Showing posts with label numerology. Show all posts
Showing posts with label numerology. Show all posts


#2017 - Speedway to #Manifestation #numerology

Happy New Year... take time today to realize that this is 2017, a year when your intuition and your thoughts will manifest faster than lightening. This is the most auspicious number for fast change we have experienced since 1917.
But this year has a 20 not a 19 making it enlightened and intuitively driven compared the terrifying endings and new starts of 1917. 

This century is the first century in 1800 years that accelerates the intuitive process. 

This year in this century is the only year of the Star. It is the year where what you think will manifest as quickly as you trust it to be so. 

It is a year that will run by fast and more things will happen, where you say, how did we get here? How did I get here? 

Keeping up with change will be a constant experience for the next 12 months. 

But you can either drive this rocket ship or sit in the back seat. 

Choose now to drive it! 

Your thoughts will drive you forward at an unbelievable fast pace this year. So the key is to take time today to realize what you want to focus on each second of this year. 

Do not allow the propaganda machines of media, social networks, internet driven agents, moles and whistleblowers disturb your personal process. 

There will be no year like this one again till 20017. It is a gift not to be squandered. It is imperative that you stop participating in fear driven creations. Participating in fear this year will help manifest what you fear.

So strap on your seat belt and set your schedule for a new mind set. 

Focus on the good in your world and the good you want to see in this world. 

Focus on love, peace, creative, cooperative, out of the box solutions for every issue that annoys you and our Mother Earth. 

We can achieve miracles with the numerology of 2017! This year offers ammunition of personal power to manifest whatever your mind focuses on. 

Please join me in focussing on 
LoVe, PeaCe, JOY, 
Abundance, COOperation & 
Healthy Beings on A Healthy Planet!



What’s in a Name? Cain & Abel, Hansel & Gretel & Frequencies for November 2013

Empowering Numerology ~  Michele Avanti CAP

What’s in a Name?

Now that we have learned about the nine basic frequencies, we can begin to explore the world around us. 

How are man’s words linked to the frequencies? Do names give power? It’s not so much that a name gives power, as it is, that the frequency that is activated by a name is some type of power.

Let’s start where most people in Western Civilization claim it all started with Cain and Abel.

Cain = C (3) + a (1) + i (9) + n (5) = 18 = 9. 

Abel = A (1) + b (2) + e (5) + l (3) = 11

*Cain & Abel by Lorenzo Ghiberti
The Nine is considered a perfect number in many ways and I call this frequency ‘The Bridge between Heaven and Earth’. 

The Eleven is beyond the realm of the Nine because it a Master Number, and only a higher master number could compete with it. 

In this story, Cain (9) kills his brother Abel (11). At a basic level one would say this story instructs us not to allow jealousy and hatred to drive us to murder. But these stories are meant to give a lot more than such a basic and obvious directive. Through awareness of the numeric frequencies, we see the Nine threatened by the power of the Eleven’s mastery in the physical world. Thus the story tells us, when we allow fear to over-ride our intuition, we kill our power to master creation.

The use of the names Cain and Abel is not an accident. The understanding of the frequency of numbers was well known in ancient times and all of the Old Testament and some of the New Testament was written within a frequency code. As a matter of history, scribes were taught the codes or frequencies of numbers and used certain sequences to empower their work.

What I find most fascinating is that this ancient power in its perfection converts to present language. This to me reiterates the incredible logic and infinite power of creation.

Take the story of Hansel and Gretel and the Witch.

**Hansel & Gretel by Theodor Hosemann
Hansel = 8 + 1 + 5 + 1 + 5 + 3 = 5

Gretel = 7 + 9 + 5+ 2 + 5 + 3 = 31 = 4  

Witch = 5 + 9 + 3 + 8 = 25 = 7

Hansel’s Five frequency is the inquisitive mind, the one who looks at details and is always seeking knowledge. 

Gretel’s Four frequency knows how to take control, it is actually a masculine number that naturally takes control in situations. 

The Witch’s Seven frequency takes risks but it’s greatest challenge is emotional entrapment. Too often individuals with this frequency will get stuck feeling sorry for themselves.

The Witch is also ‘blind’, which brings in another frequency for her: B (2) + l (3) + i (9) +n (5) + d (4) = 5. This tells us that her blindness is a method of learning for her.

As the story goes, Hansel uses pebbles to make a trail so they will find their way back home. This works the first time. But the second time he uses bread-crumbs because his stepmother has locked the children in the house and he cannot get the pebbles he needs. So his Five frequency is actively thinking and paying attention to the details. At the witch’s house, he is locked in an iron cage to be fattened up for the witch’s meal, but each time the blind witch pokes him to see how fat he is, Hansel lets her touch an old bone instead. So again we see his attention to detail. The witch instead of caging Gretel, takes the risk of using her as a slave, and when the witch finally decides to eat them both, she attempts to push Gretel into the oven. Gretel, the Four takes charge and pushes the Witch in, instead. All the frequencies are intact. Does this story tell us anything through the frequencies?

Five uses brains and details, Seven’s personal emotional entrapment does not allow the individual to go beyond entrapping others to feed their needs, and Four engages to empower the individual through patience, clear thought and action. Thus the story tells us we can use our minds to create a trail of details, and they may leave us locked away from what we want. If we engage in self-pity we will imprison our minds and lose sight of the details. But if we choose to empower ourselves through patient self-control, we will take action and burn the emotions that trap us, freeing our minds to learn new lessons in the future.

November 2013 & It’s Frequencies

November is: N (5) + o (6) + v (4) + e (5) + m (4) + b (2) + e (5) + r (9) = 40 = 4
2013: 2 + 0 + 1 + 3 = 6
Total: 4 + 6 = 10 = 1 

November’s frequency of Four is the higher octave of September’s Four. September’s Four frequency followed the earth and we were asked to examine our physical connection with the four directions and how we manifest through our bodies. November’s Four takes us through to the emotional level and asks us to go beyond the physical and examine how we emotionally create our worlds. Are we empowering ourselves through an intimate creative connection with life? Or are we crying out, refusing to see our own shortcomings, afraid of what we will see and thus we project it onto others with pain and blame. This month’s frequency asks us to intimately look in the mirror and acknowledge, accept and love the flaws. To trust that we are perfect in ways we do not understand and begin to heal the deep emotional wounds that keep us from the creative power that intimate trust allows.

This is a key time to look at the roots of who you are and prune off the parts that keep you from being the best you can be. Taking time now to do this will empower and prepare you for a new beginning in four months. It takes great courage to look in the mirror. Use this month’s frequency to clear out the deep emotional entanglements that keep you from creating the universe you desire.  Chanting, “Leem Om” will be helpful because Leem (water) will stir the emotions to the surface and Om (Air) will filter them clear so you can understand and know your next step.

By adding 2013’s six frequency to this month’s Four we activate One. This adds strength to speak out and state what needs to be said to heal the emotional wounds. Now it is our turn to tell the universe exactly what we will no longer do and what we now want to do. Speaking, to the universe may be done by speaking to people in your world. It is time to say what you have hidden to the people who stand in your way, who have helped you, or you have shunned or harmed.

* Cain & Abel plate from The Gates Of Paradise created by artist Lorenzo Ghiberti. He was born Lorenzo di Bartolo in Pelago, Italy 1378 and died in Florence, Italy in 1455.

**Hasel & Gretel, original black & white illustration by German Artist, Theodor Hosemann. (1807-1875)
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  • Michele Avanti has been teaching metaphysics since 1972. She is a metaphysical minister, an ISAR certified astrologer, an accredited Fixed Star Analyst, an EFT, emotional freedom technique professional and an energy mover. Michele mentors clients through individual consultations. To schedule a session or read more about how she works with clients and the variety of sessions she offers, click here: 


    The Number Nine ~ Frequencies for October 2013

    Empowering Numerology
    The Number Nine

    Over the last eight months we have looked at numbers one through eight and discovered how they sequentially expand. This month we come to the last and most complex number of all, Nine. Where the number Eight moved in a wave of precise balance back onto itself infinitely, the number Nine bridges the experience of balance to a higher power.  This is why I call Nine the bridge between heaven and earth.

    Let us examine the many images of Nine to give the mind easy access to its complexity.
     First, imagine a barbell. The bar connects two squares, which each are composed of four lines. Thus we have nine lines working together. Seeing it in a horizontal position we may think it will take perfect balance and strength to lift. This is true in a spiritual sense. To achieve the nine frequency, one must take the balance of the eight to a whole new level. We must remain balanced and strong in the knowledge of who we are, in order to carry the frequency of Nine.

    Now turn the barbell upright in your mind and the bar becomes a conduit, moving frequency or consciousness from the top bell down to the lower one. Just to hold this barbell upright takes the issue of balance and strength to whole new level. In order to do this well, we must become the bar. The bar is, a perfect symbol for the individual who carries the Nine frequency.

    Let’s look at another very familiar symbol, the equilateral triangle. This is a triangle with exactly three equal sides. View the triangle flat on the ground and extend a line from each corner bringing them together at the top, now we see a three sided pyramid with all equal sides and equal base. At this point we have gone from the Three frequency of the base to the Six frequency of the pyramid, fully visible above the ground.

    Now draw three more lines below the surface and bring them together at this new bottom point, which creates a perfect reflection of the above ground pyramid. We created these two pyramids using nine lines and thus have entered the Nine frequency. Nine’s frequency is more than what is seen, it resonates in the reflection of everything and immediately moves us from what we perceive as real into what is real. It awakens our senses to the knowledge that there is more beyond the physical perception. Whenever we see a reflection and contemplate on it, we enter the frequency of Nine.

    If we back away from the image of the reflecting pyramids and look at the image as a whole, we see the shape of a diamond. The diamond is what we are becoming as we expand our consciousness. In the physical body, we are inside a carbon-based vehicle. Under great pressure carbon becomes a diamond. The Nine frequencies in its highest enriched state vibrate as the diamond. Those who carry this frequency are challenging themselves in this lifetime to attain the balance and strength to be the bridge between heaven and earth. This bridge in its greatest form is a diamond crystal, which is the secret portal or stargate that ancient peoples used at the capstone of their pyramids. The vibration of a crystal energy within the confines of the Nine vibration opens doorways to travel between worlds.

    When you view the ancient pyramids, you often see four sided structures, with a four sided base, which equals the Eight frequency, what brings these to the Nine is the activation of the diamond capstone that draws in a pillar of light, much like the bar in the barbell described above. This pillar of light is a reminder of the pranic tube that can be activated in every human being. It is the opening of the crown chakra, that soft spot at the top of the head of a child. When we love and welcome our Divine self and align our bodies in balance with Mother Earth from which these bodies are created, we open the Crown Chakra, the human stargate and thus the pranic tube fills with light and we become the Nine energy - actively participating as a bridge between heaven and earth.

    To master the Nine, one should practice filling the pranic tube with light each day, and allowing the information of the universe to flow through us. By doing this we receive answers to questions we have asked, and frequently to questions that others we will encounter have asked. This is why those who are Nine’s in this life give answers easily, humbly and before being asked. Nines will naturally open to Source and bridge. They need time away from the crowd and they do not like being in a group of more than three. They are humble and seldom require any of the fashionable material toys. They focus on the small things and know joy and contentment in deeper ways than the other numbers. Nines are always a gift to the world in some way because they do function as bridge between worlds.

    October 2013 & It’s Frequencies

    October is: O (6) + c (3) + t (2) + o (6) + b (2) + e (5) + r (9) = 33 the master number of 3
    2013: 2 + 0 + 1 + 3 = 6
    Total: 33 + 6 = 39 = 3 

    October’s frequency of Thirty-Three is a powerful energy. It is the master energy of Mother Earth, a nurturing, family energy that is concerned with the feminine, the creative powers of our planet and how humans can assist in this creation. This is the month where we celebrate the harvest in the Northern Hemisphere and where they celebrate the new birth of life in the Southern Hemisphere. To gain the greatest value in this month, choose to nurture life around you, if you don’t recycle, start. Consider the earth in new ways. Plan to take walks in nature, perhaps help out with some clean up action in your neighborhood, or if you can participate in the harvest, do so actively thanking Mother Earth for all she produces for us.

    Take time this month to honor the temple you have, though it came through your biological mother, it is part of Mother Earth and when you nurture your body, you are honoring the Earth Mother.   

    By adding 2013’s six frequency to this month’s Thirty Three we activate Three, which simply reiterates all that has been stated above. It is a time to choose to reunite family, to ignite our awareness to the family of all life that is around us. These bodies are part of Mother Earth, not just the human body but all the bodies on this planet, four-legged, finned, winged, as well as all vegetation, trees and mountains. We live on the skin of our great Mother. October 2013 asks us to remember our part in this creation, to unite with all life and to choose to master this creative process.

    Michele Avanti has been teaching metaphysics since 1972. She is a metaphysical minister, an ISAR certified astrologer, an accredited Fixed Star Analyst, an EFT, emotional freedom technique professional and an energy mover. Michele mentors clients through individual consultations. Call 541-863-6631 or email her at for an appointment. For more information, visit Michele’s blog at  

    Read all of Michele's columns at In Light or if you want to read them on paper, get a subscription to In Light Times with lots of great information on spirituality, health, and conscious living. 


    June 2013 - Empowering Numerology - The Number 5

    Last month we examined earth’s own physical number, the number four. This month we move to a whole new level with the Number Five. Where Four connected the four elements of: Fire, Earth, Air and Water; the number Five adds Spirit, the force of eternal creation. 

    In its most basic shape, Five looks much like a house, or a container with a pitched roof. In other words it is a container that holds what comes in from above. This house-like shape represents the heavens pouring life force into the four elements. The number Five is the fifth element, Spirit. The earth (number 4) is the box at the bottom, and at the highest point, the number Five pours Spirit into the earth. This energy or frequency activates the creation of all forms of life.

    The human form is a pinnacle of Five. It is fully represented in the number Five by a human with arms and legs out-stretched, the top of the head being the pinnacle or fifth point. Humans are the pinnacles because only the human form has the ability to control and dominate, for good or evil, all other forms on the planet.

    When a human child is born, the top of the head, which we call the crown chakra is the entrance point of the life energy, or soul. This point remains soft till most children are between five and seven years old, for during these early years, the individuated consciousness that is taking on a personality in the physical form, is still traveling between worlds. This is the rooftop of the human form, also known as the entrance of the pranic tube. Through this part of the body, the fifth element, Spirit continues to activate and inform the consciousness of the new personality or human form. After the age of seven, a person must consciously choose to open this doorway to receive the input of the higher self, spiritual self or Spirit.

    With the Five frequency pouring into the crown chakra of humans, there is an enormous responsibility to carry the information of Creator into the physical world of Creation. Five is the number of Knowledge. Inherent in this number is the ability to achieve wisdom, though most will be stuck in the material worlds, or the emotional and mental worlds and thus miss the opportunity to experience the three hundred sixty degree viewpoint of Spirit.

    When we are in harmony with Five, we are open to hear the voice of creation, imagination, and inspiration. Some may call it intuition. When we are out of sync with five, we feel lost, not knowing which way to go, and we fall into the path of worry. Worry ignores the present and focuses on the past or the future, too often dragging past issues into the future.

    If we wish to activate Five in our lives, we must first live in the present. Dismiss the issues of the past, bless them, be grateful to them and let them go. Then instead of obsessing with outcomes and the details of how to manifest; sit still and allow Spirit to flow into our consciousness. Fully visualize the crown chakra open with light, fill with love and gratitude for all life, then rest in it. The information will arrive. Perhaps not in the exact moment but when we least expect it. That ‘Aha!’ moment happens and we see clearly the next step. A sense of peace will envelop anyone who opens, to allow Spirit to live in his or her house, which we call a human form. 

    June 2013 & It’s Frequencies

    June is J (1) + u (3) + n (5) + e (5) = 14, which reduces to 5
    2013 is 2 + 0 + 1 + 3 = 6
    Total 5 + 6 = 11, which is a Master Number, so we will not reduce it any further.

    June carries the frequency of the number five, the number of knowledge. Junes’ ‘Five’ is neither feminine nor masculine but rather it oscillates between the two, and it’s element is ‘Air’. June’s Five activates socializing, communicating knowledge and networking without distinction to gender. Here the five speaks to community, as in, “It takes a village to raise a child.”  When we connect with others, without allowing society’s issues of ethnicity, culture, creed, politics, caste, clothing or lifestyle, to get in the way, we utilize the frequency of June. By connecting transparently with others, we release the reservoir of knowledge that we often forget we have. We discover our own wisdom, while gaining knowledge, compassion and understanding with others.  

    Use June’s frequency to speak from your heart without concern for how others may criticize you. Allow yourself to flow into the world. The salutation, “Namaste!” resonates to five.  This greeting means, “I bless the Divine in you!” It acknowledges that we are connected to the source of creation and that we each carry this great light, though some choose not to allow it to shine. When we approach all life, not just the human form with the thought, ‘Namaste!’ we align with five and activate our ability to accept the wisdom of creation from every source, from plant and tree, to animal and man.

    The full numerology of June 2013 asks us to make a conscious choice (6) to master our ability to manifest our dreams (11), by opening to our own source of wisdom by sharing with others from our hearts without prejudice (5).

    Considering the frequencies of June 2013, whose numbers are 5, 6, 11, this month asks us to stay in the present moment and dream here and now, knowing full well our dream is cradled by others till it becomes physical. It asks us to connect with others without prejudice so that we can assist others through our speech, in manifesting their dreams. Doing this will bring amazing rewards from speeding up your own manifestation process to discovering the depth of your own wisdom.

    Michele Avanti a metaphysical minister and has been teaching metaphysics since 1972. She is also an ISAR certified astrologer, an accredited Fixed Star Analyst, an EFT, emotional freedom technique professional and an energy mover. Michele mentors clients through individual consultations. Call 541-863-6631 or email her at for an appointment. To learn about her radio show, classes and current metaphysical news, visit Michele’s blog at 


    May 2013 - Empowering Numerology - The Number 4

    This month we will look at the number four, which is the first fully physical number. Through four, we become grounded on this earth. It signifies physical Creation, the power of the four directions and the four elements: Fire, Earth, Air and Water. These sustain all life and remind us of how our planet came to be.

    Earth began as a renegade fiery rock charging through this solar system.  Eventually it reached a place in space where the inertia of its movement and the magnetics of the Sun, as well as other planets in our solar system, caused it to settle into an orbit; the comfortable spot it has held for millennium in the eco-system of this solar system. While the rock cooled, it developed a balanced spin and a steady orbit, and waters that may have been trapped inside or frozen in deep pockets rose to the surface. They formed oceans, ice caps, rivers, lakes and springs. Water filled a large portion of the surface of the now developing planet, while changes of hot and cold, due to the spin and the stretch of the orbit created seasonal and regional climates; thus the planet developed an atmosphere. This created the perfect environment for many life forms.

    Contained in the number four is the history of earth. In single strokes, four creates a square, the foundation of a building, a protective perimeter, a controlled space; the symbol for the basis of grounded growth.

    The four corners of the space symbolize the four cornerstones of creation and in each individual’s life they are represented in several ways:
    • The personal line of creation: physical, emotional, mental and spiritual parts of who we are.
    • The integrating line of creation: the self, the pairing or mating relationship, the progeny and the genetic/dynastic ancestry.
    • The tribal line of creation: the individual personality, the family circle, the tribal service/career and the tribal outreach - warrior or diplomat

    Additionally in complex nations like ours, where ethnicities and religions are mixed the tribal line breaks into two other parts;

    • The national/patriotic line of creation - identical to the tribal except it, aligns with the government, not ethnic culture.
    • The religious line of creation - identical to the tribal except this aligns with religious beliefs which may be global as in Christian or Hindu, etc; or more specific as in Lutheran verses Catholic. 

    This information helps us explore where we focus and how we ground. Taking time to consider each area will reveal where we are out of balance. By understanding the areas in our lines of creation, we begin to understand the number four. Bringing issues into balance, we take control of our lives, and thus create personal peace.

    When we are in harmony with four. we are in total control of our lives. When out of sync with four, we discover an area where we’re telling others what to do and how to do it. We’re taking away someone else’s power of choice, taking on a karmic burden and losing control of our lives.

    Being the foundation of creation for the human form, and its stability; four asks that we anchor the four elements within ourselves: fire (passion and creativity), with water (emotions, dreams, and sensitivity), with air (thoughts, words and judgments), and earth (actions, and physical health).

    When each area is in balance, we have peace and happiness in our lives.

    Here is a simple chant to help bring the number four into balance: “El Ka Leem Om.”  Repeat in rounds of four. These are the Sanskrit words for Earth, Fire, Water and Air. By chanting them we call in the Divine Intelligence of each element to bring peace and balance.

    May 2013 & It’s Frequencies

    May is M (4) + a (1) + y (7) = 12, which reduces to 3
    2013 is 2 + 0 + 1 + 3 = 6
    Total 3 + 6 = 9

    May carries the frequency of the number three, the number of nurturing. Three is feminine water. It signals the union or separation of two, which results in a third part. Being an act of creation from the two, this third part must be nurtured to grow. May’s energy of Taurian earth, takes the three from watery emotion to practical action. So in May, three is about nurturing the physical body in practical ways. When we satiate the body, we nurture our emotions and mental activity flattens into a peaceful zone.

    Nurturing the body can be done with food, and physical pleasures of all kinds: massage, swimming, dance, etc. May emphasizes dancing with nature. We may do a Hawaiian hula, playfully celebrate with the May pole, or waltz in the woods. Whatever dance we choose will align us with the four elements and they will ground and balance us with love, compassion, mental clarity and inspired passion. 

    The full numerology of May 2013 asks us to make a conscious choice (6) to nurture ourselves and the earth (3), and to fulfill our choices completely (9).

    Nine is the perfect number; it encompasses three, threes. While nurturing yourself, you will discover your dreams, and when you nurture your dreams, you will complete both yourself and your dreams. This is the perfect act of completion, which is part of the number nine.

    Considering the frequencies of May 2013, whose numbers are 3, 6, 9, this month asks us to choose to complete our self-nurturing dreams. It asks us to ask ourselves, “What would I love to do, that I have said, ‘Someday’…” May 2013 contains the energy to ground our…“Someday dreams”… now.

    Michele Avanti a metaphysical minister and has been teaching metaphysics since 1972. She is also an ISAR certified astrologer, an accredited Fixed Star Analyst, an EFT, emotional freedom technique professional and an energy mover. Michele mentors clients through individual consultations. Call 541-863-6631 or email her at for an appointment. To learn about her radio show, classes and current metaphysical news, visit Michele’s blog at  


    Empower Yourself with Numerology

    Have you ever wondered if numbers have power? Do they have meaning? Can numerology empower you in life? 

    Numbers are used everywhere. You can’t go through a single day without engaging with numbers. “How much does this cost?” “What was the phone number?” “Did you get that address right?” “What is your zip code?” “Please put in your pin number.” “Can I get your zip code?” “That show is on channel 231.”

    Basic numerology addresses the birth date and the name that appears on a birth certificate. But is that all there is?
    Every bit of Creation is connected, not coincidentally,  but logically and numbers are a key to all of it.  All numbers have a frequency, much like the notes on a musical scale. When we speak or think, we activate frequencies and each has a numeric basis or counterpart.

    So what does it mean and how can this knowledge help us in our journey for joy, health, love and prosperity?

    Let’s start with the most basic number: One, 1, or I. It is a single note, clear frequency, a directive of energy. It reflects what the Ancients called, The Pole*, and for which the Pole Star was named. This ancient energy calls in Primordial Creation, God/Spirit, Direction, Support and the Act of Manifestation.

    It is not a unifying number but an individuating one. It is interesting when we realize that One begins all creation and it is about, I, the letter whose numerical counterpart is the number, Nine, which is the completion of all things.

    So in this first number, we become aware of a basic principle of creation, it all begins with One and it is the One who will complete the act. 

    This number informs us that we are the creators of our universe, we begin it and we complete it, but we must also realize that it is a great expansive circle that once we complete, we begin again on a higher frequency. Understanding this allows you to realize that nothing is flat in creation, but all things spiral and are seen as flat when we look up or down, from the center, which is where each of us stand in our worlds of creation.

    Let us come back to the mundane and look at how we can use the number one in daily life.  When we focus our lives through the filter of One, we consciously engage the universe to manifest what we want.

    So how do we use this ‘One’ filter? First step is to be aware, that is what we opened in the previous paragraphs. Secondly, we must focus this energy through words, song, meditation, prayer, writing and thought.

    Sankrit writing of the word, OM

    The key word of power, which represents the Sacred Element of Air, calling in the wisdom of the Ancients, is ‘OM.’ O=6, M=4, together they create 10, which reduced to one digit becomes the number, 1.**  See note below on how to reduce numbers in numerology.

    When we focus on the word, OM, sing it, write it, and add to it the images or words of what we desire, we send a clear, focused message to Spirit.

    This frequency can be taken to an even higher octave, by going to a word that is the Master Number*** of one, a word that equals 11, ‘HU.’ (Pronounced like ‘hue.’)

    Modern Numerology's Alpha Numeric Chart

    This chart allows you to quickly access the number related to any letter. Thus you can identify what numbers are active through a name, or address.

    When looking at the chart, the letters listed below each number will activate that frequency and you can add them together to find the power of a word. For example, the name, Art. Look at the column with number one at the top. There you will find A, thus A=1, R is located in the 9 column, so R=9, and T is located in the 2 column, so T=2. Thus for Art we would add, 1+9+2=12, which when reduced = 3.

    I welcome any questions about the meaning of a name, and will be addressing names in this new monthly column later in the year.

    FEBRUARY 2013

    Hidden Frequencies From Our Collective Consciousness

    This period in the Gregorian Calendar, which has been adopted by the Western Collective Consciousness is called February 2013, or Feb. 2013, it carries a numerological frequency unlike any other time in our lives.

    Here is how the numerology adds up.  February, 6+5+2+9+3+1+9+7=42, which reduces to 6. This number is also the key number for the entire year of 2013, six, which makes 2013 a year of choices, networking, and gives a more optimistic attitude.

    When we add February’s 6 to 2013’s, 6, we have 12, which equals 3, the number of nurturing, family, re-uniting, working together through challenges. So the current frequency is aligned with working through challenges, new children, those who divide and naturally, how we will make choices during this time is key.

    This is not the only frequency for the month, additionally, we call February, Feb, which adds up to: 13 and thus the number, 4. These frequencies tell us it is time to transform and take control instead of controlling others, or giving away control.  The four regains all the corners of the universe, it activates all centers and swiftly frees or directs.

    Using all of February’s frequencies to achieve the best possible outcome, this is what is indicated: 

    ·       Be aware of the choices you make this month (2013 will ask this each month.)
    ·       Make choices to nurture others as family. Allow the love of the Earth to flow through your heart center as you approach life this month.
    ·       This energy will help you reclaim your power and stop controlling others. Share what you know, but remember that it is not wise to force your knowledge on anyone. It is a period to remember to honor and respect the choices others make for their lives, even if you think you know better. This is the answer to empowerment under the number four. Examine the choices you are making in each cornerstone of your life, physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual. Focus your choices on nurturing and self-empowerment, and you will fulfill numerology’s frequency for February 2013.

    *The ancients believed there was a pole that held up the heavens, and that information was sent back and forth to heaven through this mighty pole.

    **In numerology, all numbers are added together and then reduced to a single digit, unless after adding them together the result is a number with double digits, such as: 11, 22, 33, 44, etc. These remain intact and are called Master Numbers.

    ***Master numbers are all numbers that consist of replicating digits, such as 11, 22, 111, 222, 444,444, etc. Master numbers activate the originating frequency to a higher octave and thus empower the individual exponentially.

    Michele Avanti has been teaching metaphysics since 1972. She has taught in many areas of metaphysics and is also an ISAR certified astrologer, an accredited Fixed Star Analyst, an EFT, emotional freedom technique professional and an energy mover. Michele mentors clients through individual consultations. Call 541.863.6631 or contact her through facebook. To learn about her radio show, classes and current metaphysical news, click on the consultations tab at the top of this page


    Sandy Hook Massacre ~ 28 Souls Force Focus On Violence As We Enter The Season Of The Underworld

    As we came to the end of the Sacred Time of Water ~ Season of the West, a time of cleansing, we experienced a deep wound that is filled with blood, tears and the well of emotions that will take generations to heal and will force change at many levels. This of course is the murder of innocents that occurred on December 14th, at approximately 9:30 am at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Connecticut.

    With this tragedy filling our minds and hearts, we have moved into the Sacred Time of The Ancient Ones ~ Season of the North, Air ~ Dialogue, Inspiration & Ingenious Possibilities. We have passed the day that some claimed would end in doom, Yuletide 2012 and as we predicted it would be a doorway to a greater consciousness.

    Now wrapped in the pain of tragedy, we begin our three month journey to the Underworld to examine the roots of our belief systems and allow the wisdom of the Ancient Ones to inspire change.

    The death of innocents forces us to address our national obsession with guns. We must shift from our Old West - shoot 'em up - consciousness to a broader understanding of how the combination of personal soul awareness and community awareness can protect us. Dialogue is the first step to this expansion. 

    For thousands of years man has lived in fear and developed mechanical instruments to protect him from those he feared. Living in fear is fertile ground for bias, bigotry and hatred. It is through fear that war activates.

    Now as Americans grapple with how to avoid more massacres, we must also come to understand fear, because this is the underlying basis that drives the negative use of a weapon.

    As soul, we come to this human experiment to learn compassion. Over thousands of years, we have developed a pattern or matrix for change. Unfortunately that matrix is an abominable destructive act. This is what happened in the slaughter of innocents in Connecticut on Dec 14th.

    These souls, innocent, beautiful and precious, have forced us to focus on change so that we may move forward in consciousness. The loss is deep and will leave a scar for generations. For many close to those slain, it is too deep to ever fill. But in the midst of this tragedy, there will be an uprising that leads us in the right direction. It will illuminate the basis of fear, the issues of how the emotional senses can be numbed, the issues of mental instability and how we must make changes in identifying and healing these health issues. There are many streams of change that will flow out of this tragedy and bring change.

    Some of these changes will come from the children who survived this terrible day of destruction. Take time in your own heart to witness what has happened and allow your higher self to flow through you to see the threads of change that will flow because of the lives martyred. 

    Though the time to heal and make change will be long, it is important for us to understand that this terrible event is a doorway. An auspicious doorway that opened in the 9 am hour of the moon on the day of Venus, as we were closing the season of cleansing, and seven days later we crossed the Mayan yuletide of 2012, and entered into the season of the underworld.

    What do these numbers mean? What does this timing indicate?

    The number nine is a time of endings, it is a bridge between heaven and earth. The day of Venus is a day of love, and social connecting or networking. The hour of Cancer is an hour of family, emotions and also mundanely it represents the people of a nation. The number seven indicates fast change, motivated directed change. 

    Putting it all, you see the numerology picture of this terrible event. An ending took place bridging heaven with earth, with a nation pouring love and emotions, which would motivate individuals to take action to make change.  

    Though we may first focus on how to stop the violence, I pray that we as humans will also focus on a way to end the matrix of destruction we have used as our weapon of change. Let us acknowledge those who see our shortcomings as nations and people, and instead of pushing them away, because it is too much trouble to look, let us allow courage to fill us and go forth to make change in a timely fashion.

    During this past season of cleansing, we spoke as a nation to say no to money controlling our election process, let us take the next step and look around to see what must be done to create a better world. Where to begin? Let your heart tell you. It knows exactly what is right for you.


    Barack O'Bama & The 44th Presidency

    First I want to congratulate America for exuding the consciousness it took to manifest a presidential candidate with vision, audacity, and integrity to be the Democratic nominee.

    I know there are still many who doubt who Barack O'Bama is, but time will tell, and as an astrologer and metaphysician, I am elated to see the dramatic change that Barack's chart brings to the United States of America and to the world at large.

    If you want to know more about what I see there, listen to the interview I did back in March with Dr. Rita Louise on Just Energy Radio, here is the link:

    Right now I want to say a couple of things about this particular presidential cycle, and this election year.


    Because I love the Spiritual Law of Energy - "Universal energy is only expended at the exact moment it is needed."

    This is an important law to remember, and one when we enter a space of danger and fear, we often forget.

    I have witnessed for the last 50 years the decline of a nation who at one time stood high above the rest of the world - not in power - but in caring for its people and for the rest of humanity.

    But since the second world war, we have devolved in many ways and grown in others (in the way of the individual superstars, these beings have opened a new channel to humanity consciousness.) But as a nation, it is a decline.

    Now we stand at the precipice of the close of one cycle, one yuga, one type of consciousness, and will begin the path to choose freely the consciousness that each of us sets through our own belief systems. This is reflected in the American hierarchy - the 44th president.

    This year is a cycle of 1 - 2008, add the digits together and you get 10, add those digits together and you get 1. Thus a cycle of one.

    In the great scheme of cycles - one is a beginning but in the mystic definition it notes the arrival of an Ancient Communicator. An individual who has been many things in many incarnations, and now arrives to open the doors for manifestation to the world on many levels.

    But before I leap into the 44th presidency and a look at the Democratic nominee, let us look at some important and perhaps reflective, past presidents.

    Looking back at the year that Franklin Delano Roosevelt was elected in 1932 - (add the digits, 1+9+3+2= 15/1+5= 6) a six year. A year of a Social Gathering to make important choices.

    FDR was elected the 32nd President of the United States. 3+2=5 A Bearer of Knowledge, a teacher, one who must teach the lessons of living in the present time, to stop the worrying, to stop the fear, and recycle thought forms toward what the people need and want instead of what they have feared.

    This particular five (unlike the 41st president - George Bush Senior) is composed of the numbers: 3 and 2, the Nurturer/Keeper of the Hearth, and the Dreamweaver.

    This indicates that he would bring these two qualities to the presidency, he would nurture the people, and help them open up to dream again.

    I believe if you look at what FDR did, he fulfilled his numeric mission precisely. And interestingly enough his birth number is also five, so he was born to learn the very lessons that he would help heal in his mission as president.

    Abraham Lincoln was elected the 16th president in the year 1860. A year that adds up to 15 and resolves as a 6. A time of choices whereby one must be a great communicator (1), and a repository of knowledge with the capacity to show the way past worry (5)

    As the 16th president, Lincoln emphasizes the issues of communication (1) and choices (6) He was a president who must be persuasive in his communication while socializing to deliver the changes that would come in the years of 1861 (7) the number of change, swift and radical.

    In 1863, (1+8+6+3 = 18 = 1+8 = 9) a 9 year, a year of endings, he issued The Emancipation Proclamation which would bring the first of many endings to slavery.

    Lincoln was re-elected to the presidency in 1864, (1+ 8 + 6 + 4= 19 = 1 + 9 = 10 = 1 + 0 = 1) 1 year, bringing the strength of the Ancient Communicator to the forefront, and in 1865, (1 + 8 + 6 + 5 = 20 = 2 + 0 = 2) a 2 year, the year of his death, the nation would adopt the Thirteenth Amendment to the Constitution proclaiming an end to slavery. 1865 is a 2 year, it relates to the dreamweaver, the intuitive who manifests a dream from the inner worlds to the outer. Thus he fulfilled his mission with this amendment by mastering his dream of freedom for men of every race. (A woman's freedom would come later.)

    Briefly there are four other presidents who carry a number that relates to the 44th presidency. But the number 44 is well beyond any of these because it is a master number (all double digit numbers are not resolved to anything lower, they are consider master numbers.) I will explain this in my next blog, along with details on the four other presidents who have similar overtones through the number 8:

    Martin Van Buren, the 8th president,
    Andrew Johnson, the 17th president,
    William Howard Taft, the 26th president, and
    Lyndon B. Johnson, the 35th president will share something with the man elected to the 44th persidency.

    To be continued....