Showing posts with label Economy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Economy. Show all posts


The Economy - Tax Cut - Vermont Senator Sanders

As we enter this holiday season, wishing it to be filled with delight and joy for all the children in the world, our nation struggles with economic disaster. At this time when so many are spending their savings on Christmas gifts, our Congress continues to consider tax cuts for the wealthy, and even the option of ending estate taxes, which effect only the tiniest wealthiest percent of America.

Consider the abyss that is being created between the haves and the have-nots.

How many people do you know who have lost their homes?
How many have declared bankruptcy, or are unemployed and just hanging on? 

Consider what happens to counties, as the middle class suburbs become filled with vacant repossessed houses, and property taxes that had been paid to maintain fire and police departments disappear from the tax rolls. 

Now recall the events of the French Revolution and you will recognize that our nation's astrology charts are following a similar trend. (I have been speaking about this for over a decade.)

Is it all in the stars? Or is it at our disposal to choose this outcome?

Because all development of consciousness is a spiral, we know the events that now take place can have a more uplifting and balanced outcome.  

Let us all ask the question: "What do I need to do to help America step into a revolution of government without bloodshed or riot." 

We shall have the answer. We can do this together. You must know and trust that everything that comes into your life will be a benefit for you and others.  Once a person makes a commitment, Spirit brings them the means to achieve it. 

I want to share this wonderful speech by the Independent Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont. The State whose motto is: "Freedom and Unity."

This soul is actively working to enlighten people, and avert national disaster and the possible civil war, which gathers on the horizon as the Middle Class continues to evaporate. Listen and take heart. Many are doing their part, let us unite and grow the numbers for peaceful change. It is desperately needed. We can no longer say I am safe behind my wall, we must recognize we are a nation of many and the truth is in this saying: "It takes a tribe." 

So for the many who are rich that are helping with this change (and there are many!) Let us say thank you. And each of us can do our part, from giving food to the homeless and the shelters, to speaking out at county meetings and enlightening those around us that we must invest in America if we are to continue as a nation whole and successful. 


Belief & Fear - The Economy & Losing Your Job

Recently the downturn in the economy, both U.S. and International has caused a wave of fear consciousness around the world. This is creates the challenge to respond, not react.

We have the power to wield our worlds of creation. We must always remember that we are in this world, but not part of it.

This means that you are soul, an infinite, limitless, powerful creative being. You, the true you, has never left the world of pure positive energy. Soul is in a constant state of ecstasy, peace, and contentment.

The physical, mental and emotional states of consciousness that you adopt when you enter the worlds of matter, are yours to direct. When you understand this, you will realize that no outside force determines what manifests in your world.

Does that mean you will not get fired?

No it does not mean that. But if you have set a boundary in your universe that all things that come into your space are to your benefit, and that they only bring more knowledge, joy, contentment, security, wonder and abundance, then that is what a firing will bring.

You must cleanse all the thought patterns that come into your world. It is up to you to define your universe.

Once you accept full responsibility for your world, you can begin the process of cleaning out the old life-challenging thought patterns, and stabilizing the ones you want to manifest.

In this world of constant contact, you must stay aware of what your subconscious is taking in, and realign your thought patterns daily.

Monks in monasteries create a simple environment that allows for stable thought forms.

Individuals active in the world of chaos, are bombarded by every advertising, media, and political manipulation directed through television, radio, internet, billboard, published media, telephone conversations, workplace talk, street talk, shop talk, and even the thought forms that you do not see coming through energy fields from neighbors and traveling sound waves.

If you do not stay on top of your boundaries, you will be at the mercy of beliefs and thought forms you have not consciously chosen.

It is easy to go there. But it is not to your benefit.

A world of greed enters your home each time you turn on the television, radio or open a magazine, newspaper or the internet. We call it advertising.

Advertising is not designed to offer truth, but rather uses every form of subconscious manipulation to create an emotional desire for you to take action and buy. The only protection you have, is your own mental choice.

Children have no defense because their minds are still forming and thus they absorb the information much like your computer takes in new software. It takes the awareness of an adult to teach the child to identify truth from greed.

If the adult is unaware, the child will remain unaware.

What does all this mean?

Our subconscious mind absorbs, as facts, all the images suggesting that happiness, success with friends, family, and in love relationships, will be the direct result of whatever is advertised. This includes everything from what you drink (beer to coke), to where you eat (McDonald's to Carl Jr.), to what you wear (Old Navy to Macy's), to what car you drive (Ford to Mazda), to what cell phone you carry (AT&T to Verizon), to what computer you use, to what drug you take, and it goes on and on into every area of your life.

There is always something tugging at your belief system. And through media you have been trained to listen, and believe.

It is up to the individual to examine what is being fed to their subconscious mind, to eliminate the trash, and strengthen the boundaries.

If you want to achieve anything, you must believe it first.

When was the last time you examined what you believe?

Take the time at least twice each week to examine decisions you have made, and actions you have taken. Ask yourself; "Why did I choose to say that or do that?" Be completely honest with yourself. No one is watching you. You can honestly say, I felt pushed, I was tired, I was afraid, I was ashamed, I was...

Then take the time to assess your fears, your strengths, your energy, the degree you feel confident and proud of yourself.

Now you can start to uncover your beliefs. When you can look at your fears, you can examine what you believe. It is at this level you can find the hidden beliefs that drive you to react instead of respond to life.

Let's look at an example to help you clearly understand.

Looking back at the week, you find you still feel angry at yourself because you went out to lunch every day when you promised yourself you would not eat out more than once each week to save money to pay off a bill.

First observation, is you are angry with yourself. Second observation is that you did something you promised yourself you would not do. Now you must determine why you did not respect yourself enough to follow through. So you ask yourself, did I feel ashamed to say I was saving money? Did I feel pressure to show my co-workers I have as much money as they do? Did I feel a need to be seen out because of someone? Did you just feel the bill would get paid some other way? Or is there another motive that drove you to go against the promise you made to yourself?

Once you find the reason or reasons, you can unravel the fear that drove you to hurt yourself.

The fear is bound up in a belief.

It is most likely a belief that comes from your childhood. It can be that your parents only took you out to eat when they had extra money, but your friends parents took them out to eat every week, and you felt poor. Thus going out to eat each day is a sign to you that you are not poor, that your are proving to yourself you can have it all. So this creates a belief system that says I am rich if I can eat out every day. Of course that is both false and forced. The feelings of being poor, were born out of comparing yourself to others. It has nothing to do with what being poor or rich is really about.

This is what I mean by digging into your belief system, clearing them out and reconstructing them based on what you want in your life.

Many people are 'packrats' not because they will ever use all they pack away, but because of a deep fear they will not have something they may need, when they need it. This goes to a belief system based on fear instead of a system of abundance.

Take the time to review each week and you will start to unravel the secret subconscious drives that cause your life to be fraught with fear, or full of joy and abundance.

Here is a note I recently wrote to a friend who is the main bread winner in her family, and is currently experiencing the fear of losing her job.

Please work with some EFT to calm your nerves. Fear is a magnet for things you do not want. It would be best for you to take 15 minutes to meditate each day to connect with the God force in you that manifests everything you desire. You need to come to that peaceful state, which knows you are secure and safe and that Spirit will put in your path everything you need and desire.

Using a prescription drug is fine for a temporary fix, but it is best to breath and do some kind of exercise to maintain balance and health. Being the bread winner in a difficult economy requires a steady mind and knowledge that you are always safe and protected. Practice knowing this. Go to a peaceful place inside where the angels embrace you and whisper all you desire is on its way. Feel it, breath it, know it. For what you believe you will achieve. You know this. But sometimes we all need to be reminded.

If you allow the turmoil of the current world economy to fill your life with fear, you join that belief system and open the door for loss. Let that belief system stay on the television, outside your door and in the hands of others at work. Remain knowing that each day is perfect. That changes that take place in your world will always be to your benefit. Loss of one job leads to a better job, and more happiness. You must take this in as you take in each breath. Breath it and know it.

To join the current frenzy is to join an illness and to build internal stress because of it can create illness. When we realize we are limitless, powerful, infinite, soul simply driving a human vessel, we free ourselves from the world's illusions.

Promise me you will take 15 minutes each day and allow the angels to embrace you and fill you with all the joy of knowing you are safe, protected and that all that is good and perfect is constantly provided for you.

With love to everyone - May you see the light in your own reflection and carry it to illuminate all you encounter.



Earth Changes - Turbulence 20011 - 2015

May has arrived and we turn to planting and sprucing up our yards. The beauty of nature fills all our senses and we once more enjoy the cycle of birth.

I love Spring.

Today, I have felt a need to speak of the changes that are not far off. I have witnessed over the last forty years many prophets of doom and have always felt the earth would reclaim herself.

As the Chinese fortune goes "May you live in exciting times!" I think all who are alive today and through the next seven years (2008 - 2015) will see the most extraordinary changes ever witnessed by techno-man.

We speak of climate change, animal extinctions, and ocean pollution killing off entire species of marine life. There is no sector of the planet free of change. Yes, change has always been, but not in thousands of year has it been at the fever pitch it is today.

So my blog during May is going to address this from many perspectives, physical to metaphysical. I will speak of the Mayan calendar, the astrological pictures, the physical realities and the practical directions that may be in your best interest.

I will explain why this phenomenon is occurring now, and what you can do to insure the course of life you choose.

This will include prophecies of the end times, earthquakes, fires, the flexibility of time, speeding up of DNA, the Yugas, Planetary Rebirth, return to the footstool of the Dog Star, and more.

Stay tuned...


The Solistice - Predictions for 2008

Last night's show with Claudia McNeely went well, you will be able to listen if you missed it through the radio website at:

But I will give you a little hint here and of course we will include the whole column on my website

What to expect in the first quarter of 2008.

The focus is on emotional talk, people are challenged by the government's past policies. There is a struggle with housing, mortgages banking, and insurance companies.

Areas that have been over-built will be hurt hardest.

Expect secrets to surface during the mercury retrograde especially as it stations retrograde from January 27th to February 5th.

Economy is down, feelings of depression and yet idealism permeate the nation.

Oil prices will continue to inflate.

Some national disaster is likely during this period as well. May be due to freezing weather or explosion or both. We definitely have weather issues during this period that are excessive.

In case you missed it the planet is in a severe tilt and this will bring harsh weather conditions - hot, cold, hurricane, tornado, typhoon, flood, drought, volcanic activity, etc beyond anything we have seen in the past.

Astrologically speaking many planets are going out of bounds and this is part of the equation.

Investments in the U.S. economy are not doing well in this period. But foreign investments are hot. Investing in foreign building, foreign governments, foreign expansion and foreign technology.

Major stress point for investments, military, employment, health care and small animals is evident between February 16 to 18th. This time may bring a turning point for Gold. Precious metals will rise.

This is a critical period for the president and he may come through with flying colors as he responds to a natural disaster with greater aplomb then he did with Katrina.

A time of Karmic evolution, harsh weather, internal struggles with war and image, while the economic foothold is slipping from infrastructure and jobs to over-confidence in our international allies.

As a nation, a people and our image abroad, we will be challenged by foreign governments, the United Nations or other international society, accountants, engineers and generals.

A legal action may be taken in the house during this period to make changes with military, health care, and employment, but the money will not be available to implement this good action.


Should I be solvent by 2009?

You state the astrologers in Florida are saying you should be solvent by 2009 and want to know if I agree....

Yes I do agree with other astrologers.

I have been saying since 1996 that between 2010 and 2015 the economy will transform completely. I am not sure it will exist as we know it at all. We may go back to trading which means that paper money may become obsolete or worthless.

I am uncertain how it will come about - if we would take a more prudent road economically as a nation, it might simply be the move to a card system that the central banking cartels would just love and the people would fall into without a whimper. That is how technology is moving and deny as most will, it is what the consciousness predicts for the future. I could picture it further but to do so is so horrid I will leave it there.

However because the road our government had embarked upon over the last 50 years and escalated into since the Clinton presidency, it looks like the crumbling infrastructure along with the increased levels of natural disasters (due to the interminable tilt of the axis beyond anything imagined for millions of years) will determine the fate of this nation.

With neither the human resources due to National Guardsmen deployed to foreign soil, and the lack of funds due to billions devoted to democratic posturing, a pseudonym for international invasions, there is not enough of either to rebuild a nation positioned for disaster.

Finally we have outsourced so many American jobs that the picture of homelessness looms. The spiritual beings I work with told me in the spring of 2007 that in a few years everyone would personally know someone who is homeless! To say tears came to my eyes is an understatement. This hit me like an bomb to the heart. Why, because back in the sixties they told me that in the near future everyone would personally know someone with cancer, and of course that has been true for years.

So solvency is important. But I believe more important is forming groups of neighbors or small communities that have a variety of skills because we will need this to survive the disasters that will change this nation and the world.

As we enter the new world past 2012, we who choose to stay, will light it with integrity, something sorely missing from the physical hierarchy around the planet. The rebirth of human awareness of who we are is part of the ascension of the planet into the ninth world of the Mayan.

So much to talk about, add your questions and comments and I will respond.

For any who happen upon this page, I am Michele Avanti CAP, EFT-3. I have been teaching metaphysics since 1972 and am a born psychic. I am also an International Society For Astrological Research Certified Astrology Professional, teaching, consulting and lecturing on astrology, both natal and mundane for nearly two decades. To see more about me visit
Anyway got to go right now, so much to do, but yes become solvent by 2009 and also consider what you have, where you are and what you really need, these factors will be thrust upon many in an instant, better to have thought that through long before it happens.