
Reincarnation - Time -

Can you reincarnate into the wrong time period?

One of my Tweeple pointed me to this question on a site called Unexplained Phenomena.

Though I attempted to answer the question there, for some reason it would not take, so I decided to post it here.

Here is the question that was asked:

I am curious to know if there is any such thing as an anomalous reincarnation?

I mean, someone coming back to the wrong life/period of time?

It's something I've wondered about for years and just some incidents today brought it to the forefront again, so I thought I'd ask.

The issue is with the human mind, and the way the question is constructed.

There are no mistakes in coming into a physical body.

Soul does not make mistakes.

And there is no time or space - this is a construct of the lower worlds, the physical being one of them.

Thus when you understand this, you will realize soul can enter anywhere in time.

There are no parameters. This is not easy for the physical mind to grasp because the mind will create many reasons why, in its linear environment that this is not possible. But that is only the mind's limitation based on the cultural/societal/and family environment.

Hope that helps. I have taught metaphysics since 1972, traveled the inner planes since childhood, and stopped by because my Twiend @paranominal asked me to.

Wishing each you every blessing of joy and success.

Michele Avanti
Twitter @tamoor


Astrology - Andy Griffith & Marilyn Monroe

Andy Griffith and Marilyn Monroe were both born June 1, 1926

Here are two amazingly different people, born on the same day in the same year, both attained stardom of enormous magnitude.

So if there is anything to astrology, how can they be so vastly different?

Here are their charts, you can listen to me discuss them by going to this link:

This is where the incredible facets of human personalty shine through the location of birth.

Though Andy Griffith and Marilyn Monroe were both born on June 1, 1926, they were born in opposite parts of the United States.

Andy was born in Mount Airy, NC.

Marilyn was born in Los Angeles, CA

For those of you who are new to astrology, this means they will have all the planets within seconds or minutes. Only the Moon might differ by degree.

But the position of these planets is vastly different because of the time of birth and the location.

Let's take a quick look at the charts:

Here is Andy's chart. Born with Pluto and the North Node at the Midheaven, in a Grand Trine to Mars, Uranus and Saturn, and in an inconjunct to the Moon and Jupiter.

While one part of this Trine is under attach - Saturn is in a T Square with Neptune opposing Moon and Jupiter.

Now Marilyn has these same planetary configurations but in different houses, so they tell a different story.

Instead of writing all about it, here it the audio about both Marilyn Monroe and Andy Griffith.

I was asked to do a radio show this morning, so this will be easier and you can download it if you like: http://bit.ly/kIuyI


I am going to start recording most of my blog here, because I can speak a lot faster than I can write, and I have received many questions from folks on Twitter & Facebook. I will post the charts and you can listen and look.


Astrology - Finding A Career or Vocation

Tweeter F asked this question:

I would like to know what the future holds for me in terms of finding my vocation.

Here is the natal chart, and naturally the natal chart gives many pictures of the kind of career that may not only satisfy the individual but also if they will be successful at it, what the inherent challenges may be and of course the talents.

So let's take a look.

When looking for the vocation of an individual we need to examine the 10th, 2nd, and 5th houses, the signs and then the placement and aspects of the planets that rule those houses. This will give us a variety of possibilities that will work for the individual.

We have the sign of Aries at the Midheaven, Leo on the 2nd, and Sagittarius on the 6th. All fire signs, which alone tells us the individual is driven in some creative or physical way.

Aries is ruled by Mars, which is placed in the 12th house in the sign of Cancer. It is opposite Neptune in the 6th house in the sign of Capricorn. Mars is also sextile the Moon in Taurus in the 10th house of Career, while the Sun in Gemini sits near the Mars/Moon midpoint in the 11th house, the house of hopes and dreams.

So we immediately identify the issue this individual comes in with, which is that his mother and father will not agree. He will be loyal to his mother and his mother will be supportive of him, but in the long run this loyalty will sabotage his dream of a creative career. And though he is frustrated and stressed by his father, his father is opening doorways for him as a gift from a past life.

So where is the real conflict, or is there one?

Tweeter F has a drive to be seen and to compete on the world stage (world of course may be different for people depending on how and where they are raised.)

The normally physical planet of energy Mars is not in a very energetic sign or location. Being in Cancer, and in the 12th house of Pisces, Tweeter F's Mars becomes over-protective and may sabotage his career due to an inner struggle with illusions, religion, spirituality and or learning. Yet, this individual should have every opportunity for education.

They have a challenge to know what is best for them, so it is no wonder they have asked this question, it has been with them since birth.

The trine between Mars and Pluto in the 4th house, while Pluto opposes the Moon gives a real clue to when the individual will take the reins and run with their vocation. It indicates that when the individual transforms emotionally, which may come later in life as a result of a transformation of their mother. Or if they choose to work on these issues now they may speed up the process and release themselves from what holds them back. (Though I have to tell you Moon in Taurus is the most stubborn, over loyal Moon. It is this type Moon that does not know how to let go even when there is nothing there to hold onto.)

If we simply view the chart for what might be a good profession for this individual, here are some of the pictures that emerge.

The workplace should be a worldly place, a university, or place of higher learning, a spiritual environment, or a legal one. There is also a possibility that they may work internationally, and should have much opportunity to travel, move about freely and experience a vast variety in their career. Might also be a place of media, which might include radio, television, film, or advertising and marketing.

Additionally the individual should have an excellent voice, and may be a fine vocalist, announcer, DJ, or voice over person.

How will they make their money?

The answer to this question comes from the second house, its ruler and the aspects to that ruler. In this case the second house falls under Leo, ruled by the Sun in the 11th house of hopes and dreams, sextile the North Node at the Midheaven.

Having Leo on this cusp is nice, it gives some stability to the income when the ruler, the Sun is well aspected, which it is in this chart. Though there is frustration with the dream of becoming a world leader, the Sun's aspects to the nodes indicate the individual comes in with a past life connection the father, which will provide a home, and stream of income, or source of values that lead to both the dream and the income.

Since the Sun is in Gemini, the sign of communication, we get another signature indicating this individual should be a strong communicator. Twitter F is filled with ideas, knows innately how to network and is not afraid to ask for what they want. Their income stream may come from their Father, their creativity, children, hobbies, investments or lovers.

So when we add all these factors together, Tweeter F has a great potential for good. They may become an international voice for children, a legal advocate or liason, a teacher, actor, musician, artist. Most assuredly they are talented, and out-going with an inquisitive, creative, fast paced mind. And as they go through life, many of these scenarios will most likely play out.

When Jupiter conjoins Twitter F's Progressed North node - 8 degrees Aries beginning in March 2011, they will know the answer to this question and be on the road to achieve what, they as soul chose for this life.


Metaphysics - Weight Loss - Get What You Want

So many people search for ways to loose weight, slim down, and get thin. Theyre driven for reasons of self-esteem, beauty, societal pressure, and desire to attract the opposite sex. Because of this, they try all kinds of diets, supplements, drinks, exercise programs, exercise equipment, and any other snake oil that promises a cure for weight.

Eventually we must understand that we are unique, that our belief system drives the body, and that it is releasing the belief system into an alignment with our highest vibration that will bring us what we desire - in any area of our lives.

So here is a wonderful video of Abraham, speaking through medium Esther Hicks, which should offer some direction to help your vibrational re-alignment.

Remember, vibrational alignment will bring you into the flow of life, thus opening doors for you to manifest anything you desire.

If you're new to Abraham, I think you will be delighted with this introduction.

Esther & Jerry Hicks, have several books, cds and courses available. They also travel all over the world, doing seminars to uplift humanity and help individuals align with their highest vibrational energy. You can find more about their work by visiting their website: www.abraham-hicks.com

Esther & Jerry's book Ask and It Is Given - Learning to Manifest Your Desires is essential reading for anyone who wants to understand how our vibrations drive or block everything in our lives.


Astrology Explains American Idol Lose for Adam Lambert

America Loves Kris Allen

If you read my column or heard me on the radio last year when I did numerous astrological accounts of the upcoming presidential election, you already have an idea of what I am going to say.

America lights up and responds to certain planetary configurations.

Despite the fact that Adam Lambert is hands down the best singer / performer / entertainer to ever activate the stage on American Idol, his planetary configuration could not electrify America like Kris Allen's

Since I do not have the time of birth for either contestant, I am obliged to work with their dates of birth alone. I do not even have the exact location of Adam's birth, so we cannot construct an accurate astrological wheel. Thus I cannot speak of the rising of planets in their charts and give keys to upcoming events, challenges and opportunities in their lives.

But we can take their data and patch it into the US chart, to see how they activate America.

When we do this, we can see clearly which contestant lays claim to America's votes.

So here is what it looks like:

Adam Lambert, born January 29, 1982, location not verified.

On the day Adam was born the Moon changed signs, so he may have been born with Moon in Aries or in Pisces. And I cannot be certain which, since I have so little information. His love for drama makes me believe it is most likely a late Pisces Moon, but of course a mitigated Aries Moon could still activate this love.

I would also stake a guess that he has Uranus close to his Ascendant because of his brilliance.

The power he seems to exude through his presence may indicate a late Scorpio Rising, which would put Uranus close to the Ascendant.

However he might also have Sagittarius on the Ascendant because of the way he walks and how he looks. He has a noble carriage, big bones, which are indicative of a Sagittarius Ascendant. Since Uranus is early in Sagittarius, Adam could have either the Scorpio or Sagittarius Ascendant.

Additionally Uranus in the first house makes the individual gravitate to a unique look in clothing, hair, etc.

At any rate, here are Adam Lambert's planets placed on a chart of the United States. (note the Moon may be in a different sign)

Immediately you see that he activates America, but that he also challenged the way America thinks by his very appearance. His North Node lands on the US Mercury (planet of communication) His Venus is conjunct the US Pluto in the house of communication, indicating his voice and what he loves will transform and reveal a deeper thought pattern in the nation.

Additionally Adam's Venus on America's Pluto shows he loves using his voice to change the way America thinks.

His Saturn and Pluto both form a powerful T-Square to the US Mercury and Pluto. This emphasizes a challenge to break up thought patterns, and challenges our ideas of what beauty may be.

So even though Adam Lambert may be the best singer ever to perform on American Idol, his chart activates America in ways that made it difficult for them to give him the trophy. To do so would have said, we are free of our old ways of thinking.

Mercury in Cancer tells us what Americans think our country, our families and our children should be like - mom, home & apple pie. And because the US Moon is in the 9th house, this is the image we want to project to the world.

Through the Saturn Pluto T Square to Mercury & Pluto, Adam Lambert challenged that image. Despite his incredible performances, he could not squeeze into that image (and he would never want to based on his chart), while a look at Kris's chart, may show how he easily fits into what America thinks their children should be.

Kris Allen, born June 21, 1985 (1985-06-21 in Jacksonville, Arkansas (location is verified, no time given but Moon was in Leo all day)

Here are Kris Allen's planets placed on a chart of the United States.

Kris's chart so strongly activates America in a positive way, that if we had looked at this months ago, any astrologer could have easily predicted a victory for this young man.

Take a look at how close his Moon is to the US Midheaven and how it activates America's North Node. This tells us, he emotionally nurtures America's purpose for public and international media. His draws an emotional response from Americans of the family image they feel is their purpose to send out internationally. He meets America's astrological criteria of someone who can tell the world who we are.

Kris's Mercury, (Planet of communication) activates the midpoint between Jupiter & Mercury (International success through communication) while also activating the US sun (Successful American image), and his Mars (Energy, actions) activates the most successful midpoint in the US chart, the Sun Jupiter midpoint (Super success). Hands down this chart takes the nation.

I could go on about this chart, but I think I have said enough.

A note to Kris Allen ~ with your chart the nation will bow to you. Please serve America well as you live your life, you can do great things for this country through your music and beyond. Your chart could take you into political service, or international diplomacy. America loves YOU - not just your talent

Michele Avanti CAP, EFT-3 is and ISAR Certified Astrology Professional, a Metaphysical Minister, EFT practitioner, and an award winning Visionary Fiction author. You can reach her at 541-863-6631 or tweet her @tamoor

More Information on American Idol can be found at: http://www.americanidol.com/

More articles about the American Idol Upset:





Astrocartography - President Obama

Hi all, on Tuesday May 19th, I was a guest on the Astro Chatter radio show with Pamela Cucinell and Monica Starr

You can download the show by clicking here: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/astrochatter/2009/05/19/AstroChatter-Radio

We spoke astrology with an emphasis on moving or relocation astrology, known as astrocartography.

To start the show I was asked to look at President Obama's chart, and what astrological influences he would experience as a result of moving.

So let's take a look at President Obama's charts. First here is his natal chart:

When you consider astrocartography, you will pay close attention to what planets land on the angles of the chart.

For those of you who are new to astrology charts, look at the wheel above. Imagine a cross running through the center of the chart. The corners of that cross, north, south, east and west, are the points we call the angles. These are the most powerful parts of a chart.

The one on the left is known as the Rising Point or Ascendant. Because if you were to see the sky at the moment you were born, from the location where you were born, the constellation you see on this point in your chart, would reflect the constellation that was just rising above the horizon at that moment.

The north point is known as the Midheaven or MC, and it is called that because the constellation that is noted on that point in the chart is the one that was at the zenith on the day and moment you were born.

The right point of the chart is where the constellation was descending below the horizon, thus it is known as the Descendant.

And the South point is the darkest part of the chart, known as the IC or Nadir. The constellation there would be below the horizon when you were born, thus no one could see it from your place of birth.

These four points are also known as: Rising = 1st house cusp, Midheaven = 10th house cusp, Descendant = 7th house cusp, and Nadir or IC = 4th house cusp.

So let's take a look at Barack's chart.

What you see on the angles in Obama's natal chart in Hawaii, is the North node and Uranus at the Midheaven, the South node on the Nadir. This tells us that being in Hawaii, the major influences for this location are karmic (nodes), and that in this location he will learn leadership skills from unorthodox teachers. He will experience excitement and sudden changes that put him in leadership roles, acting roles, legal experiences, and all this will be in the public's eye.

His home will be a unique mix of family and friends, maybe a multicultural mix as well. His contacts will be people and family from past lives. It is also an area that will help point him towards his life's purpose.

Now let's look at Barack's astro influences by moving to Chicago:

Now we see Neptune is at the Midheaven.

Neptune is the ruler of Pisces, and it is known to take a person to the heights of spirituality and the depths of dispair, depending on how it is aspected in the natal chart. We find Neptune at the Midheaven in very creative people's charts, like Walt Disney, and also in the charts of religious leaders.

When a person goes to their Neptune line, they find themselves moved by a spiritual drive, often they will join some spiritual group or church. They will also be drawn to a more creative approach to their career. The Neptune line can also bring out the gambler or drug addict, if there is a propensity in the natal chart for this.

In Barack's chart, Neptune will bring out creativity and spirituality in Chicago, and also since it is the ruler of his natal 5th house (the house of love, children & investments), he may find love on this line, as well as have children and other investments, which will all benefit his career.

Neptune at the MC, in the sign of Scorpio, should increase intuitive, may bring visions, and give Barack a deeper understanding of what is behind the power that operates the universe.

The sextile to Pluto (ruler of Scorpio & ruler of the 8th house of transformation)in the 8th house, gives opportunities for Obama to transform himself to reveal a deeper purpose to his own life.

This combination in the relocated chart, will also make money available through other people's resources to construct a career that has a strong purpose based on the spiritual values of the individual. It might even come through the participation of the individual in their spiritual or church activities.

I do not know many details of Barack's life, so others will have to verify in what ways this line resonated in his life.

I will note, I saw his pastor become a public figure as he ran for the presidency, and also that experience activated the hard aspect in this configuration. Neptune square his Sun. This aspect, in this location may bring a personal public challenge from a spiritual teacher with whom the individual has a relationship, through media or in a public forum.

Finally, we note Saturn 23 minutes off the angle but having some influence. Showing that in this location Barack will work hard on himself, and how he will appear to others. He will exude a strong, presence, and appear to have issues and emotions under control.

Finally let's look at Barack Obama's chart relocated to Washington DC

The move to the White House, has changed the energies of Barack Obama's natal chart.

Now you see Saturn and Jupiter straddling the Rising Point, and creating a strong influence. Mercury is at the opposite angle, on the Descendant, and the Part of Fortune is about four degrees from the Midheaven.

The Ancients used to call the conjunction (when two planets are less than five degrees apart) of Saturn and Jupiter, the sign of the guru. Of course many people around the world were born under this combination. It's influence indicates a solid foundation from which to expand. It brings practical wisdom, long reaching goals, a universal vision, learning outside the box after a classic foundation.

To move to a location with these planets on the Ascendant emphasizes all these characteristics. At the same time, with Mercury active and opposing on the Descendant, there will be a balancing act with communication, and contracts in one-on-one relationships.

So in the White House, Obama will be seen as a man with a big cooperative vision, taking a practical disciplined stance. He will not easily be swayed, more like a castle, not easily changed. This will cause him to have to weigh and balance the ideas, contracts and conversations of the people with whom he must partner.

He will be seen as strong here, but it will be hard work to get what he wants to say and build across. This is struggle but he will be heard. And his creative communication will actually improve along this line.

His Part of Fortune in the Ninth house within four degrees of the Midheaven should bring him good media coverage and international appeal.

If you listen to the broadcast, I also offered some comments on the influences on Michelle Obama.


Astrocartography - The Saturn Line

We have more data now from a tweeter, who has Saturn in the 5th house and is currently living on their Saturn line. Above you see the natal chart with Saturn in the fifth. Remember how Saturn connects to other planets has a lot do with how good or difficult the effects will be on the individual when they move to a location with Saturn active.

So looking at this chart, you immediately see that Saturn is in a Grand Trine to Uranus in Libra in the 8th, & Mars in Aquarius in the 1st.

You may think this is a piece of cake, the native has doorways with Saturn, she can be flexible, handles change well, takes action easily, also she may become pregnant suddenly & unexpectedly, she has a wiry body, a nervous energy, has a noticeable laugh, big bones & a noble carriage. Should have good fortune with children, but is not always the best disciplinarian.

But when you take a look at the opposition to the Moon, it becomes a lot more complicated.

While Saturn rules the 12th & 1st houses, and sits in the 5th, the Moon is in the 10th, and rules the 6th. This presents a struggle that can lead to health issues if the individual is not attentive to their emotional needs. (the inconjunct between Jupiter in the first and the South Node in the sixth with a square to Venus in the third shows the individual comes into life with a health burden from a past life due to an overindulgence in that life, and a genetic predisposition to diabetes, and possible hormonal imbalance, which is worsened by emotional struggles with the mother or home life.)

The opposition between moon & Saturn strongly suggest a struggle with a mother and perhaps the very issue of motherhood. A struggle between career and children or career and love, or working outside the home and wanting to work at home.

There are a number of pictures given here. I do not have the space or time to go into all of them, just enough to get to answer the question.

The point I am making is that

Moving to the Saturn line will complicate and emphasize these issues.

Here is the relocation chart for this individual:

I will immediately say that by putting the Moon at the midheaven, the individual may feel at home in this location, and by moving Venus & the Sun into the second house, there may be more success in the career, and the ability to make money.

But by putting Saturn in the fourth, the individual may have to work hard at home, and the struggle between home and public career is emphasized.

The marriage might come to an end, or see a complete transformation. But there will be opportunity now to break through the karmic issues of being heard. The individual is born with a need to be heard, should have an excellent voice and must in this lifetime find success with her voice.

The move to this location will offer opportunity to fulfill the life destiny

So as with all things, the move to this location will offer opportunity to fulfill the life destiny, freeing the individual of the burden that holds her voice back, but giving her a different burden of hard work at home, and in the public. She needs to be careful not to sabotage herself by overdoing it, because she can burn herself out; that along with the stress of relationships, could lead to health issues.

Now to give you another perspective, here is the basic breakdown of her relocation chart from a standard computer report. Naturally a computer cannot synthesize a chart like the human mind, but it is always interesting to see what it says and it also is accurate in the specifics as it addresses each planet.


The Moon - Culminate Line (Orb 1°52': Strong Influence)

You may feel a strange attraction to this location and anything associated with it. As a result this vicinity is likely to have an affect on your life's direction. Your heart will rule your head when traversing this line, particularly when it comes to making career decisions. This can have advantages if you are seeking new directions, and particularly if you have kept a strong rein on your emotions. Here you feel free to explore a more relaxed approach to making life decisions. It can also be beneficial if you are in a caring profession or a career, particularly one that demands a certain amount of sensitivity to public moods or trends. However, in some cases this location can also have strong negative connotations. For instance if you are attempting to forge a strong career path in one clear direction then you could experience some obstacles, particularly in the form of self-doubt. You may react emotionally in situations, which actually demand professional detachment. Your relationship with your parents and authority figures will be highlighted along this line. You are likely to be more sensitive to the role that these important people have in your life. You may seek recognition from parents and authority figures and become upset if approval is not forthcoming. On the other hand you may gain insight into the manner in which these people are holding you back. Your role in society may change here too. For instance you may take on a different career or decided to become a parent. There is a strong flavour of nurturing other people, either adults or children Therefore moving on this line is beneficial if you are in a caring profession, a caretaker role or considering becoming a parent, but is better avoided if your social status or career calls for cool, calm decision-making.

Saturn - Anticulminate Line (Orb 2°43': Strong Influence)

You would do best to avoid following this line as it brings a sense of coldness and hard work into your personal world. In other words the way that you feel about yourself, your home and family life is adversely affected. Even business dealings can bring a sense of failure rather than success. This does not necessarily mean that you fail in business dealings in this location, but rather that you do not feel successful. Perhaps your relationships with colleagues are adversely affected. Most people seek warmth and love in their home environment and amongst friends and family. This line brings respect at best, but repels the warmth and growth needed for a happy home. You will experience a sense of responsibility and duty towards your family and home life, which at times seems onerous instead of joyous. In other words life can seem a bit lonely if you want comfort. Of course this location can be beneficial if you want to live the life of a hermit in order to pursue a stringent and ascetic means of existence or if you want to live alone and concentrate your efforts on your career only. However, if you want to live a life balanced with a rewarding professional and personal life then you would do well to move elsewhere.

Neptune - Culminate Line (Orb 8°20': Weak Influence)

If you are seeking a more spiritual or artistic direction to your life then this can be a good line to follow. This location lends itself to the softer and more creative side of your profession. Inspiration and beauty could feature more in your career when you move to this vicinity. Philanthropy may also be highlighted. Therefore this can be beneficial if you work in the fields of beauty therapy, charitable institutions, network marketing, alternative medicine or an unusual profession. However, you need to beware of self-delusion or looking at your profession through rose-coloured glasses. It is one thing to seek greater spiritual or creative fulfilment in your life, it is quite another to throw over everything for a pie-in-the-sky ideal, and this is the danger with this line. It is important to make sure that your powers of discrimination are not too clouded. If you were offered a promotion that requires relocating to this area then you would be wise to check the finer details and to visit the place first before making your final decision. You may also benefit from taking along a friend or colleague who is not under the same influence when travelling to this location.

Mars - Rise Line (Orb 8°55': Weak Influence)

If you lack self-assertion then this location is beneficial, however; if you are a self-driven and assertive individual then you would do well to avoid this line. The planet Mars highlights drive and ambition. Therefore this location encourages the fiery side of your nature. If you lack fire then you benefit from the lessons of this location. You will become more assertive and self-driven. This is ideal if you are looking forward to focusing on some of your own pursuits, which require the attributes of self-motivation and self-reliance. There will be a tendency to meet others head-on and the ability to rise to a challenge. You may also be surprised by forceful traits, which you never knew existed. On the other hand if you are a fiery individual then you could lack discretion in this location. You may find it difficult to restrain your impulses and therefore your rash actions could endanger your welfare. You may become aggressive and others may response in a hostile way. Whatever your personal tendencies you will are likely to benefit if you are involved in competitive sports or in a business project that requires courage and acumen. Learning physical skills and finding an outlet for aggressive energy makes good use of the vigor of this vicinity.


Jupiter - Local Space Line - Azimuth 249°00' (Conjunct - Orb 7°19': Weak Influence)

Jupiter is generally considered the planet of prosperity and good luck. Therefore moves along this line will prove beneficial expanding your horizons and bringing many rewards. Higher education, publishing, spiritual pursuits, sports, diplomacy and travel can all be highlighted along this line. These locations are ideal for giving you a boost in life. You feel benevolent towards others, eager to share your good fortune. In turn others are generous to you. Unexpected gifts can arrive at these locations. Wherever you go the Gods seem to be smiling down. The only drawback to this line is that you may become grandiose, feeling that nothing can go wrong and therefore inviting trouble. You need to avoid becoming arrogant in pursuit of the higher ideals in life. With a good dose of common sense and humility you can benefit greatly from travels and communications along your Jupiter line.


Mars Upper / Neptune Setting (Orb 1°49')

Lethargy and confusion mark the combination of these two planets. You may lose your sense of direction in life, and lack the motivation to get yourself out of the rut. In some cases you could suffer from an illness. There is a real danger of falling victim to your own fears either real or imagined. In some cases you may even become the victim of someone else's crime. Therefore you need to avoid addictive behaviour including the intake of alcohol or drugs. Perhaps a creative pursuit or water sports would be beneficial under this influence.

I look forward to hearing from our guest, to see how many of the astrological pictures hit, and what in my quick analysis I may have missed.


Astrocartography - Living on Saturn Line

Here is an interesting Astrocartography Question form Tweeting Grace

Curious what you'd say about living on one's Saturn line. Raising kids and Saturn is in the house of children. Okay to ask?

For those new to astrology, astrocartography is an astrological mapping technique. With this technique, we place your chart on a map. This lets us know how different areas will resonate with you.

In Grace's case, she indicates she is living on her Saturn line. Now the first thought most astrologers will have is, Ouch! Not a pleasant experience. But that may not be entirely true.

So let's discuss this.

Saturn is the planet of discipline, structure and time. You might think of it like the school principle.

So if you live on your Saturn line, you may have to toe the line with hard work, heavy responsibilities, limited happiness, confinement, loss and saddness. Now you see the Ouch, more clearly.

But that is not entirely the case. Because as you will see me repeat many times, it depends on the condition of Saturn in the individual's chart.

Grace, has not given me a lot to go on. The only other clue I am given is that Saturn is in her fifth house.

If you had the opportunity to listen to the show I did a week or so ago with Debra Clement on Anchored In Astrology, the fifth house is what we spoke about. You can check her archives to hear it, if you missed it.

The fifth house is the house of everything you love, from your hobbies, to your lover, to your children. It is the house of investments. Where you invest yourself, your talents, and can be your money as well. It is also the house of socializing.

When someone tells me they have Saturn in the fifth, again I might say Ouch, because this placement often brings sorrow or restraint regarding children. It can also do this with love. It is a statement that requires you to work hard in this area of your life. This may mean you must be the disciplinarian in the family, and so all the fun of the natural house of the Sun is not available to you.

But of course that is not the whole story.

If Grace has a nicely aspected Saturn, perhaps an exalted Saturn (in Libra) and there are other planets in this house to soften Saturn, these issues will not be so severe.

As one Vedic astrologer told me years ago about my Saturn mansion:

"You may have happiness only after some tears."

So perhaps Grace will write back and tell us more about her Saturn, its sign and aspects.

Till then, thanks Grace for the question.

Best always,

PS: To learn more about Astrocartography you can listen to a show I did with Chris Flisher on Turning of The Wheel

Mercury Retrograde Questions

Hi All

Just received this tweet:

What does MercuryRetrograde mean for a Scorpio? I need to figure this astrology stuff out! Plz post more blogs about astro stuff!

What seems like a simple question of course is not, because planetary activation in a personal chart depends on degrees.

But here is what we can say about it.

First Mercury went Retrograde on Wednesday the 6th at 10:01 pm PT, it Stationed in the sign of Gemini.

Gemini and Scorpio are 150 degrees apart creating what, in astrology we call an inconjunct. This is a stressful aspect.

So the basic answer to this question is: the individual may find themselves stressed over communication or contract from a neighbor, sibling or friend, that suddenly emerges out of the past. Something or someone they may have forgotten about or with whom they have lost contact.

Now this may also include issues of intimacy, or shared resources. That may translate into mortgage, insurance, taxes, reproduction, sex, or procreation issues, and sometimes may actually come through the veil, with issues from someone who has already left the planet.

Note I made the word basic bold, here is why.

The statements I have made above are truly basic. They have no direct relationship to the individual's specific chart which can place the planets in specific houses adding yet another set of pictures. And of course, we do not know the degrees of the individual's Sun, or other planets, so we do not have enough information to make a definitive statement.

Send me birth data, and I will continue the discussion. Then we can get down to the nitty gritty of the chart.

Thanks for the question,

Best always,



Practice Joy Now - EFT Can Help

What is Joy?

I received a note from a friend a day or so ago. I wanted to share some of it with you, because I think we all go through periods in life like this.

Then below you can see my response, I hope this will help you, or a friend who may be feeling a loss of direction, sadness, or simply feeling stuck.

Here's part of the note:

"So good to hear from you. My heart warmed upon seeing your sweet message at a time when I really needed it.

I have been feeling challenged and unsettled lately. One of the things I'm currently trying to figure out is, which of my desires (e.g., dancing, acting, writing, painting) are "soul hungers" worthy of focus and devotion, rather than merely fleeting urges.

I want to feel like I have aim, focus, and a vision for my life; I am always so impressed (and admittedly envious) of people who seem happy and content because they are living their vision.

I'm also trying to figure out how to attain happiness. I know that it's a state of mind, but I have not attained such a level of enlightenment.

Also, I recently broke up with my boyfriend after two years together. I think this was the right decision, because we both had been unhappy together for some time. But thinking about future love, and what I need going forward simply adds to my current confusion, and I don't think I need the added complication of romantic love in my life at this time.

I sense that this is a great opportunity for growth for me, which is why I am trying not to give into my urges to either wallow in sadness or to try to cover my feelings with false happiness. I guess I am just trying to keep busy and also to allow enough time for introspection."

My reply:

I am sorry to hear of your unhappiness, or should I say confusion. I think you are just at a new plateau in your life. Time to revise your goals and get them into greater alignment with who you are now, what you have learned about yourself, and what you perceive as making you happy.

Happiness can be, a sought-after unknown developed by subconscious media ploys and fairy tales from childhood.

The real key is to live right in the moment. This is where happiness is.

It is not some future moment when we will be in love, when we will receive the Oscar, or get the home of our dreams, or finally receive the proposal we seek.

Happiness is here in this moment. Yes, some of the moments are exhilarating and can make us giddy with joy, but those are temporary moments, less than a single percent of our entire lives - though they leave lasting impressions that we can re-experience when we feel alone or need re-enforcement of our worth.

Practice joy now!

I find passion playing with my dogs, writing to you, singing with Cd's I love, and smelling the sizzling bacon. What we need more than anything is to release the dis-ease created by dreams of exhilarated happiness, and find the joy here and now.

Better not to try to separate which of the many passions you have, as though you can only choose one. Rather remember your life is a buffet of experience. You can do all these things, and as you do, you will find yourself filtering into one more naturally than forcing a choice.

Life is much too short to think, 'What if?'

It is much better to take action, then decide not to continue. This is what you did in your relationship, you gave it a shot, and discovered that compatibility was not deep enough to go the distance. You made a good choice. You learned from it. You changed. Now, you are ready to review and revise your call to the universe.

Keep going, but take the time to see what is joyful right at this moment.

If you feel down, tap out the feelings and realign yourself with the joy. This can be done by starting simply with gratitude for all you have. Make yourself a gratitude tapping list, and start tapping.

(My tapping reference is about EFT, a technique to release emotional issues, stress, phobias and more. I am an EFT-3 Practitioner. If you are new to EFT, visit this link to download the FREE manual: http://www.emofree.com/newcomer.htm )

Here are some things from my 'Gratitude Tapping List'

I am so grateful for my toes, my nose, my eyes, my lips, my ability to smell the blossoms, to taste the ice cream, to experience the wind, the rain, to sleep in a comfy bed with a warm blanket and breezy window, to hear the sounds of nature around me, to walk, and to have friends I can call, visit with, discuss things with. To have the coins to go out to eat, drive a car, share with the poor, travel to the ocean, watch a film, buy a book.

You have so much to be grateful for, as do I, that we must always remember to focus on these things when we feel lost or unhappy. Then put on your dancing shoes, go to a friendly dancing spot, and dance the blues away. You will come home feeling filled with life again.

Movement is life, whether it is the movement of your body in dance, or the movement of deeply breathing in the morning air. This activates passion, and passion is joy.

I hope this will help you find focus, and more important rediscover your joy.

Meaningful joy is not the toothpaste commercial falling in love, which advertisers embed deeply into our subconscious.

But rather meaningful joy, is capturing every moment in life in all its passions, even in the tears of loss. This makes us know we are alive, and in that there is true joy.

Blessing always,



Astrology - Where is the Love?

The Fifth House and The Loves Of My Life

Hi Everyone, I have now scheduled a thrice weekly visit, so you can learn more astrology and discuss it.

Today I will be on Debra Clement's radio show: www.contacttalkradio.com at 3pm Pacific Time. We will be discussing the 5th house and the loves of your life.

We received a letter from a listener, born July 12, 1953 at 11:51 AM in New Haven, CT

Here is what the listener wrote, and we will discuss:

i feel my soul aches and have been lost my whole life - the past # of years working more intensely than ever.
i don't know if i am making progress or not. suffer from depression / anxiety can be crippling at times.
no home or financial security- no love for over 20 years - i am ready for a happy life.
The note is terribly sad, even the "i"s are small making me feel the person is not happy and has a low self-esteem.

By looking at the chart, we will see from where this stems, and also may find ways to help the individual.

Here is the chart:

Looking at the fifth house in this chart, you note the sign of Aquarius on the cusp at 8 degrees 14 minutes.

Aquarius on this cusp tells us that this individual has a loves: eccentric, unique, unusual, different, revolutionary, freedom-oriented, friend-oriented, people, hobbies, social activities, lovers, and this would also the way they would connect with children. So there may be unique children in this individual's life - not biological. Please note that to Spirit, children are not necessarily human beings, but may be businesses, books, art, or anything that can speak to the world without the original creator or parent.

Aquarius needs freedom to express its opinions. It is also a sign that in and of itself, does not require love. It is content to love all life. Now this does not mean the individual reflects that in every way, but it does indicate a deeper, underlying, subconscious drive to be friends instead of lovers. This can cause a subconscious rule to avoid being tied down.

Since there are no planets in this house, we do not have anything here to contradict these statements, or to expand them. So next, we look to the rulers of Aquarius in the chart to see what they are saying and how they interact with each other, the chart as a whole and perhaps the 5th house cusp.

The rulers of Aquarius are Saturn and Uranus. You noticed Uranus as soon as you looked at the chart because it sits at the midheaven (the top) in the 10th house. So immediately, you know that one of the loves of this individual's life is being seen, investing in a career that is unique or gives the individual lots of freedom, variety and likely travel.

Uranus is exactly conjunct Mars, and is also actively conjunct the Sun, all in Cancer. This indicates the individual will put their energy and personal drive into their career, which may have to do with property, family, or nurturing, or all of the above.

The Moon and South Node are also in this house, in the sign of Leo telling us there is a desire to lead, to socialize, to play, to love, to laugh, to entertain, and to make a career of all these things. The node tells us the individual brings leadership & star qualities from past lives. That they will have the talents necessary for this lifetime's career. Literally that they were born with skills to lead, and be seen.

However when we look again at the connection between the Sun and Moon, we note they are 18 degrees apart, in different signs, indicating they do not communicate.

This tells us that the parents did not communicate well when the individual was born, and that results in a lack of balance between the male and female parts of the consciousness. The desire for love is there through the moon in Leo, but by placing it in the 10th house, it dismisses lovers for the public, leadership, entertainment, and career.

Now take a look at the contact between the rulers of the house of love, Saturn and Uranus. They square each other creating a challenge to love. Saturn is in the Libra ruled first house, exalted in Libra conjunct Neptune, so immediately we know this person is beautiful, photogenic with beautiful skin. But this Saturn/Neptune combination is in a square to Sun, Mars, and Uranus in the house of career, and then we note, thee is still another issue arising from the fourth house Chiron, creating a T-square to the personal Saturn in the first house.

So now we see where the injury to love stems - emotional injury early in life while still in the home of the mother and possibly coming from the absence of emotional support due to a father being away from home, absent or not nurturing. It may also reveal the mother was absent and that an older woman took care of this child. The fact that Chiron is so directly opposite the Sun seems to emphasize the absence of the father due to career.

So when we take these factors into account, the individual has an emotional struggle with a lack of self worth due to a lack of nurturing and emotional response from a male parent.

When the individual resolves this issue the possibility for happiness will manifest.

Now remember we have based all of this on the natal chart, and have not reviewed the progressed, or transiting planets, which will clue us into where the individual is today, how they have worked with these issues and what other factors are now present.

One last note, in case you missed it, Mars, the planet of energy, is also the ruler of the seventh house of Marriage, since it is conjunct Uranus, and square Saturn, while opposed to Chiron, we get a lot of pictures about the possibilities of marriage for this individual. Indicating if marriages occur they will happen suddenly, move swiftly and end abruptly and most likely quickly.

Again this does not mean that the individual cannot overcome this, they can. But they need to resolve the subconscious factors that cause these actions. All of this stems from self-esteem issues.

Naturally there is much, much more that can be said about this chart, as with all charts, they tell the story of a life, every aspect of it is embedded here, and I could talk for days about it.

Now it's your turn to listen into the program, to hear the individual's response. I have never met or spoken to this person, just received the birth data you see above.

If you miss the show, I will be posting a link here later tonight.

See you soon, tweet me with questions, my name on twitter is TAMOOR

Talk soon, Michele



Pretty, Wonderful Peppy

It has been a traumatic, hectic week. One that ended today with Valentine's Day - a day when we cherish everyone we love. A time to indulge in love, chocolate, hugs, kisses, and all the endorphin kickers. A day when red heart shaped balloons float above registers in most stores, reminding us of all the Valentine's we have experienced.

What a day.

One week ago, our beloved seventeen year old English Pointer was making her midnight rounds, checking the perimeters of the property like she has done every night as long as I have known her. After giving her warning to the four directions, she banged the doggy door, and came inside.

Within an hour, my husband woke to the sound of her trying to get up. He thought she must have lost traction on the hardwood floor and went downstairs to help her.

But tragedy had struck, and Peppy had lost the use of her hind legs. She could not stand up.

Joe stayed with her all night, attempting to keep her calm as she struggled with fear, and the inability to regain control of her limbs. Joe piled up some of the many beds I had bought for her, wanting her old bones to find soft padding in every room in our tri-level.

Early the next morning, Joe woke me, and told me what had happened. Exhausted Joe went to bed, and I went to the family room.

Immediately seeing me, Peppy attempted to get up to greet me. She struggled, and I sat close to her. I rubbed her hind legs. I massaged her back. I cried knowing that if a miracle did not occur, she would not be able to adjust to this lack of mobility.

So went Sunday. We took her for a short ride outside in our red flyer filled with pillows. It gave her a little comfort to feel she would not dirty herself, though we diligently cleaned up after her. We wanted her to feel safe, to know we loved her, and that she was good, loved, and that nothing could ever change that. She looked so tired. Finally in the late afternoon she fell asleep for a little while. Joe was also sleeping upstairs, and I worked while keeping an eye on her.

I thought of our many times together. How she loved to chase a stick, dive for rocks, and hike for miles with us. How she always followed me around the house, slept on the futon behind me as I worked and Joe worked or played golf away from home. How she snuggled against me, and licked my face when I cried, and wanted me to be happy. She always loved, always watched, always cared.

Back in 2000, we had hiked to Eagle Lake in Tahoe. It was June 27 or 28th, and there was still snow on the ground. Pepper promptly found a stick to carry, which she always did when we hiked. Then Joe and I found walking sticks. Pepper and Joe quickly outpaced me. I lagged behind with lots of other people on the trail, each making their way to some area around the lake at the top.

At some point, Pepper turned to see where I was, she noticed me, and the really large stick I held. She dropped her stick and raced to me. Then began a tug of war for my hiking stick. I laughed, and hollered for Joe to call her. Everyone around me stood laughing as Peppy attempted to take the biggest stick. She was amazing.

When we finally got to Eagle Lake, it started to snow. The water frozen in some places, must have been freezing cold, but Pepper dove in, and began her favorite routine. Searching underwater for rocks to present to us. She could hold her breath for as much as eight seconds while digging below the water to release a choice rock, before surfacing. Then she would dive back down, get the rock in her mouth, and present it to one of us. It was too cold, I pulled her to me, afraid she would freeze. We put an extra sweatshirt on her and I snuggled with her to keep us both warm. She was such a love.

A few years back, while living in Reno, a family of raccoons, a raccoon mom, and three grown youngsters, moved into our garage...they liked eating cat food. Pepper ran them out of the garage to the back porch, where Pep fiercely snarled at the mother coon, who hissed back showing teeth and claws. It was a terrifying sight. Calling Pepper off, Joe sprayed the coons with water.

Pepper feared nothing. She would protect her family from anyone or anything.

Joe & Peppy at the lake

Her best friend and mentor was our Mr. Jags, a big, intelligent, gumbie cat. He raised Peppy, as well as our other two cats. He was the cat of cats, not to be kept inside, but to wander and then come home in the evening. When he would return home, he always found Pepper and licked her face. You can see a picture of them here. This picture was taken last March, a short time before Mr. Jags died. He was nineteen years old.

Old Friends - Pepper (16 years) and Mr. Jags (19 years)

It has been a hard week, and to say the least it has been a difficult twelve months.

Best Friends for more than sixteen years

On Monday morning, we took the twenty-two mile drive to the vet, to release our lovely Pep from the body that would no longer work for her. We brought her home and buried her on our land, not far from Mr. Jags, and across the yard from our big sweet orange cat, Mr. Sousi, who also died last year after Mr. Jags. He was over twenty years old

I want to say lots of things about all of these friends because it is Valentine's Day and I love them, each of them and the many that have gone before them over the many, many years I have lived. So I am adding pictures to honor them. To share their love, and I hope you will snuggle with you friends, and lover, and recall all the beings who blessed your life with unconditional love. These wonderful life forms, whose language we seldom understand, but who try relentlessly to understand ours, to teach us love, and who bring us incomparable joy and friendship. We are so lucky to share our world with them.

Hugs to each of you...may your life be blessed with unconditional friends, who make you laugh, lick away your tears, and beg you to exercise with them so you can both live long healthy lives.

Mr. Sousi in his prime

Jags, Gump, and Peppy - Spring 2002

Shogun (12 1/2 years old) and Peppy (7 years old)

Homer - One of Peppy's best friends, Shogun's mate, and my protector for 15 years.

Miss Luna, with her best friend Mr. Jags, who she dearly misses.

Pumpkin and Pepper, friends from the start

My dearest friends - both now on the astral together


Worlds Apart - Lessons in Differences.

First I will say HAPPY NEW YEAR! Welcome to 2009, year of balancing, relationships, karma, the old and the new, and radical revelation.

Also the Chinese Year of the Ox. A year where perseverance will lead to success. A year to roll up our sleeves, dig into the earth, and recognize the value of being a part of the cycle of life.

I have been working on the astrological forecast for 2009, and should have it up in the next few days.

But for now, I want to share an amazing experience I have had.

In the last 48 hours, I have worked diligently to expand our InkjetReset business. I have connected with people on mainland China, Hong Kong, Korea, Indonesia, and Germany.

And I went through the motions of getting orders together for both DVD collections, and software from Asia. Though, I am obviously a good writer, and I ask many questions, only one person gave me a completely honest answer. That answer ended the experience, closing all the deals I had nearly completed.

What did that email contain? I will quote a piece of it for you, and it will open your mind to the vast differences between cultures, and governments. I have added the words in blue to help you understand what is being stated.

All the software we sell, is Not registered, Michele. it is copied. The ISBN is just a sign, except this, the contents are completely the same. ... you can not get original ones from China at ... any price even if you have money, you can not get an original. ...Everywhere in China, it is the same, and everyday we sell a lot of it. Our customers are all over the world. Credit is more important than money, otherwise, you do not know that is copy. I just do not want to cheat you and it is up to you buy or not.

This wonderful, honest person gave me insight, and protected me from a business transaction that could have had alarming consequences.

So why am I sharing it with you?

For two reasons.

First to give you a heads up if you are considering purchasing software, dvds, or cds from China. Save your energy.

Second, and most important.

What you believe you will achieve.

What you send out, shall return to you a hundred fold.

Water seeks its own level.

I believe all the people who come into my world are wonderful. I believe everyone, and everything in my universe, is here to teach me mastery.

Each day of my life, I send love into the world, no matter what I see, what I hear, or what I read, and I have witnessed, time and again, how it returns to shower, embrace, and protect me.

For it is the law of creation, that what you send forth will return to you many times over.

And consciousness is a magnetic energy. Thus whatever we carry in our state of consciousness, we will attract in life. In all things, our energetic thoughts shifting in our state of consciousness pulls unto itself the same level.

Once more I witness the wonder of creation at work in my life.

Look around, what is happening in yours?

Blessings to you for a wonderful New Year... may it be filled with all you carry in your heart, mind and soul.