Showing posts with label 2012. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 2012. Show all posts


Fear, anxiety, panic, Reactions from ancient belief systems
Last Dec 21, 2012, a new frequency flowed into our solar system. It filters through our energy fields and many people are uncomfortable with it, while others find it pushing them to change their lives.

To flow with this new frequency we need to release old belief systems, which are buried deep our subconscious. They are patterns developed through religions and tribal/ethnic cultures. 

These beliefs gave us community, but did not share truth. They taught us to fear, anger, hate, fight and flee without logic, divinity or love. 

Last night on my new podcast, which we do each Wednesday night at 7pm PT / 10pm ET on I addressed some of the issues of fear, offering deeper understanding, insights and techniques to help free you. 

Here is the podcast for you to enjoy

Listen to internet radio with I Am The Light Network 

Questions? Please Post them on our facebook page and please like it too!:


The Pleiades, Alcyone, Uranus Pluto Square Earthquakes

The Solar Eclipse of May 20, 2012 began another step in our transformative process. On this day, Earth, Moon & Sun came into complete alignment with Alcyone, the great sun, and brightest star of the Pleiades.

Many significant activations occurred in this process. First as the planets became aligned, we  experienced an annular solar eclipse. A solar eclipse happens when the Moon passes between the Sun and the Earth. An annular eclipse happens when the moon is at its apogee, which means it is at its farthest distance from earth, and thus cannot completely block out the sun as in a total eclipse. This of course creates a spectacular image called the 'ring of fire', which is seen as the moon covers about 94% of the sun leaving a ring of fire.

Eclipses can be seen only in certain parts of the world, and the May 20th eclipse was visible to anyone with a cloudless sky along the northern Pacific rim and across most of the US and Canada except along the Eastern coast.

Watch this NASA video to easily understand this annular eclipse

According to the ancients, the path of the eclipse, which is clearly shown in the video above, indicates where the results or events of the eclipse's activation will occur.

Astrologically speaking, an eclipse declares there will be key events taking place under its path and that those events will continue for years depending on the amount of time that the eclipse takes to complete. This eclipse will have repercussions for nearly six years.

Because of the alignment with Alcyone, we know this will bring turbulence, insight, honor and glory. This alignment last took place about 26,000 years ago. To be in this position allows the frequencies from Alcyone in the Pleiades, to activate the pituitary glands in every human being in it's path.

It is the Pituitary Gland that is the Stargate for all humans. Wrapped in this tiny gland is a capsule of water, which is our doorway between worlds. We call it imagination, but Spiritually, it is the eye of the needle that the camel will pass through, as stated in scriptures. This Stargate allows us to move into the unseen worlds, parallel universes, and numerous time-lines.

Through activation of the pituitary gland, we ascend into a higher frequencies. This eclipse took us another step in this Ascension process, which is moving us to a fourth dimensional awareness.

You may experience a greater awareness quickly or may take several years to adjust to it. No matter, it is happening.

Mayan Calendar Day of The Rattlesnake

According to the Aztec Calendar, the May 20, 2012 eclipse is also the day of the Rattler. Here is an excerpt from the Insight Blog
"This is the Maya day known as 10 Chikchan, a “Foundational” energy associated with Lifeforce, Liberation, and Higher Consciousness. This is also a Burner Day, traditionally associated with an idea referred to as “running with the fire”, this time in conjunction with an annular solar eclipse. This is the day of the solar zenith passage, when the sun and the Pleiades are conjunct as they pass through the zenith over the Pyramid of Chichén Itzá in the Yucatan. Since the great serpent that “slithers” down this temple on the solstice was thought to be a rattlesnake whose tail points to the zenith, this special day has been referred to as “Rattlesnake” Day. This 10 Chikchan day is symbolic of the great Feathered Serpent that is representative of higher knowledge in conjunction with an energy that represents the “foundation for resurrection”."

The eclipse itself activated at 0 degrees Gemini. When we put these two facts together, along with Alcyone's influence, we note a new message or warning is being sounded by the great sentient bodies of our galaxy. We are about to learn ancient truths and must clear the illusions to see again with the third eye.

With the onset of Uranus & Pluto coming into an exact square on June 23 - 24, and a Lunar trigger activating them on the 21st, the words turbulence will be clearly understood as an earthquake, or earthquakes activate in the shadow or path of the eclipse.  Where exactly it will hit, I have not had the time to examine, but since the Eclipse path covers the ring of fire on the Pacific and across through the middle of the USA, there are many possibilities.

June 20, 2012 - Cancer Ingress*
As I look at the Cancer Ingress Chart for the USA, I can see there is going to be turbulent activity on our soil. Here you see that Uranus, the bringer of sudden, unexpected experiences, is in the fourth house - house of our property or our soil. Uranus is squared (challenged) in this chart by the great transformer and explosive Pluto, late in the first house (home of our people) and ruler of the 12th (home of all the issues we have hidden from ourselves from prisons to karma), while it is also opposing the Moon (our land, property and emotional attachments to it) / Sun (our president and our egos) midpoint. Additionally the fourth house cusp, or Nadir, IC, is at the critical degree of 29 degrees Pisces (an ending before a new beginning), while we have Neptune (ruler of water, gases, drugs, illusions), the co-ruler of the 4th house of property in a terrible T-square with it's 4th house co-ruler Jupiter (the expander, making all things more obvious and bigger) and the North (our purpose or goal) & South Nodes (our karma and foundational skills).

Putting all of this together, which for most of you are who are not studying astrology may find complicated and confusing, here are some of the pictures it gives. Please note, I am giving mundane pictures here, but there are many levels to all of this, and it can be explained in terms of contracts, lies, transformative struggles between corporations, old structures opposing the president and the people; the housing situation, employment and a lot of other issues as well. 

We are likely to experience, as a result of a violent eruption in the earth, on our soil, which may be earthquake or volcanic explosion that rumbles the earth, a major flood. This looks like a critical experience of major flooding that is a physical result of karmic issues. When I say karmic issues, I am pointing to choices made in the past, which could be nuclear, or driven by power or greed, or made for us secretly behind the scenes.

The Longitudinal Fixed Stars add to the picture.

The most challenging one here is Pluto in exact conjunction to Facies.

Facies** is the star in the face of the constellation of the Archer. It is a star known for blindness, ruthlessness and causing victims or being a victim. It carries Mars energy. When you consider that this chart has Mars most elevated and that Facies is a Mars energy, we have a very war-like chart. But as Mars is in the sign of Virgo, which can be armies, but also can be service, I am inclined to say the chart tells us of armies focused to serve the victims of a sudden, explosive event that causes fires and major destruction by flood or inundation of water.

Also in these fixed stars, you can note that the Moon is exactly conjunct Canopus.*** This fixed star is a point that cuts the water steering the ancient ship and name of the constellation, the Argo. So it will take the people of this nation in a new direction.

Now add in the Moon's contact to Sirius**** and Arcturus.*****

Sirius, the brightest star in our galaxy, part of the constellation Canis Major and often times called the 'Dog Star,' was named by the Egyptians, "The Scorcher."  It's mundane activation with the Moon can bring a burning of the land, but more importantly an emotional burning that brings to a new understanding of what is Sacred.

The fixed star, Arcturus in the constellation Bootes, gives us a new direction, a new approach, a new more civilized way of doing things. So with the Moon it give the land a new direction.

Facies is also the evening Rising and Setting Star across the United States and actually across all these Northern latitudes around the world setting on June 29th and rising on the June 30th. So these dates may be activation points as well.

In Conclusion

When we put these indications together, it seems to paint a picture of a transformation that may come from an earthquake, flood or major explosive event involving the land mass, property or homes in this nation. It points to an emotional time where we are challenged to take a new direction. It indicates that we must take a new approach to what we call our property, each other and the way we will respect both the water and the land.

The most important thing for any of us to remember is that we are in a time of expanding consciousness. It is a huge leap we are taking that will bring us a time of peace. So keep your attention fixed on this vision of peace, stay aware of the outside world but remember it is the 'outside world', and listen to your guidance, your feelings, you inner voice. Then I am sure you will find all the information you need for a safe journey in this time.


*This is one of the four Cardinal Sign charts set for the location of a capital of a nation, which gives insights to events of the following three months.

**See the constellation of the Archer here:

***See the Canopus in the constellation of Carina and the Argo here:

****See Canis Major and Sirius here:

*****See Bootes and Arcturus here:

More information about the Aztecs, and their Calendar:


Galactic Center, 2012 ~ Frequency Alignment

During the next few months, the escalation of frequencies will cause some major events worldwide. It is important that we each remain focused, grounded and fearless. What we will see as we look around, may shake the roots of our foundation. This is a good thing. Because in those roots are many lies we have held as truths. They are the lies of separation, weakness, sin, unworthiness, disease, aging, and innumerable issues of lack of divinity in all life.

There are many people who say there will be disasters and who promulgate fear in every form from disease and famine to violence of every kind. Will you choose this?

It is important to realize that everything that comes into our space is our choice.

Photo of The Galactic Center
We are in a very special time, one that had never been before on this planet, or in this galaxy. As we align with the Galactic Center and the frequencies escalate beyond anything we have experienced in the human organism throughout all our incarnations, we will have many choices.

As the Mayan's say, it is the end of time. But that statement can be interpreted many ways. What is happening is that many of the doorways of time, the other realities we have created through our group consciousnesses, are coming together in a dissident song. The frequencies of which we align, will pull us into that doorway, that time track, that reality.

Yes, I realize this sounds like a sci-fi story-line. But all sci-fi and fantasy generates from other worlds and they do exist because we are creators. Some may feel that is too much to handle. That is simply because of all the conditioning we have had, that we must kneel and pray, if there is to be an intercession for us with God. This has separated us for our own Divinity.

The truth is we have always had a direct line to God. We have never left the Source of Creation. Each soul has simply poured some of its life force into the human organism that we now think is us.

It is time for each human organism to, in gratitude and love, ask ones Divine or Higher Self to come into a greater alignment with the body. Then each person will become more aware of all creation, and of their power to create. This is what is happening as we move to the new frequencies.

Each of us are unwinding the coil of creation that is who we truly are. So, who will choose to move into this space of power, limitlessness, love and compassion?

And who will prefer to keep walking in the shoes we have worn for the past four thousand years?

The blocks to understanding your own Divinity 
are hidden in your subconscious.
They are bound to all the lies we have been sold. They are padded with rocks to cause us pain because we have been told we are born with sin and are unworthy of God. We must be cleansed, we must beg for love and for forgiveness for just being in a physical vehicle. We have been told we must follow someone who is greater than us. These are the rocks we have walked on for thousands of years. So many rocks that it could take two pages for me to name them all. But if you look you will see them. Their sum total  states: we are bound to this chaotic, painful place and only death will free us from the burden of the body and the difficulties of this planet.

But all this is lies.

The planet is a Divine Being, like us. All life forms are Divine, like us.

We are here to Co-create with Gaia (earth), each other and all life; to create a world that can be a paradise. We are the stewards of this planet and we have done a terrible job. The planet must renew as it enters these changes, It must slough off parts and transform so that all her vibrations are in alignment.

Think about this. Think of all the vibrations of hate, dissension, disgust, and disease that man continues to spew into the vibratory field of Gaia.

Apply the axiom, "As Above, So Below", to this picture.

When you have someone spewing negativity at you, how do you feel? What do you want to do? Will you respond with love or react with hate? Will you be kind or throw it all back at the person who sends it to you?

So too, Gaia must respond or react. Those who call themselves, Light Bearers are here to pour love into Gaia as she makes her transformation. They are here to help in any way they can, from doing simple acts of kindness every day, to pouring love into her heart center.

If you get bogged down by how all the changes might affect you, you are wasting energy, which is wiser to focus on love.

Truly, there is nothing to worry about, if you practice love. It is the expansion of love that will help each person adjust to the new frequencies.

We must let go of the old religious conditioning that tells us we are not loved, not worthy, separate from the Divine, powerless except through another greater being, children who must follow someone.

We are none of these things!

We are divine, co-creators with the Source. We have never been separated from Source, we have been conditioned to believe we are less than.

Secondly we must realize we are not alone in our creation, but in addition to what we create in our worlds, we are co-creators with the planet, the solar system and the galaxy.

This planet we call Gaia is a living being who has graciously allowed us to live on her. We have been taught or conditioned by a variety of religious pathways that the only divinity is soul, that the human body is a burden and that other life forms including the planet and all nature on it, is to be used by us, is not divine and is simply a resource.

All of this is not true. every single molecule is divine!

All life is Divine from the leaf to the frog,
from the cloud to the grain of sand
Though many of these life forms run at a much slower vibration than we run, they are no less divine. We must come into full alignment with this and then we can easily align with the frequencies that upscale 13 notes.

The changes that are happening, are there to open doorways.

Individuals who have been asleep, can choose now to wake and enjoin their own power. Others will refuse and continue under the control of those who resonate with power and greed. No one reading this  is like that. All of us will move into the new frequencies.

This next six months will be a tumultuous time of choosing, so there will be hardship, which at one level can activate understanding and awakening.

We here in the United States will have to come to terms with the New Apostolic Reformation fundamentalist thinking (they assert that to make way for the return of Jesus, they must convert or clear all sinners (non-believers) from the planet) because Rick Perry appears to have the winning chart for the next election.

His presidency will be much like electric shock treatment for all those who still sleep in this nation and believe they are covered by the freedoms of their constitution. They are not. That has been whittled down through legislation, executive orders and the control of the supreme court who has been courted by greed driven companies.

But it can be resurrected and we can have the nation of our dreams.

In Europe there are equal problems, with the rampant misuse of money by governments and the issue of bankruptcy pulling on the European Union. Many violent, aggressive and polarized movements are and will emerge. The need for answers is within but most people continue to look outside themselves, thus blaming all around them for the challenges they face. Examples of change include recent violence in England and the rise of Neo-Nazis in Germany.

At the same time around the world social networking has activated a cry for freedom as never heard before. There will be more uprisings and revolutions and in the end, we will shift the focus of the vibration to love. It will happen, hold that vision. No matter what you see, hear or feel, hold that vision.

With love and gratitude call in the
power of your Higher Self. Let that love
flow through the top of your heart, to
your heart and to Gaia's heart. Let it
vibrate in a continuing circle filling you
with love, joy, peace and gratitude.
Stay focused on your heart, connect it to earth's center and breath with Gaia. Expand your love outward, across the nation, then around the world, and out through the solar system and galaxy. Do this each day. Fill your heart with love and compassion and you will align with the new frequencies.

It is happening and we are part of it.

What we believe, we will conceive, achieve and receive.

Remember this and all will be well.

More info on Rick Perry, Arabian Women tweeting for freedom, In China, World View


Should I be solvent by 2009?

You state the astrologers in Florida are saying you should be solvent by 2009 and want to know if I agree....

Yes I do agree with other astrologers.

I have been saying since 1996 that between 2010 and 2015 the economy will transform completely. I am not sure it will exist as we know it at all. We may go back to trading which means that paper money may become obsolete or worthless.

I am uncertain how it will come about - if we would take a more prudent road economically as a nation, it might simply be the move to a card system that the central banking cartels would just love and the people would fall into without a whimper. That is how technology is moving and deny as most will, it is what the consciousness predicts for the future. I could picture it further but to do so is so horrid I will leave it there.

However because the road our government had embarked upon over the last 50 years and escalated into since the Clinton presidency, it looks like the crumbling infrastructure along with the increased levels of natural disasters (due to the interminable tilt of the axis beyond anything imagined for millions of years) will determine the fate of this nation.

With neither the human resources due to National Guardsmen deployed to foreign soil, and the lack of funds due to billions devoted to democratic posturing, a pseudonym for international invasions, there is not enough of either to rebuild a nation positioned for disaster.

Finally we have outsourced so many American jobs that the picture of homelessness looms. The spiritual beings I work with told me in the spring of 2007 that in a few years everyone would personally know someone who is homeless! To say tears came to my eyes is an understatement. This hit me like an bomb to the heart. Why, because back in the sixties they told me that in the near future everyone would personally know someone with cancer, and of course that has been true for years.

So solvency is important. But I believe more important is forming groups of neighbors or small communities that have a variety of skills because we will need this to survive the disasters that will change this nation and the world.

As we enter the new world past 2012, we who choose to stay, will light it with integrity, something sorely missing from the physical hierarchy around the planet. The rebirth of human awareness of who we are is part of the ascension of the planet into the ninth world of the Mayan.

So much to talk about, add your questions and comments and I will respond.

For any who happen upon this page, I am Michele Avanti CAP, EFT-3. I have been teaching metaphysics since 1972 and am a born psychic. I am also an International Society For Astrological Research Certified Astrology Professional, teaching, consulting and lecturing on astrology, both natal and mundane for nearly two decades. To see more about me visit
Anyway got to go right now, so much to do, but yes become solvent by 2009 and also consider what you have, where you are and what you really need, these factors will be thrust upon many in an instant, better to have thought that through long before it happens.