
Solar Eclipse Aug 11, 2018, 18 degrees Leo, 19 year cycle

Been very very busy and so I have missed everyone for a while. But despite the fact that I am packing for trip tomorrow, I wanted to make certain everyone has a heads up about Saturday's solar eclipse.. this is a biggie and it can be a life changer for you.. it is one that happens once every 19 years, and it will amplify - help manifest anything you create as your intention at this time.. so tonight and tomorrow.. please state clearly your intention for the next 3.5 years. Abundance, true love, career advancement, a child, a home, etc... make it clear and let your emotions fill it up. If you know your chart, the eclipse is 18 degrees Leo, so if you know what house it lands in in your chart, that will also indicate how it will best amplify, expand or add to your life. (occurs at 2:56 am PT / 5:56 am ET)

Here is a quick run of the houses, so you get the idea and if you need to see your chart (since I will be out of town) go to the link below and you can make your chart and see where this eclipse will land.
1st house - all about how your appear, your looks, your ability to attract based on your looks, how people see you.
2nd house - your income, how you spend your money and what you really value.. what's important enough for you to spend money on.
3rd house - your communication skills, how you think, who you talk with in a personal way, your neighbors and your siblings.
4th house - your home, where you live, your relationship to your mom, your emotions, how you sleep at night, your dream-state.
5th house - everything you love from people to things, your children, your investments, your social life, your hobbies - this is the house where you fall in love - with anything.
6th house: your health, your workplace, how you serve the world, and how you eat.
7th house - your one on one relationships, those people you hold close including best friends, business or marriage partners.
8th house - sharing of resources with others, this house includes all the ways we share our resources from money to our bodies, it is the house of reproduction, taxes, inheritances, mortgages, loans & credit cards, etc.
9th house - higher education, legal matters, international travel, internet, publishing, media, spirituality, religion, imports & exports.
10th house - Career - this can be the career you do every day as well as the way you see your purpose in life.
11th house - the house of wishes & dreams.. what do you desire for not just yourself but for the world at large, it is also the home of international organizations.
12th house - areas of imprisonment, how do you imprison yourself, how do you sabotage yourself.. these are often issues that lie more in the subconscious than in the conscious and this house links them up to past lives.
Link for your chart: https://www.astro.com/cgi/ade.cgi

How to identify the houses.

Please enlarge the chart that I have posted and you will see the numbers of the houses on it. They read counter clockwise with the first house starting below the horizon line on the left. Each piece of that pie is called a house in astrology.


Mercury Retrograde Begins - Perfect Storm Approaches for Trump

Mercury Retrograde Begins Today July 25, 2018

So begins another Mercury Retrograde... I expect you have been experiencing it already as we have been in the shadow for the last two weeks. At 10:03 pm PT tonight (1:03 am ET) Mercury will station retrograde at 23 Leo 27. For Aquarius, Scorpio, Taurus & Leo born with their sun between 18 & 28 degrees, you will likely have some people or social events return out of the past. If your Mars is within these degrees, you want to be more cautious driving or using anything metal today, because your mind will likely be out of sync with your body. So pay attention.
Leo is such a social sign that I expect this to be an easier retrograde than those we have experienced in the recent past. 
Though for the American president, it is not likely to be that at all. His social past will be on display as it began last night with a tape released. This 23 degrees directly semi-sextiles his natal Saturn creating more friction in his workplace, and close relationships, as it reveals hidden investments from love affairs to money.
But this is only a set up as the planets continue to move into a perfect storm, which occurs around September 6th when Saturn stations and some form of judgement arrives.
Saturn is the planet of discipline, hard work, structure. As it travels through our charts, it forms aspects that ask us to examine our structures and to work through the issues regarding what we have learned from our fathers or those in authority. It is a planet that can take everything away from us if we have not learned the lessons we set for ourselves before we were born (as seen in our charts.)
For this president, a perfect storm is gathering when Saturn stations in a quincunx to his progressed Saturn, while Jupiter, Pluto, Uranus and Neptune also activate other planets and luminaries in hard aspect in his chart. This day could be a physical event as well as a legal one.

Michele Avanti CAP is an ISAR Certified Astrology Professional. She has been teaching and consulting with clients since 1990. Michele works with clients around the world by phone. Her expertise is in natal, relationship, relocation and fixed star astrology. Visit this link for more information on the CONSULTATIONS she offers and how to connect with her for an appointment.


Summer Solstice - Cancer Ingress - Astrology Outlook

Early this morning the Sun entered 0' 0" Cancer, signaling the Summer Solstice, or beginning of summer. A time celebrated for centuries as the longest day of the year, the beginning of the harvest season. Many traditions from watching sunrise at Stonehenge to bonfires in Norway, and Yoga publicly performed across India are ways the world celebrates this day.

Astrologically it is a day of power, where the energies of second Cardinal sign, Cancer open a doorways of nurturing, nationalism, family endeavors, reunions, resolutions, as well as possible new challenges. Most significantly in mundane astrology (the study of the resonance of planets and luminaries on nations, cities, governments, kings and rulers) it creates a new chart by location of what will ensue over this three month period (June 21 - September 21.)

Here is the 2018 Cancer Ingress* chart for the United States of America.

Click to make larger

The first geometric configuration that we notice is Neptune at the Midheaven (top of the chart.) It is in, what astrologers call a Grand Trine (120 degrees apart) with Jupiter in the 5th house and Mercury in the 1st house. This Trine is not fully activated in this chart because Neptune and Jupiter are both retrograde and thus not fully engaging Mercury. Jupiter will go direct on July 10th and begin to connect with Mercury, but the implications of this grand trine will likely not be clearly visible till after August 23rd. 

So what does this Neptune, Jupiter, Mercury trine indicate? 

Neptune at the Midheaven indicates lies, stories, illusions, fantasies, conspiracy theories, as well as at a more physical level, oil or other underground resources like natural gas, etc, will be in the public's eye and keenly associated with the mission, or work of the United States, its president, and those who run this government. They will also either be noted or promoted by judges. 

Because Neptune is in the second deconate* of Pisces, it emphasizes families and children, as well as all issues of nourishing or care. 

Additionally the Sabian symbol for Pisces at 16 degrees: The Flow of Inspiration

Blain Bovee, a Sabian Symbol* specialist states:
Pisces 16 is expressive of free flowing intuition and inspiration. It is natural, but sometimes out side the bounds of our idea of civilized behavior. When ego-identity and refinement of character fit easily with genuine, raw life energy, the impact is impressive, compelling and deeply alluring.
Adding all of this together you can see that the focus of this nation over the next three months will center around a variety of questions regarding 
  • lies, 
  • conspiracies, 
  • families, 
  • children,
  • our idea of civilized behavior, 
  • ego-identity and 
  • character. 

I believe this has already begun its activation as we look at issues now emerging regarding our immigration system, but it will get bigger. It will include judges and judgments. 

Mercury at 16 degrees of  Cancer in the first house is the second leg of this trine which dominates this chart. Mercury is the planet of communication. It indicates what we are speaking and thinking about. Thus all the issues of focus pulled in by Neptune are not only seen but being discussed. Since it is in the first house, it is talk about this nation, about who we are. 

The Sabian Symbol for 16 degrees of Cancer is: A man before a square with a manuscript scroll before him

Without question this indicates the people of American examining the details to find the truth. This is the Mercury that questions and looks deeper than what is being said for what is hidden. 

Mercury is in the second deconate of Cancer which add the Scorpio influence to this discussion. Scorpio always looks behind the king to see who is in control and then it figures out how to take control itself. So consider this as you consider what Americans are discussing and thinking about at this time. 

Jupiter at 13 degrees Scorpio

Now we will add Jupiter at the transformational number of 13 degrees in the transformational sign of  Scorpio in the fifth house, the house of all the things we love and invest in, from children, to hobbies from social fun to monetary investments. 

Jupiter is the biggest planet in our solar system and astrologically it expands and makes things more noticeable or bigger. It also rules the internet, all forms of media from television and film to magazines and advertising. Additionally it rules imports, exports, international travel, religions, higher education and even legal processes such as court hearings and legal paperwork.

The Sabian symbol for 13 degrees Scorpio is: An Inventor Experimenting

This symbol is such an amazing one in this chart, it shows Americans at their best creatively working together to solve the issues that involve our national character, situations involving children that may be foreigners, issues perhaps of immigration, as well as how we invest our money and how we work with the court systems. Even issues of import/export may come under the inventive minds of the American people. 

Jupiter here is in the second deconate (as are all three of these planets, the number 2 is the number of choices) which is Pisces. Pisces is the dreamer, the one who creates through imagination. Pisces can be joyfully creative or dismally drugged. But the trine is a doorway that activates opportunities to step beyond what may be holding one back. Thus it gives us the opportunity to leave the drugged state of lies, mis-information or fake news to see the truth and thus take action to transform. 

There is so much more to discuss in this chart... I will return to add more info... but if you are student of astrology, I welcome your input.. we all come with different eyes, different backgrounds, so each can add an angle to understanding that expands knowledge for everyone. (and yes that is Jupiter in a nutshell..lol) 

Michele Avanti CAP is an ISAR Certified Astrology Professional. She has been teaching and consulting with clients since 1990. Michele works with clients around the world by phone. Her expertise is in natal, relationship, relocation and fixed star astrology. Visit this link for more information on the CONSULTATIONS she offers and how to connect with her for an appointment: 

*Ingress means enter, in this case the Cancer Ingress refers to the Sun entering 0 degrees of Cancer.
*Deconate is the word used in astrology to denote the energies of planet as it travels through a constellation. In this case Neptune is in Pisces, thus Pisces would be the energy of the first 10 degrees of this constellation, Cancer would influence the next 10 degrees and then Scorpio the last 10 degrees. The influence is based on the element of the constellation, which in the case of Pisces is Water. 
*Sabian Symbols - this study comes from The Sabian Symbols in Astrology by Marc Edmund Jones written in 1953. There are many new books on this subject, You can find them on Amazon 


Astrology - US Outlook March - June 2018 Aries Ingress USA Part 1

Well we are now at the end of a challenging ingress and one can see a lot of the issues that Saturn on the Sun has indicated with our nation's chart.. all the indictments and latest subpoena for some of the president's business communications.

The Spring Equinox - A New Chart Begins

But as of, Tuesday, March 20 at 9:16 am PT / 12:16 pm ET, we begin resonating to a new ingress chart. This Aries Ingress immediately signals challenges and opportunity. So let us begin where most mundane astrologer begin - on the angles.

Neptune - A Spiritual Intervention

Immediately we notice that Neptune in Pisces at 14 degree 37 minutes is the most elevated planet deposited in the 10th house at the Midheaven. It rose before the Sun and thus is followed first by Chiron, then the Sun and then Mercury and Venus conjunct in Aries. So immediately we see what will be in the public eye for the next 90 days.

Illusions, gas-lighting, misleading images, false leads or false stories are negative side of Neptune's signature. But this is also a statement for the creative intuitive, spiritually directed individuals to be seen leading the way. I see this as a sign of Spiritual Intervention where by those who will allow Neptune to resonate its highest vibrations during this period, will help move us through the illusion to see or find truth.

So Neptune immediately signals we will be tested to see clearly, to check our sight, and to see the big picture. Where is all of this upheaval taking us and will we ..those who seek truth and justice..take action to help it manifest. Action may be physically being seen and heard, as well as spiritually thought our thoughts and focus on a vision of clarity, integrity and truth.

Neptune is at a midpoint between the South Node in Aquarius in the 8th house and the Venus/Mercury Conjunction in Aries in the 10th house. This indicates that the issues of our karmic history of agreements with international partners, our sharing of resources, legal contracts, import/export and our international community of brotherhood is in the public discussion, as well as the aggressive talk of war and weapons. But the discussion must come through Neptune.. so where is the truth in these matters? How do we find it, Can we learn to listen to the guidance that comes from within instead of rationalizing or ignoring what we see and accepting or believing what we are fed through media. This is a big test and prominently displayed here. This discussion of warfare may certainly include language or social media warfare as we consider Venus and Mercury in their aggressive forms. It appears we will be wrangling with our international partners and ourselves on how to put a legal lock on truth.

Chiron - A Cyber Warfare Wound

Chiron is at 28 degrees in Pisces, the next most elevated being. It is prominently placed exposing where we have been most wounded, the issues of truth, emotions, clarity, integrity, self-sabotage, lack of conviction and strength. It is in a frictional aspect to Uranus in Aries and may activate a discontent in wishing to throw off the past and suddenly attack whatever is in front of us. In this case it would not be internal but international. Those in major organizations which may include immigrants or people of specific religions. It could also accuse the UN or other international organizations like World Trade (WHO) or NAFTA. All possible with these aspects. Unfortunately to do so would simply increase our illusions instead of solving the wound.

President Trump & Scheat

Mars Out of Bounds

The Sun in mundane charts always represents the ruler, president, prime minister or leader of the nation or location within which the chart has been set. In this case it would be the US president. Here the Sun (Aries ingress so it is at 000 Aries) is in direct challenge to Mars which is the actual ruler of Aries and is deposited on the angle - 7th house cusp. Mars is in Capricorn, it is deposited at the end of the 6th house.
This is powerful for so many reasons. First Mars over-rides the Sun since it rules the sign the Sun is in. Mars is deposited in a house with Scorpio, the sign it also rules on the cusp of this house, which we call in rulership by accident. And lastly, but most importantly by declination, Mars is out of bounds. So Mars has all the power, it is threatening the 7th house cusp - the house of enemies, it is late in the house of the military, and it is directly challenging the president who is emotionally drowning (The Sun in the Aries ingress at this time in history is conjunct the fixed star Scheat - the star of drowning)

Possible War on the Horizon

These aspects make for a combination that may likely lead us into a new war before this period ends. When Mars is out of bounds, people do radical, unconscious things. They take actions that they may not think through. They do not consider all the consequences of these actions. Under these conditions, war would be the very worst choice.

Mars only goes out of bounds about three times each year and rarely is active in an ingress chart. It takes a highly grounded leader to remain in control under its influence. Mars was out of bounds in the 2001 Cancer Ingress when the twin towers came down, it was active in the 2001 Libra Ingress when we entered Afghanistan, and it was active in the 2003 Aries Ingress when we entered Iraq.

It was active in one ingress chart during Obama's entire presidency and I did not get a chance to run down if it was the year he escalated the troops in Afghanistan. I will check that in the next day or so and rewrite this section when I get the info down.

At any rate, this is not the best time for us to have an out of bounds Mars in our ingress chart. It bodes to a new war.

But please remember we are raising consciousness on this planet. Neptune offers the possibility of Spiritual Intervention and let us look at the Moon and Saturn.

The People Are Organized To Resist War

The Moon always represents the people of the nation. In this chart it is in Taurus at 8 degrees 35 minutes in the 11th house of organizations. This suggests the people of the nation may be organized into large groups. The Moon make direct positive or soft contact to Saturn in rulership in Capricorn at 8 degrees 29 minutes on the angle inside the 7th house. This is also a powerful combination. It indicates organization and restraint. The people do not want to go to war, they value restraint, organization, the rule of law, their lives and their money. They are organized and open to making laws or using diplomacy instead of war and they are organized and will take action. They do this early on in this ingress, so they should be ready for anything the president does.

With these statements you can see there is a real test of the power of the people versus the power of the president. It is interested that the ingress does not show animosity toward the president but instead opportunity for action by the people to be heard through legal actions.

The Sun (president) and the Moon (the people) are not speaking in this ingress though as it progresses we identify the days when they will speak and when they will agree or disagree, but it is outside the scope of this short piece.

Three Important Fixed Stars
Scheat - Hamal - Facies

Three other notes regarding the fixed stars resonating in this ingress.

The Sun is conjunct Scheat and thus we see the president is under emotional stress, he is drowning emotionally.

The Moon is conjunct Hamal, indicating the people of the nation are determined and will not back down.

Saturn is conjunct Facies, indicating the law (likely the Special Counsel or the Department of Justice) has fixed its target and will not release but will hit the bullseye.

The hour is late so I head to sleep, but I have another ingress I feel is important to review, that Pyongyang, North Korea to see how this configuration will affect that nation. So that will be part two. If you have questions about this ingress..things I have not spoken about.. as there are many.. write to me here or on my facebook page and I will come back and address them for you.

Envision Wisdom For All Our Leaders

Please keep the vision of peace, despite this ingress.. pray that light and wisdom will flow through our land and that all those who lead or govern will be open to receive guidance for the highest good for all the beings on this planet and also for our dear sweet Mother Earth.

Michele Avanti CAP is a metaphysician, an ISAR certified astrology professional, accredited fixed star astrologer, award winning author and professional artist. She has taught metaphysics since 1972 and astrology since 1993. Her articles, interviews and feature stories have been published in many magazines and newspapers since 1985. Michele has been a guest or host on over five thousand radio shows.


Saturn in Capricorn To Join Pluto - Awaiting The New Year

Awaiting 2018
Now we are in the tunnel, the dark night of soul as we turn the corner to a whole new year of life. A year that begins a more intense journey into Capricorn as Saturn moves toward Pluto and will join Pluto in January of 2020 and later that year, in November we will see Saturn, Pluto & Jupiter within 4 degrees, all in Capricorn. This is a time to ponder all that Capricorn brings to the table of our world and your life. The little pig who built the house of bricks, built a Capricorn home. To build one, we must be organized, disciplined and then work hard to create a structure of quality that will last for a long time. When Creator made our bodies, It gave Capricorn and Saturn the job of skin and bones, the job of both basic skeletal structure and the covering of skin to protect it. Additionally Saturn relates to your Dad, as well as all older people and people in positions of authority from principle to judge. Finally Saturn also will indicate the absence of things in your life and where you will work the hardest to achieve. So you can see that Saturn plays a very big role in our lives. While it is in its rulership we must consider all of these things and once it begins its contact with Pluto, we must be ready to transform all of them. Restructure them or tear them down completely and rebuild. Jupiter indicates we will rebuild them bigger and with an expanded view, perhaps more spiritually, worldly or with greater wisdom. Hopefully I have given you much to ponder as you experience the tunnel to the New Year. It is now that we make resolutions which require discipline as this is Capricorn's influence. Take time to let your heart tell you the path to walk in 2018. Ponder the issues and release all that holds you back. Bless all the times someone was not there for you and left you to do all the work yourself. For in doing so you can revel in the qualities you have developed as a result of being left to handle things alone. You are an amazing being - all that you have been through has caused you to be this incredible being.So take time to love yourself and recognize how the adversities in your life have made you the strong resilient being you are. Now is the time to congratulate and celebrate you. Where you feel you fell short, remember that is a lesson to use now to make change. Do not stop at the old shortcoming and wallow, grab it like a lasso and gallop on to catch the next experience, wrangle it and make it work with all the knowledge you now have. You can do this. You are an awesome being, limitless and magnificent and all the power of Angels & Creator are here to hail you, guide and help you as you go beyond anything you ever dreamed possible. Now is the time to build your Eiffel Tower to the stars and recognize the Divine in You.


Not Mercury Retrograde but.. Jupiter Stationing...

Does it feel like a Mercury Retrograde to you? 

Have you been having some scheduling issues, confusion with directions, misunderstandings or stressful revamping in your networks, internet, travel, legal or higher learning situations? 

No it is not Mercury that is the issue. Jupiter is stationing direct and as it does this, it is in quincunx contact with Neptune.

This aspect causes, stress, and malfunction, misunderstandings, confusion, reassessments and the like. How it directly affects you depends on where these are located in your chart, what houses they rule and what other planets or luminaries they are activating. When will all this clear up... around the 6th of July.. so check your data before taking action now to make certain you have all the info down correctly.. big confusion tends to reign and we must readjust our course, steady the sails and continually keep your eyes on the horizon (your goals) or the confusion could make you give up just before you sight land..


#2017 - Speedway to #Manifestation #numerology

Happy New Year... take time today to realize that this is 2017, a year when your intuition and your thoughts will manifest faster than lightening. This is the most auspicious number for fast change we have experienced since 1917.
But this year has a 20 not a 19 making it enlightened and intuitively driven compared the terrifying endings and new starts of 1917. 

This century is the first century in 1800 years that accelerates the intuitive process. 

This year in this century is the only year of the Star. It is the year where what you think will manifest as quickly as you trust it to be so. 

It is a year that will run by fast and more things will happen, where you say, how did we get here? How did I get here? 

Keeping up with change will be a constant experience for the next 12 months. 

But you can either drive this rocket ship or sit in the back seat. 

Choose now to drive it! 

Your thoughts will drive you forward at an unbelievable fast pace this year. So the key is to take time today to realize what you want to focus on each second of this year. 

Do not allow the propaganda machines of media, social networks, internet driven agents, moles and whistleblowers disturb your personal process. 

There will be no year like this one again till 20017. It is a gift not to be squandered. It is imperative that you stop participating in fear driven creations. Participating in fear this year will help manifest what you fear.

So strap on your seat belt and set your schedule for a new mind set. 

Focus on the good in your world and the good you want to see in this world. 

Focus on love, peace, creative, cooperative, out of the box solutions for every issue that annoys you and our Mother Earth. 

We can achieve miracles with the numerology of 2017! This year offers ammunition of personal power to manifest whatever your mind focuses on. 

Please join me in focussing on 
LoVe, PeaCe, JOY, 
Abundance, COOperation & 
Healthy Beings on A Healthy Planet!



Tarot Learning vs Psychic Abilities Metaphysical Questions

 Do you have a question? 

How to activate psychic abilities.

What is my purpose in life?
What happens after death?
Is this a spiritual gift or karmic connection?
What zodiac sign is best for me?
What happens when a pet dies?

I have been trained since birth by Spiritual Masters. They have trained me in the Spiritual Laws and I have helped thousands of people find answers to their questions by shifting their perspective. When you learn to see the world through the lens of soul, you will detach and find peace.

So email your questions or message them to me through facebook: astrologyandmore (@) gmail.com or
https://www.facebook.com/mavanti  and I will anonymously post them here with answers for you.
I am collecting these for a new book I am writing, so while I am helping you, I will also be able to help many more people who will read the book

Here is a question I recently received about psychic abilities & the tarot.

Q: Is Tarot reading successful due to the studied format or thru the psychic ability?

A: It is usually a combination of these two things. Everyone is psychic as soul is who we are, not something we own. But because we are in physical vehicles (the human body in our case) we are focused here in the physical plane of consciousness. We of course shift our focus throughout the day and in our sleep. But most humans focus in the three lower planes of consciousness, these being the astral or emotional state, mental or mind state and the higher part of the mental which is known as the causal plane or timeline. 

When we have psychic moments, our consciousness shifts to one of these levels and thus we can have what is known as a psychic moment. When we shift to the causal we may see the future. When we shift in the astral, we scan energy patterns and learn all kinds of information about someone or perhaps find ourselves connecting with individuals who are no longer in the physical form. We all have these "psychic" moments. 

But when we take time to learn the tarot, which are cards that actually synthesize pages of an ancient book of wisdom, we learn how to trust and open and thus our psychic nature is enhanced. 

It all comes down to trust and trust is something we earn as we experience. So a good teacher will help you learn and as you learn, what you discover is not just the meaning of cards, but of the basis of the creation of this plane of consciousness and all the levels that are part of it. As you learn these things and work with the cards, you learn to open to knowledge that may seem to come from nowhere. Instead of from the subconscious, you learn access the super conscious and to trust it. This is the key to all psychic development. To trust what you hear and follow a path to see its logic or truth in the physical. The more you see the truth in what you are being told, the more you learn to trust it. 

The gift of the tarot, is that it has a basis that you can fall back on to check yourself, and to make sure you are understanding what you are receiving. For example, someone calls you and asks, will my husband get the job he just applied for? You may feel a strong yes or no, or you may hear a phone ring and feel a sense of exhilaration, or you may feel sadness.. or hear a voice saying yes.. or so many other instantaneous experiences may come through when the person asks the question or even just before they ask it. But you say nothing, instead you ask Spirit to give you the information through the tarot. There in the card or cards you pull you see the story that confirms exactly what you received before you opened the deck. 

Having this type of experience, builds confidence in your abilities and confirms them. Eventually you will be tested to discern the difference between your mind spewing info and your higher self. For most students this can take two years but when you use the tarot properly, you can learn it very quickly.  

Michele Avanti CAP is a metaphysician, an ISAR certified astrology professional, accredited fixed star astrologer, award winning author and professional artist. She has taught metaphysics since 1972 and astrology since 1993. Her work in the field of art began at a young age selling her first painting while still in high school. Michele holds two BFA degrees in fine art and photographic illustration. She works with clients all over the world as a metaphysical and astrological consultant as well as a ghost writer, book designer and commissioned artist.

Michele has been honored by her peers in many ways including, three awards for best juvenile fiction and visionary fiction for her book, GreeHee The Journey Of Five. She is also past president of the Las Vegas Stargazers, co-founder and vice-president of The Astrology Club of Reno and past president of Northern California Publishers & Authors.

Michele lives in Southern Oregon with her husband, her four dogs, two cats and numerous fish. To contact Michele, email her at: astrologyandmore@gmail.com , or visit her on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mavanti  her website:  micheleavanti.com


Glyphosates - Roundup - Autism - MIT Research shows link

you may have heard me 
mention these before, 
you may even know exactly 
what I am talking about.. 

you may have been led to think 
that gluten is the cause 
of so much concern in wheat, 
but it is not the gluten, 
it is the glyphosates.. 

all wheat that is not organic, is desiccated*
that means it has been treated 
with Roundup before planting.. 
yes wonderful glyphosate filled roundup...

Now an MIT researcher is telling the truth about 
those glyphosates & their link to autism...

Please do not watch any of this unless you are strong 
and holding a clear vision that knows 
we will find solutions to all of this.

But it is important that you know. 
It is important you take action where you can and 
that you bless all of those involved because 
there are many good people who do not know 
what terrible things they are letting loose on our world.

We must educate everyone so it stops, and 
we must hold a vision that a solution beyond 
what we understand in this moment will be made available.

It is imperative that we each participate because 
we are each part of the light that 
holds the negative forces in balance. 
Stay in the light, 
stay in love and 
let Spirit flow through every part of your being, 
we must together change our world and 
the consciousness that has 
held money above every form of life. 
This must change.

Here is the link to the videos:

"By 2032 Half of All Boys Will be Autistic"

...Dr. Chen was very excited about an 
MIT researcher Stephanie Seneff and 
her findings on Roundup, vaccinations and autism.

She says she must speak out even if she dies 
because its necessary. 
If we continue as we are going now 
by 2032 half of all boys will be autistic.

Watch this interview https://vimeo.com/65914121

More from Seneff: https://youtu.be/a52vAx9HaCI

If you are unfamiliar with Jeffrey Smith, please get acquainted, he has been on the front line of educating people the world over on the poisons of Monsanto's products as well as others that are destroying health of every being on the planet including the elements. 

Ponder this: 
Without water no one will survive.. 
How much poison can we continue to pour into our watersheds 
before Mother Earth can no longer clean it fast enough 
to maintain life as we know it on this planet? 

Learn more - share more - make sure all your
friends and family understand the kind of poison
we are playing with every time we eat
food from unknown sources.

Glyphosate - from Wikipedia is a broad-spectrum systemic herbicide used to kill weeds, especially annual broadleaf weeds and grasses known to compete with commercial crops grown around the globe. It was discovered to be a herbicide by Monsanto chemist John E. Franz in 1970.[3] Monsanto brought it to market in the 1970s under the trade name Roundup and Monsanto's last commercially relevant United States patent expired in 2000.
Crop Desiccation  - from Wikipedia
Pre-harvest crop desiccation (also called, siccation) refers to the application of a herbicide to a crop shortly before harvest. Herbicides used include glyphosate, diquat and glufosinate. For potatoes, carfentrazone-ethyl is used. Other desiccants are cyanamide, cinidon-ethyl, and pyraflufen-ethyl.
PAN - Pesticide Action Network North America http://www.panna.org/blog/roundup-cancer-future-food?gclid=Cj0KEQiAyIayBRDo4vjdqJrgxZ0BEiQAhOYCYB5d7nWxB60NHeqNQ6k5qYPG_fJ1pnhuVHrS3NeSrd0aAi3D8P8HAQ

Researcher Reveals Monsanto 
Has Known Since 1981 
That Glyphosate Promotes Cancer

There are up to 20 chemicals, 
hormones and antibiotics in milk and 
Monsanto’s glyphosate is toxic to dairy cows


Astrology Mercury Retrograde May 18 ~ June 11, 2015

Are you ready for Mercury Retrograde?

It stations May 18th at 13:09 Gemini at 6:50 pm PT / 9:50 pm ET. And will go direct June 11th at 4:34 Gemini at 3:33 pm PT / 6:33 pm ET.

Have you made sure to service your car, clean your computer, check your phone batteries and carefully review all travel itinerary? Take time to do these things now. This retrograde is in the sign that Mercury rules - Gemini and thus will really create havoc with communications if it activates your chart in any challenging way.

On the other hand if it is activating your chart in a trine or sextile and there are good aspects, you will find it a great time to have negotiations work in your favor. Excellent time to renegotiate contracts. But if you do not know your chart.. take time to learn it.

No matter what you do, this is a period of time to pay extra close attention to what is said. When getting directions, make sure to go over them twice, if signing contracts make sure to have others you trust review them too.. and an attorney if it involves serious investments. Check on things you have looked into purchasing in the past and knowing that it is a retrograde, you may find an amazing deal that will only require you to get what the person tells you in writing.

This is not a time where relying on a verbal agreement or handshake is safe, no matter how many times you have done it in the past. Why? Because people do not hear each other as clearly during retrograde periods, so they tend to result in misunderstandings. Get it in writing.

Who needs to pay closer attention? Anyone with a Sun, Moon or Mercury in Gemini, Sagittarius, Virgo, Pisces, Scorpio and Capricorn. That will be most people. But the degrees for direct activations are: 13 degrees and 4 degrees with hits in between those numbers. If you do not know your chart, go to
there you can make it for free, then you can check.

Michele Avanti, CAP is an ISAR Certified Astrology Professional with over 25 years experience in astrology. She works with clients worldwide by phone or skype. Here areas of expertise include: natal, relationship, relocation, career, timing for love, business, partnership, children, as well as fixed stars and cell salts. Click here to view her services, fees and to set up a session. 


Here we are between the eclipses.. the energy of Jupiter getting ready to move direct is filling my world... I am already seeing things bloom without my doing more than putting out my hand to welcome them.

Also angels are closer now more than ever in my lifetime. I am wondering if you experiencing this too. Now when I call on one for help. I don't have to wait a minute, they are responding instantly. A barrier that was there before is now dissolved. I feel this is not just for me but for everyone. Have you asked for angelic help lately? What has been your experience?

I am so excited with all that is happening... I pray your world is bursting with Spring, New Beginnings, breakthroughs and all manner of opportunity is opening for you.

The dance of Uranus & Pluto has broken the ground and created new worlds to explore.. cross the bridges that were blocked before and you will find what others call.. Magic. Since today the Moon is in Cancer.. I am headed out to replant all my tomato plants and some flowers.. a perfect moon in a new moon cycle.

hugs to you!