging the vibrational distance, and thus will not make the transition to this new world, they will find a home in a lower frequency space. We will witness many loses, but stay focused on love and gratitude, and your desire to go home will take root in the new frequencies of Gaia.

This is what is happening with the world predictions from every tribe and people including the Mayan, the Hopi, the Aborigine, and the many other prognosticators that have recorded their 'Dreamtime.'

Last week while I did a radio show with Allie Cheslick on Wings Of Love, I could feel many people  overwhelmed by fear of this change. What I said to them, I will repeat here.

"Simply stay in a place of gratitude and love. Whenever fear activates in or around you, breath into your heart center Light, Love and Gratitude. Allow your heart to consistently radiate these three things, and you will dispel the fear, dispel darkness and uplift all who are in your presence."

Here is a wonderful video of a Peace Mandala titled: Kalachakra Mandala*. It was created by Tibetan Monk, Losang Samten in November of 2009 at the University of the Arts in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA.

Mandalas have been used for centuries to focus one's attention creating a greater awareness of the vastness of creation. The whole time while creating a mandala, the individual or individuals pray and focus on a virtue. This one holds the focus of world peace. Enjoy!

Kalachakra Mandala from peacefeather imagery on Vimeo.

*Kala is an ancient Sanskrit ( कला ) word, this word has a depth of meaning as do all ancient words. They encompass complete thought. It refers to the dark goddess, which most people would not understand in our current language, but let me explain further. Dark refers to the darkness before creation, the void, the place of creation. Thus Kala in the context of this Mandala, refers to The Goddess of Creation. This Mandala is titled: Kalachakra, so it is a prayer to the Goddess or  Mother womb chakra, to give birth to peace. (Michele Avanti's interpretation of Kalachakra)

Link to source of picture of Crystalline Earth Grid: http://www.allabout-energy.com/yourwealthabundancejoy/the-crystalline-grid-and-two-source-channels-one-message-of-living-love.html

Mayan Calendar, Peace Mandala, Vibrational Ascension


Gaia is expanding her frequencies & the Grid is pulsing!

Hi Everyone, I have been so busy with what is happening on the vibrational change front that I simply have not had time to get here to share with you.

The whole grid is now intact!

We have had some major breakthroughs since I last posted. I am sure you must be feeling them. The intergalactic beings who have been driving many people on earth have been sent home, freeing Gaia to expand. She has been pulsing in a very strong way since the Solstice. There is a new level of peace on the planet..

Yes, I know everything is not gone and it seems much is continuing. But it has changed and it is a revolutionary change that will take a bit of time to appear in complete mundane ways. Please it is imperative at this time to focus on the vision of a world that is one tribe. A peaceful planet with integrity, respect and honor for all our differences. Because in time the differences that divide will fade and we will begin the process of peace and honor.

If you will focus each day on the vision of world wide peace, and pour love into every dark corner you see, this will take us to the next step. Many have already gone through the Galactic Center. We are moving through it in waves based on consciousness. We are opening a new world and in lots of ways you can see the revolutionary process at a mundane level.

Avoid fear. All you need to do is stay centered in light and love each day. You can do this by saying a prayer, an affirmation, an EFT, or TFT round or any way you know to maintain balance.

We need every lightworker to hold the light, to radiate the light, to begin to come into alignment with the light that radiates through them. You can just practice saying: I AM the Light. And when you say this, visualize the light pouring through all your bodies entering your heart and then expanding outward to radiate to everyone for miles beyond you. For this is truth. you will manifest what you say now more than ever. Say it with love, Say it with joy, Know you are the Light and we will raise the vibrations of everyone around us.

We need change no one, just love and light ourselves and know all the rest will follow.

Hugs & Joy,
We are so blessed to be together in this time of Solar escalation, Vibrational expansion & the emergence of PEACE. .


Osama Bin Laden is dead - should we be joyful?

On this evening, we received notice that President Obama had given the command to attack a compound in Pakistan, where intelligence reports determined Osama Bin Ladin might be, and that indeed, Bin Laden had been killed and his body taken in custody.

Ground Zero, May 2, 2011 after hearing of the death of Osama Bin Laden
Americans began congregating in Washington DC, and at Ground Zero. Many celebrated our accomplishment and some reveled in Bin Ladin's death.

Someone asked the question, is this the right thing to do? Is it right to be joyful that we have murdered a man?

So here I will address this question because I know there are many around the world who are torn between answering both; 'Yes,' and, 'No.'

It is not the matter of it being good or bad to celebrate a man's death, but it is how we focus our heart that we must learn.

We must celebrate a change in direction, a change in the course of justice, in the good that we intend, in the freedom that we will advance and in all that we may now be free to accomplish that took backseat to this conflict.

We must be proud of our military, the good hearts, the courageous ones that protect our freedoms with their very lives. Know these young people struggle, sometimes their entire lives, with the challenge of having killed another human being - even though it is their duty and may be an honorable act of war.

We must celebrate our president's courage to say, go, even if it is a murder.

But we must not revel in murder
, for to do so is to activate a frequency that is ancient, violent and empowers a reaction of revenge. This is not what we are about.

Instead of declaring we are happy we murdered Bin Laden, we must say, we are happy we are now free of Bin Laden and his directives. And we pray that those who follow in his footsteps will refrain if only from fear of our power to retaliate, but hopefully in time through their realization that we can share this planet and be different.

Let us pour love into all those who despise us. Let us fill our hearts with love for their very spiritual essence is great. and let us ask their essence, their higher selves to filter new views, to see that we all desire the same thing - happiness, and that the violence in their holy books is not the voice of their God, but of someone who wrote in God's name without God's love in their heart.

Let us remember that there are many writings in the bible that speak to violence, and an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth, but we have gone beyond these words, yet we still call this book the work of God.

We are at the end of one age and the beginning of another, we must learn that love is power and we must make the transition to it.

Everyone will not come willingly, and we may have to use old means of force and power at times, but let us not forget where we are going, let us revel in the love of one earth, one tribe, with ideas and cultures unique and diverse.

Let us know that as we step forward we must always see that we are expanding love, as we are diminishing evil, and though some steps may be done in the old way, we will eventually break free into a new world where we seek to understand and embrace our differences, while honoring all life as sacred.


Trauma, Early Christianity, Gnosis, Gnostics & Soul Choices

Throughout my life, I have always marveled at why soul chooses difficult experiences. What each soul chooses to challenge themselves with in this life and why. As I see it, life is the personal creation of the soul, I have to ask, "What were you thinking?" lol...I of course ask this of myself. 

But when I look at life, I compare it all to a game. If we played monopoly many times, we would eventually create new rules to challenge ourselves more. The easier something becomes, the more we choose to challenge ourselves. 

Since you own the lifetime, will you choose to continue challenging or finally say, "Let's just put six on every side of the dice and then play." As they say in Vegas, load the dice and get what you want. 

For millennium, souls have reincarnated in order to fulfill their assignment/contract with the planet and the solar system. We came for the experiment, separation from the grid of Creation. To see how it would be, how would we feel, how would we handle it.

Going several levels down into a dense physical organism and separating from our network of love to some state of independent thought and independent, free-wheeling creation limited to a physical / emotional/mental/ causal reality.

We started with the planet and at the time of Atlantis, many decided to step away from the experiment, to wait in the wings, till the rest of us had reached the nadir of physicality, a place too dark for soul to grasp. This is the current world. 

We have altered our cultural perception and environmental understanding to experience a depth of materiality, far from the realm of love and ecstasy that, we as soul never leave. But it is now time to turn the corner. That is what this turn of frequency is about. An elevation of frequency, a release of time, an ascension as many call it. We are now ready to step away from the pain and the destruction that we have steeped ourselves in at every level. 

So how do we do this? By reconnecting. Though at the time when we began language, (The Tower of Babel) we cut off our meridian/axiatonal connections, the endings have always continued to vibrate, in some more than others. 

We now stand at a time where we are ready to re-establish these connections. We must because the planet itself requires it. The experiment is coming to an end, it is time to let go of the horror and pain we have experienced and embrace, and recognize we can adjust all of what we experience. 

There are so many fine vibratory breaks within and without the space in which we live. We can change the vibration we currently use and move it to a different note on the scale of creation. There are many people who teach how to do this without knowing completely what it is they are teaching. Most of them are healers and that is what they see. But what they are doing is far greater than healing the body, they are dissolving the millennium of agreements, subconscious drives and hidden traumas/horrors, so we are free to create consciously again united with all life. 

We need to embrace this, because we (the early cycle light workers, who came to awaken the consciousness - those born in the late 40's, 50's and 60's) have absorbed the deepest cut and most jarring changes. We are the wave that would bring in those souls who stood in the wings, those that we call the new rays. They are not new, they are here to jump start us back to the grid and into a renewal of who we are. 

If you are experiencing the heavy drain of the physical disconnect with what you know is truth, wisdom and joy, then it is important that you take the time to visit you, the real you. Shift your consciousness there and play spin the bottle, kiss yourself. Soul is joy-full, it never left the pure positive god worlds. The physicality is just a derivative expression and experiment. Here consciousness can take any direction and play the game of service to self or service to others. 

We have stored too many rules and dogmas into our consciousness while playing this game. It is time to reboot and delete them. 

Recently, Spirit told me I needed to learn more about ancient Christianity. For the better part of my life, I could not say the word Jesus because when I would, all the mockery of this beings teachings would surface, and I did  not want to be associated with these lies.

Earliest known image of Jesus on byssus clothe according 

to Chiaro Vigo, See story at the bottom of this blog. 
But I have reached a point where I can say Jesus, because I can now fully separate from what has been created by power grabbing people like Paul. 

I have come to learn that much of what we are now experiencing is the result of dogma, we believed and proselytized in early Christianity. I have to take you back to let you see what I am speaking of because most people do not realize what we did. 

First let me say this, when we experience a physically painful trauma, we do not forget it. The way we have constructed this world, it is the greatest separation of creation experiencing the highest highs and the lowest lows of any level. (Compare this to photograph, the beauty of high resolution verses high contrast line graphics. In the physical we ride high contrast. When we get angry or when we are in love, we are on the wave at one end of the spectrum. As they say we put everything in one basket.) 

So when we have incredible highs or incredible lows, we record them in deep memory and allow them to drive the subconscious mind to protect us or exhilarate us on our journey. 

Many lightworkers that I have met in my current journey, were part of the early gnostic movement at the time Jesus lived. This movement, of which Jesus was part, had grown out of Judaic society, and the age of Aries (an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.)

It based its understanding around the fact that the physical was not a good place. It was a world of temptation and the body itself was a part of that world. It went on to teach that soul was trapped in the body and that to get out, one must find gnosis, or knowledge. But not knowledge of physicality, the key would be knowledge of Spirit. 

So many in that time were ascetic in their practices. They believed that to remove themselves from all that is physical, to even go so far as to beat their own bodies, would be a way to find gnosis and release them from the pain of separation from the Divine Center. 

As this developed, many of these people also believed (this too stemmed from Judaic practice) that God would end the physical pain by destroying the world and bringing them home. 

But when this did not occur as quickly as they expected and the negative forces of temptation continued to rise forcing them to hide or enslaving them, these lightworkers took a few different directions. Many became martyrs, others felt they must live a life of pain in order to ascend, and a few gave up over the centuries with suicide, drugs, or other addictive practices to remove their consciousness from the offending world. 

I know I have simplified this because of time and typing, but I think you see what I am getting at. We have steeped our consciousness in the pain, and now we need to find a new direction. We need to free ourselves of these illusions and reconnect with who we are, because we are powerful creators and we do create, but with our subconscious holding most of the creative power, it brings in challenges rather than joyful gifts.

Now we have reached the depth of our material journey and we begin the climb back to creation, creator, one. 

There are many people on the planet inspired and guided, offering techniques to clear and connect. Three of the most powerful techniques are: Eric Pearl's Reconnection, Dr. Bradley Nelson's The Emotion Code, and the many and varied forms of EFT, Emotional Freedom Technique first discovered by Dr. Callahan in 1992, promoted by Gary Craig and now expanded to many forms including Rebecca Marina's Heart Point Technique, and Regina Murphy's Emotional Sound Technique

If you have not already started you journey to reboot, please visit some of these sites and start exploring, releasing and reconnecting. You are part of the whole, not separate. You have always been part of the whole and shall be so eternally. 

Story of the picture of Jesus above: 
"For 400 years the most important relic of Christendom, before which the Emperor of Byzantium knelt once a year, held between two panes of glass, has been on display in a tiny Capuchin church which is completely empty for many hours each day, in the town of Manoppello , in Italy 's Abruzzi region. It is the missing role model for the entire western civilisation. Today finally it must be regarded as rediscovered. It fades away against light, it darkens in shadow, yet it endures through the centuries, unchanging.It shows the bearded face of a man with side-curls (jewish peyoth), whose nose has been hit like that of a detainee in the Abu Ghreib prison. The right cheek is swollen, the beard partly ripped off. The forehead and lips have on them hints of pink, suggesting freshly healed wounds. Inexplicable peace fills the gaze out of the wide open eyes. Amazement, astonishment, surprise.Gentle compassion. No despair, no pain, no wrath. It is like the face of a man who has just awakened to a new morning. His mouth is half open. Even his teeth are visible."    
 Paul Badde, Read the entire story here:http://www.israelshamir.net/Contributors/Face_of_Jesus.htm


Beyond the Super Moon

Update: As we have passed through this gateway of a Super Moon with no major seismic activities, we should be happy and congratulate ourselves. There are ways to re-balance the planet without having to experience enormous upheavals. When lightworkers allow the planet to use them to vent steam, the planet settles and as it needs to move its axis, it will do so in a gentle, non-violent manner.

Please continue to pour love into the planet because the new Aries Ingress starts tomorrow. It has all the signatures of the charts below with the exception of the moon, which moves very rapidly.

As that chart becomes active, there are several significant dates to note. On those days we need to emphasis a meditative practice of love. I have listed some dates in my 2011 Astrology Forecast / Predictions. But I will share more of these dates in the next week.

A simple practice of love:

  • Take a deep breath, hold it and then release. Feel all intensity leave your body. 
  • Take another breath, hold it, then release. Feel all concerns, and fears leave your body. You are becoming relaxed and balanced.
  • Take one more deep breath and know you are breathing in light, harmony, peace, balance. Now release it and feel at peace. 
  • In this state, visualize the light filling up every cell in the galaxy of your body. Feel it fill you expanding your heart, flowing out through your torso, your limbs, your mouth, and bursting out the top of your head. Feel the loving power of peace and balance. 
  • Now visualize it flowing in a consistent stream of light our of every meridian point in your body, out your fingers and toes, out into the earth's grid, it's atmosphere and into every part of the oceans, and earth, the mountains, the valleys, the grasses, the trees, the sand, the cities. 
  • Relax in this flow as you see and feel the joy of love pouring into the earth. 
  • Smile, you have helped the planet and everyone on it. Good work!

Thank you, for loving yourself. Each time you do, you send love to all life and help the planet hold its balance.

Posted earlier this morning
Later today, March 19, at 11:10 a.m. Pacific Time/ March 20, 3:10 a.m. Japan Time, the Moon will be at its closest point in its orbit around earth, It will also be in alignment with the sun and earth. This is called a Super Moon, and has historically created an increased pull on the tides, making them deeper, while also activating seismic responses from the depths of the earth, especially under water.

Considering the issues in Japan with six nuclear reactors in disrepair, due to both an earthquake of 9.0 and the tsunami that followed, we already have a crisis situation underway.

Radiation is a poison, and as we  look at the configuration of the planet at the moment that the moon is closest to the earth, we can see a stress point in the inconjunct aspect between Neptune (rules poisons and gases) and the Moon (represents the people in a mundane chart).

This Super Full Moon, not only opposes the Sun in Aries (breakthroughs, fire, ruler of the nation), but also opposes Uranus (sudden unexpected event) and Scheat (fixed star of drowning). This is a major cosmic pattern. In addition to these aspects, Jupiter (expansion) is opposing Saturn (contraction, restrictions, government, corporations, structures, buildings)

And finally there is T-Square activating between the Moon, Sun, Uranus, Scheat and Pluto (transformative power, explosions)

This is a combination that spells, explosion and expansion of earth - earthquake, volcanic eruption, and tsunamis. It also spells revolution, breakthroughs, new beginnings, brilliant inventions and struggles that may include massive drownings, fire and weather carrying poisons.

Though the world is focused on Japan and Libya, it might be a good idea to examine two areas where the activity is on the angles, which may be where we see significant activity.

Indonesia - Home of Karkatau & Numerous Volcanoes

Below is the chart for Jakarta, Indonesia, which is that nation's capital. Here the activity is significant because we have Saturn on the angle, squaring Pluto, which is applying to the Ascendant, and opposing Mercury on the descent. At the same time Mars is in a separating quincunx from Saturn. This is definitely volcanic activity, but with Saturn at the Midheaven instead of at the IC, it may not be as terrible as it looks, though the close proximity of the Moon and its aspects could create major difficulties of water, and result in tsunamis. The statement shows fire on the land moving very quickly, challenging the people with water following the ordeal. This is a difficult chart.

Europe - Home of Vesuvius

On the other side of the planet we have another chart, of course all the planets and luminaries are in the same aspect but it is the location that activates the angles.
Here is a chart for Mount Vesuvius.

Here Pluto is on the IC, Saturn is on the Ascendant opposing Jupiter on the descendant. Pluto on the IC is an explosion and transformation of the land, challenged by Saturn and Jupiter; while Uranus, the Sun and the Moon, are applying in a challenging wide orb. This is a very active chart and we need to pour light into the region to help balance the intensity of this astrological configuration.

Now you may have noticed that in Jakarta, Saturn is at the Midheaven, while in Italy it is on the Ascendant, so where would you find Saturn at the IC. This is an important question because Saturn in this type configuration on the IC can indicate a sinking of land and an inundation of water.

I know you will not be happy with the answer, but it is along the East Coast of the United States. Here is a chart for Washington D.C.

This chart is two-fold, it may be indicating an inundation and sinking along the U.S. East Coast due to tsunamis caused by Vesuvius. I do not understand the geological connection since Vesuvius is an inland volcano, but this chart has these statements. But when we take this chart and place it on the planet, there is another situation that arises. The Sun, Uranus, Scheat opposition Moon line falls along the Mississippi River, and we may see earthquakes and a terrible inundation in this area. This may also register the area where we will see sudden and serious conflict, protests and revolution unlike anything we have seen in eighty-four years.

There is so much to say about this time as the frequencies increase we must align ourselves with the light. We must learn to stay calm and call upon our higher selves, our angelic selves, our BA, as the Egyptians call it - our soul self for guidance and healing power.

Though these charts are set for the Super Moon, it is a gateway to the Aries Ingress Chart, which begins twenty-nine hours and eleven minutes later, that gives a picture of the next three months. This period will not be short of challenges and news.

If you are concerned about radiation, viruses or bacteria, please take time to read through Tom Kenyon's post on Medicines of Light.


Life Beyond Death - Do Loved Ones Communicate?

Recently, I received a note regarding the loss of a child. Because I know there are others who have had this tragic, terrible experience, I felt it might be good to share the note I wrote back to her. I have added an additional message for my readers at the end of this blog.

Here is the note.

I am so very sorry for your loss. I feel your grief as I lost my baby girl many years ago. I was inconsolable for weeks. But the Spiritual Masters I work with pulled me out of it to find life again. 

There is no loss like that of a child. But once you let go of the intense pain and emotion, you will be able to feel your child's presence, and begin to understand that her journey on earth was meant to be short. 

The higher self (soul) or true self charts a plan for its life. It makes the agreements and decides how long it will be here. For some it is very short, painfully for all who love them. But the soul who leaves, leaves having completed the karmic gifts and retributions it intended. 

Those left behind, especially the parents and siblings, go through a time of transformation and find a new way to look at life. 

Some unfortunately go to an angry space instead of finding a loving one. Then all the underlying issues of being abandoned by God come to the surface and the individuals left behind must cope with this.While in this entanglement, they lose sight of the child as soul. 

The soul is not subjected to whim or accident, no matter how it appears in the physical world. There are always multi-faceted reasons for every event.

If a person left behind finds themselves focused on the date of death, then there is likely a message in it. In this case the mother felt it was an important date, so I evaluated it, to see what message might be hidden there.

Looking at these numbers, 11, 2, 2008, 11, 2 - there is certainly a message.

11 is a master number and it relates to the number 2. It calls for mastering the intuitive gift. The dream connection to the higher self and the worlds not seen by physical eyes.

The 8 is a wonderful number - perfect in any position, a symbol of infinity - telling you life is a constant, it continues without ending.. you need only master the number 2 - the dream connection to see this.

11 + 2 + 8 = 21 = 3 The number three is the number of the Mother, the one who nurtures and cares for others, it is both a statement of gratitude for your love and caring and a warning not to become the martyr. 3's or Moms (male or female) will give to their children and to others to the point of becoming care-takers. When they reach a point where they find themselves saying: "I can't because...", they will have gone past the point of caretaker and become the Martyr. So here is the warning from your daughter saying - You are a wonderful mother, please do not become a martyr because I have left my physical vessel. I love you and am still here, just not as easily seen or heard.

11 + 2 + 8 + 11 + 2 = 34 = 7 And finally the last and most hidden number is 7. The number of change, of taking risks, of speeding through life, This number tells you that your child came here for a short run, a fast changing experience. She did what she came to do and has traveled with great energy and excitement to the next level of creation. This is a very happy, exciting and optimistic number. It tells you that the soul anticipated the change and was excited to go to this next level of creation.

I pray this has been helpful to you. That you will find solace in knowing your child is fine and that you are actually still with them in your astral form. We do not have just a physical vessel directed by soul, but on all the lower levels of creation, we have a vessel, which we use to manifest in that level. The astral level is the one closest to the physical and thus it is the one that most of us move into as we leave the physical form. It is not foreign to any human since we move into it each night when we sleep.

To help you realize this, I will ask you to think of night when you woke, and still sleepy, went to the bathroom. I am certain that you bumped your shoulder during one of these times. You did not do this because you are clumsy, but because your consciousness was active on the astral level with limited awareness in the physical. In the Astral everything is larger, and thus you saw the larger astral doorway, but of course your physical body bumped into the smaller physical one.

I do hope this has helped you.

When we experience the loss of someone we love, we need to recognize that if the loved one, who has crossed over wants to communicate with us, they will as soon as we can release the emotional pain. Only then will they be able to get their message through. They cannot reach through an emotional energy field to touch you. You must come to a calm place, so you can receive their voice, their symbol, their sound, their song, their rainbow, their butterfly, the scent of their favorite flower, or whatever method they use to get their message across.

I have had clients who experienced communication from their loved ones in all the ways I have just described and more.

Sometimes when you need more confirmation, you can ask Spirit to bring it to you and you will be surprised who will walk up to you and point something out that confirms the message.

I myself, after the loss of my daughter, had students from one of my dream classes come up to me and state, "We can see your daughter next to you, why don't you bring her to class?"

I smiled at them and said, "This is the only way I can bring her, she does not have a physical body."

Life is a continuum of consciousness. It does not stop and never will. We will love each other always.


13th Zodiac Sign? Ophiuchus

Constellation Ophiuchus by Elijah Burritt in 1850 from the plate
titled: The Visible Sky in July, August and September *

A New Zodiac Sign?

A Candid Conversation with astrologer, Michele Avanti, CAP
By Michelene K. Bell

Most recently the news has been abuzz with Mr. Parke Kunkle’s revelation that we now have a 13th zodiac sign and everyone now has a new zodiac sign. After all these years I have gone from Taurus to an Aries. Wow, I looked at Aries and I must say, none of the characteristics fell in place; Taurus…it was right on.

As one can imagine, Mr. Kunkle’s actions has caused quite a stir; therefore, I decided that we needed to have information…not speculation. Below is an interview with Michele Avanti, a Certified Master Astrologer who takes pride in her meticulous calculations of an ancient practice and science.

ILT: So Michele, I must say, Mr. Kunkle seems to have stirred up a hornets nest? Any thoughts on this?

MA: Yes, I have quite a few thoughts. Being a professional astrologer and a member of three international astrological organizations, I knew immediately something was not right in Kansas. So I checked to see what credentials Parke Kunkle might have to create a whole new zodiac. It turns out he is an astronomy teacher at a community college in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Being an astronomer, Kunkle observed that the sun, as seen through his telescope, did not appear in the same constellation as the zodiacal sun sign listed in his local horoscope column. So without consulting anyone at any university offering degrees in astrology, or calling any astrological organization, of which there are many in the U.S.A., he set out to correct this issue by creating a thirteenth sign.

Had he done so, he would have discovered this is not new news as the signs of the zodiac have been different from the constellations of the zodiac since the time of Aristarchus of Samos, 230 BCE. We’ve always been aware of the precession of equinoxes, the wobble of Earth’s orbit and the tilt of the planet.

Based on his comment: “You could predict when to harvest, when to plant, by the stars. So there is some predictive nature there. Then they took it too far using it to determine when to go to war and {using it to predict} people’s personalities.” It becomes obvious that Kunkle does not realize the depth of research over the last four thousand years, which is the basis of astrology. depth of research over the last four thousand years, which is the basis of astrology.

Without having any professional knowledge of astrology, he assigned a new sign, and then defined its value with no research into its connection with human events or human experiences. That said, I must conclude Mr. Kunkle’s independent creation of a whole new zodiac is irresponsible. Far worse however, is the fact that the news media jumped on the bandwagon without researching the facts and caused even greater chaos.

ILT: You mentioned that he is an astronomer. What’s the difference between an astrologer and an astronomer?

MA: Quite simply an astronomer studies the physical and chemical properties of objects outside the Earth’s atmosphere. Astronomers watch their movements, take great pride in naming any new star or comet or nebula. They determine the distances between objects in space, and they gauge velocity, obliquity, atmospheres and density of matter. They study space and whatever is out there.

Astrology is quite different. It is the study of cosmic patterns made by planets, fixed stars and constellations; their relation to events, both mundane and individual, which take place on Earth. It is based on thousands of years of time-consuming research, which now in the computer age, is reaching new levels of accuracy and detail.

ILT: You’ve been a professional astrologer for decades. Please explain briefly the differences between Western Astrology and Eastern Astrology.

MA: Vedic astrologers and a small number of western astrologers use sidereal time, which is based on the orientation of the Earth relative to the galaxy. So if you were to look at your vedic wheel, it will indicate your sun is in Aries. Because, as Mr. Kunkle noted from his sidereal position (sidereal time actually relates to the viewpoint used at a time of day to view a particular star) on May 8th, the sun seen from planet Earth will appear to be about 25 degrees into the constellation of Aries.

Most Western astrologers use what is called the Tropical system or the Solar Day System and it uses the orientation of the Earth relative to our solar system.

Many people are unaware of the depth of astrology, or the enormous variety of techniques that have been developed over the centuries. We have several house systems as well as time systems. The topic of which system is better has been going on between astrologers for centuries. However, it has never stopped the accuracy of astrology because there is much more to it than the sun and position in the constellation.

A view of the night sky in the Northern Hemisphere 
Note, Ophiuchus in the upper right of the picture, his feet 
are on the pink line which represents the ecliptic**
ILT: What is sidereal time based upon?

MA: The actual definition of sidereal time is an astronomical one. It is a time-keeping system astronomers use to keep track of the direction to point their telescopes to view a particular star in the night sky. From a specific observation point, a star found at one location in the sky will be found at basically the same location at another night when observed at the same sidereal time. Thus, when we use sidereal time for our system, it is aligned with astronomers like Kunkle.

This article spans multiple pages, to see the answers to these questions:
  • How do people view astrology?
  • Could Mr. Kunkle be basing his theory on the new zodiac for those being born today?
  • In your opinion with what Mr. Kunkle is proposing, how would that effect a persons life or even society?
  • When dealing with astronomers, do they take into consideration your birth, the time and place as astrologers do?
  • I understand there are many different charts in astrology. Could you provide us with a brief overview of those charts?
  • Briefly explain a luminary.
  • What is the difference between a Sun Sign and Lunation horoscope?
  • What are some key elements in a chart reading?
  • How many constellations are there that astrology is based on?
  • Of course, no interview would be complete without…Mercury Retrograde. What does it mean and are there any positive aspects?
  • One last question, what would you like our readers to take away from this interview?

Michelene K. Bell, Metaphysical Newspaper Publisher
Michelene is the founder and publisher of In Light Times, a 21 year young endeavor. She is a freelance writer and editor who loves to have fun, enjoys great food, movies and friends. Visit: www.InLightimes.com .

A variety of astronomical maps featuring the constellations drawn from the time of Ptolemy in 150CE through the 19th century can be found at the University of Michigan Library online in a section titled: Divine Sky: The Artistry of Astronomical Maps
**Picture of the Northern Hemisphere above is from my copy of Starlight, a Fixed Star Astrological Program developed by Bernadette Brady. I received my accreditation in Fixed Stars from Brady's company Astro Logos in 2003. Yes, astrologers are fully aware of the fixed stars, the ecliptic, the precession of the equinoxes and so much more. 

If you want to learn more about the Night Sky, I highly recommend buying a copy of The Night Sky from The Great Courses.


Astrology, Metaphysics & Spiritual Tips

Please join me at my grand opening of my new Fan Page from 8 - 9 pm PT, Feb 8th, doing a teleconference about Astrology, Tarot, Archetypes & Metaphysical Mentoring to introduce everyone to my upcoming courses. 

Conference call number is: 1 (218) 339-2699 Code: 107110

Courses will be small and limited, so if you think you want to join me, please send me a message and I will add you to my list. 

Class fees can be paid by check or online through Paypal. 

Class Sessions: 
Mentoring is weekly for 8 weeks; 
Beginning Astrology is 13 weeks; 
Intermediate Astrology is the 1st & 3rd week each month - ongoing &
Secrets of The Tarot runs 10 weeks. 

Here is a brief description of each course: 

Mentoring Course - 8 weeks

I have found that despite teaching clients or friends techniques to get beyond their 
  • fear of lack, 
  • fear of loss of love, job, home, or money, 
  • fear of age loss, 
  • fear of memory loss, 
  • fear of being wealthy, 
  • fear of asking for something which leaves less for someone more worthy,   
  • fear of dying, 
  • fear of speaking in public, 
  • fear of being left alone, 
  • fear of unworthiness, 
  • fear of going to hell, 

Or the techniques to:
  • Attract money,
  • Attract abundance,
  • Attract love,
  • Become self-confidant,
  • Increase health,
  • Increase awareness,
  • Increase intuition,
  • Increase love,
  • Release anxiety,
  • Release overwhelm,
  • Be grateful for everything;

Despite all these techniques that may have been given, most people do not have the staying power to complete the cycle so that these issues never return. Instead what most people do, is they use the technique for a while till they feel better, then they sail along for awhile, then they start to sink again and need to start over with another phone call. 

So based on this, I am now starting a mentoring course. 

In this course I will be there for everyone:
  • Once each week on a teleconference, 
  • Once each week online, 

If you attend each class, actively participate by honestly voicing your fears and needs, I guarantee:
  • I will help you keep your focus, 
  • I will help you achieve what you are aiming to achieve, 
  • This course will change you life, and 
  • In 8 weeks, you will attain stability in the area of life you have been focusing. 

I believe sometimes we need to have someone there who will give us support and continue to physically point the way. Someone who will help us re-balance and re-focus through simple loving techniques and guidance. Someone who has worked with thousands of people and knows the pitfalls as soon as we speak. 

The mentoring course requires your commitment to eight weeks. Less than this will not get you what you need. After the first eight weeks you can decide if you feel you want to continue or if you feel you are set in creating the life you want. 

Most people will want to continue because once we get one area of our lives working the way we want it, we realize there are other areas we could use support with. So that option will remain open. But in all cases a course is eight week long. 

Classes run 1 hour, the student will call a teleconference number, so please be prepared to pay for this phone call. Each class will include a meditation, an EFT session, and personal reviews, exercises and techniques to realign each student with their goals. 

What you don't see. Each student will be part of my prayer connection. I will work with you on the inner as well as on the outer to achieve your goals. This cannot be seen, but it will give you strength and will assist you to take the steps and keep the focus to make a stable change. 

Fee is $134. You can pay by check or online through paypal. 

I will post more on the following classes soon:

Beginning Astrology - 10 weeks
Intermediate Astrology - twice a month, ongoing
Enlightenment Through The Tarot - 


Birthday - Aquarius - Meditation - Love

Today, is the first day of my seventh decade of life. In astrology, we call this the solar return, for today the sun will once more be at the degree it was in Aquarius when I took my first breath of life and began to drive a brand new physical organism - my human body. 

I did not feel wonderful on the day I was born. I was frightened and was not comforted immediately upon entering. My mother did not think I belonged to her, and she did not like the way I looked, so long, thin and red. But my grandma was delighted to see me. She said in Italian; "Brutto alla nascita, Bella quando esce!" which translates to; "Ugly at birth, beautiful when coming out." 

I think of all the children born in this world and wonder how many are loved at that first moment? How many receive a small percentage of the love that they need to flower into the magnificent creators that they truly are.

For just a moment, come into this meditation vision with me.

Safe in the sea of creation

Take a deep breath, hold it and then release it. Go to that moment when you took your first breath of life. Allow yourself to feel how you felt as you entered this new world. Now let me be there for you.

I smile and say, "I love you! You are the most beautiful and wonderful child in the world." I hold you and see the angels that surround you, and we smile because we know a new light has been born in this world of chaos. You know you are safe. You know you are loved. 

I nurture you with love and direction so that you know who you are. You are divine. 

I teach you to look with love upon all of creation, for the very being who created you, created all of this universe through love. Honor all life, for it is part of creator, as you are part of creator. 

I help you realize that you can find joy if you choose it. 

For wherever there is darkness, so too there is light. If you look for the light, you will find it. If you stand in the light you will become it. When you become the light, all that is, becomes you.

As you grow, I teach you that you cannot fail. You may take unusual turns from time to time just to get the experience you need to create more of what you desire.

Allow yourself to feel the love I am sending, for you are part of creation as am I, and we are now and always will be connected.

Creation expressed in the stars
I am writing this to share with you the love that is creation. Though today is the record of my solar return, I will spend it thinking of you, sending you love, sending you angels to offer you whatever you need, and I will meditate today that peace, joy and love will fill your heart, and you will find the answers you seek,

I am honored to share this planet and this galaxy with you and with all the forms of divine creation. 

Blessings and joy,

Happy Birthday, Aquarius - the sign of revolution, invention, scientific logic, irreverent attitudes, outspoken demeanor. They are also leaders in the art of cooperation for a cause. They believe friendship is holy and connectedness with independent thought is essential. Though they will attempt to convince you of whatever they are passionate about, they will also listen and can be swayed if you present a logical case.

At this time, no outer planets are in Aquarius, but Jupiter is in Aries which will sextile Aquarian suns offering expanded optimism, freedom to express a new appearance, a new body, competitive spirit and a doorway to explore and travel. 

Saturn is in Libra and will activate the Aquarian Sun in a trining action, which may offer opportunity to connect with stable older people, offer a nice structured relationship, an opportunity to stabilize a relationship with someone older or even with a father who has been absent.