Showing posts with label Mayan Calendar. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mayan Calendar. Show all posts


Gaia's Ascension & The Law of One

Crystalline Earth Grid, see link at bottom of this blog 
We are at a time of significant change, do you feel it? Have you found yourself doing more meditation, catching and changing negative thoughts, feeling more gratitude and love, and most noticable a greater calm and peace in your life?

Gaia is in a Vibrational Ascension. She is moving to a new frequency scale, one that is freer. We who will remain with her, must join that vibration.

It is one of peace and love.

It is what you wanted when you first entered the world as a child, but so sadly discovered that it only existed in small pockets. It is a world where we actually realize, "All Life Is Divine!"

This is encoded in every cell in your body. But the world view, which was developed over centuries for us to experience separation created a belief system that this was not true. For thousands of years we have lived in fear of loss, fear of lack, and fear of abandonment, We have developed an energy that did not exist when these lower worlds were created; 'Hatred.'

Many souls in human bodies chose a path of self fulfillment and power without regard for the divinity of all life. Those of us who did not make this choice, find ourselves wanting to go home because the experience of living without universal understanding causes us pain.

Our connection to all life is part of who we are. When we operate from this place of connectedness, which you have heard me call 'The Grid', we feel the pain, suffering and torture all our divine connections. This includes, not just human forms, but plants, animals, and even mountains. The disturbance and destruction of life forms is experienced by everyone. This is the Law of One.

As Gaia continues vibrationally ascending, and we join her frequency, we will align once more with The Grid that connects all life in a tangible way. No longer will those who we have called, 'Sensitives' in the past, be alone. Instead, we will all become 'Sensitives,' because in complete alignment we feel the feelings of all life. We know the knowing of all life. From trees to mountains, from dolphin to cow, from Asian to European, we feel and understand each other.

The Law of One is not mandated. Instead through the very act of feeling and knowing, we can no longer harm another because we experience them as ourselves. To hurt other life would be the same as hurting one's self.

This is where we are going as we work with Gaia, The Grid, and escalate our vibrational frequencies to a higher level.

So though there are many incapable of bridging the vibrational distance, and thus will not make the transition to this new world, they will find a home in a lower frequency space. We will witness many loses, but stay focused on love and gratitude, and your desire to go home will take root in the new frequencies of Gaia.

This is what is happening with the world predictions from every tribe and people including the Mayan, the Hopi, the Aborigine, and the many other prognosticators that have recorded their 'Dreamtime.'

Last week while I did a radio show with Allie Cheslick on Wings Of Love, I could feel many people  overwhelmed by fear of this change. What I said to them, I will repeat here.

"Simply stay in a place of gratitude and love. Whenever fear activates in or around you, breath into your heart center Light, Love and Gratitude. Allow your heart to consistently radiate these three things, and you will dispel the fear, dispel darkness and uplift all who are in your presence."

Here is a wonderful video of a Peace Mandala titled: Kalachakra Mandala*. It was created by Tibetan Monk, Losang Samten in November of 2009 at the University of the Arts in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA.

Mandalas have been used for centuries to focus one's attention creating a greater awareness of the vastness of creation. The whole time while creating a mandala, the individual or individuals pray and focus on a virtue. This one holds the focus of world peace. Enjoy!

Kalachakra Mandala from peacefeather imagery on Vimeo.

*Kala is an ancient Sanskrit ( कला ) word, this word has a depth of meaning as do all ancient words. They encompass complete thought. It refers to the dark goddess, which most people would not understand in our current language, but let me explain further. Dark refers to the darkness before creation, the void, the place of creation. Thus Kala in the context of this Mandala, refers to The Goddess of Creation. This Mandala is titled: Kalachakra, so it is a prayer to the Goddess or  Mother womb chakra, to give birth to peace. (Michele Avanti's interpretation of Kalachakra)

Link to source of picture of Crystalline Earth Grid:

Mayan Calendar, Peace Mandala, Vibrational Ascension


Welcome the Appocalypse - End of the Mayan Calendar

Hi Everyone:

Just got a nice note from a friend, who said she was in the midst of pulling together all the little thoughts and ideas that have been floating in her mind which include many connections to past lives, Lemuria (Mu as many call it), Atlantis, Elven connections, Crystals and more of what people today call "New Age."

I wanted to comment on what is happening, because this amazing lady is one of many people who are opening to the renewal of planetary knowledge.

Here were my comments to her:

Actually you are resonating to what is really happening at this time, we who are willing and others in an unconscious way, are piercing the veil (appocalyse means to pierce the veil, or break through it.)

We are opening a new era of consciousness and those who are willing to be conscious, those who are seeking to be conscious, and some who have been sleeping in their state of consciousness are being called to wake up. The enchanted sleep of material attraction is being pierced. Please note I did not use the word "lifted" but pierced.

Pierced is used here because not everyone is getting it yet, It will take many piercings before the veil is thread bare and everyone who is even slightly willing, will see through the material mask and engage their earlier life talents - constant conscious communication with the universe and all Its dominion. Please note the word, "Its" this is not a typo, It refers to the power of creation, the creative force of the universes.

So it is with great joy, we all can welcome this time of the Appocalypse, for we are all being reborn into our whole beings.

2012 is a time of celebration for all conscious beings, it is the beginning of the last yuga, a golden age. It is a release from time as we have known it for millennia.

No longer will the ties to time be controlling, for we will choose to see it in its fluidity, a constant flowing, engaging stream within which we can flow back or forward, collapse or expand. A joy yet unknown to most humans.

The ancient codes are resonating to the escalating DNA of Gaia & all sentient beings including the most obstreperous mammal human.

Wonders and disasters act simultaneously as the clearing takes place. Those who choose to see disaster shall see this, those who choose to see an ascension of consciousness and a unifying of people will see that.

The end of the calendar is the beginning of a new freedom of choice, a new unity with nature, a renewal of stewardship. So much to celebrate, but also so much to let go. So 'letting go' must be a practice now for all those who choose to stay through the changes. Yes, you can choose! Please practice letting go, and flowing with the synchonistic patterns that arise,

I welcome questions, feel free to post them here and I will answer them.

Be filled with wonder as a time of clearing is also a time of new life.


End of The Mayan Calendar

Michael asked:

After reading an article on earth changes where the author indicated that there would be leaps in consciousness as the Mayan Calendar ends, and that everyone would be able to connect telepathically, and that the world would become a place of peace. We would all wake up to the “Golden Age.”

My Response:

What is said holds modicums of truth. In reality all of what is said is true, but it is not true for all people. Hopefully that does not sound too confusing.

What is happening as we come to the end of the Mayan calendar, is an amazing shift in the time/space manifestation. We as a society have agreed to time as we now know it. But this is simply a mental/societal agreement for the purpose of commerce and not for divinity and interaction with life.

When we understand that time is a more pliable concept, both accessible, changeable and actually non-existent, then we can come to grips with the issues of the Mayan calendar.

In life everyone has times, if they are aware and, which I can help them remember, when due to the consciousness of the people, which is often driven by planetary resonance on the DNA of the societies, we experience days or periods during a day where time speeds up or lags. Yesterday for example time ran more slowly then the norm, you could squeeze much more into an hour then you may the day before. There are other days where time breezes by and you work in a mode that is embraced by the resonant response of societal DNA. Everyone is buzzing - not just you. If you are unaware of this, make a commitment to watch from this point forward and you will see it for yourself.

Time is a flexible concept driven by consciousness.

Another example is the personal DNA factor in each human and animal. In the youth, while cells are actively multiplying and growth is the focus of the organic organism, the DNA vibration is slow. As the body ages, it speeds up until it reaches a pitch of disintegrating matter. A complete reversal of evolutionary process from its early purpose. The organism experiences time in relation to the DNA vibration, all things take longer in childhood then in old age. It has to vibration. When the organism slows the vibration through alignment with the Creative Force/Spirit/Divinity/Genetic Essence, then the DNA itself speeds up and aging reverses. It is all in the DNA. What man is finally coming to, is awareness that each one may consciously control their own DNA. That is not beyond your control, that science alone does not have the dibs on it. But rather you, the conscious being, is the power of the universe - your universe - and when you release the agreements of societal, cultural, ancient premise set by religions and governments, you come to a space of creation. You are the creator - your universe is yours to create.

As we approach this time of "time ending.” it will be increasingly more the individuals responsibility for the level of physical consciousness that they choose to live in. Though many will never even know they are choosing because they are completely unaware of their own power of choice.

There will be a splitting off of levels as there was in the end times of Atlantis, though this splitting will expand far beyond that one.

How will we respond to that? That depends on where you are in consciousness, as for you and many of the people you know, and many of the hundreds of clients I have, there will be the beginning of a 'Golden Age.' But of course perception here is everything. Does that mean all will look hunkey doorey? No. Though this sequence is faster than any we have ever witnessed in the millennia of lifetimes, it is still dependent on individual consciousness, as are all things. We can slow it down some or speed it up. What are we willing to do?

What I see, is many people dying in many earth related, as well as some human related mega-experiences (earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanic explosions, war, etc) These souls are choosing a different level. There will be individuals who want to carry the battling forward and may split their consciousness into a parallel universe, much like the one we are in now. There are those who will continue alignment with Gaia's expansion, and move into the final yuga's Golden Age.

I do believe you are one of those as am I and many who both of us know. But not all that we know. We will both experience losses. It is the independent choice of each soul.

Will there be a new communion with nature and a lifting or piercing of veils. Yes! Will everyone experience it immediately, I do not expect this to be the case. I would expect it will happen over a seven year period or so.

It is wise to tune into the light each day, hold it, hold the vision you wish for your world, and the world at large. This the great gift of time removed. For your vision is what you will manifest in an alarmingly fast frame. Time – Less.

We are entering a time-free space, where consciousness for the first time may separate into differing vibratory lengths, physically connecting rather than just astrally or mentally.

I hope that helps, if not please email and I will attempt to clarify.


Earth Changes - Turbulence 20011 - 2015

May has arrived and we turn to planting and sprucing up our yards. The beauty of nature fills all our senses and we once more enjoy the cycle of birth.

I love Spring.

Today, I have felt a need to speak of the changes that are not far off. I have witnessed over the last forty years many prophets of doom and have always felt the earth would reclaim herself.

As the Chinese fortune goes "May you live in exciting times!" I think all who are alive today and through the next seven years (2008 - 2015) will see the most extraordinary changes ever witnessed by techno-man.

We speak of climate change, animal extinctions, and ocean pollution killing off entire species of marine life. There is no sector of the planet free of change. Yes, change has always been, but not in thousands of year has it been at the fever pitch it is today.

So my blog during May is going to address this from many perspectives, physical to metaphysical. I will speak of the Mayan calendar, the astrological pictures, the physical realities and the practical directions that may be in your best interest.

I will explain why this phenomenon is occurring now, and what you can do to insure the course of life you choose.

This will include prophecies of the end times, earthquakes, fires, the flexibility of time, speeding up of DNA, the Yugas, Planetary Rebirth, return to the footstool of the Dog Star, and more.

Stay tuned...


Should I be solvent by 2009?

You state the astrologers in Florida are saying you should be solvent by 2009 and want to know if I agree....

Yes I do agree with other astrologers.

I have been saying since 1996 that between 2010 and 2015 the economy will transform completely. I am not sure it will exist as we know it at all. We may go back to trading which means that paper money may become obsolete or worthless.

I am uncertain how it will come about - if we would take a more prudent road economically as a nation, it might simply be the move to a card system that the central banking cartels would just love and the people would fall into without a whimper. That is how technology is moving and deny as most will, it is what the consciousness predicts for the future. I could picture it further but to do so is so horrid I will leave it there.

However because the road our government had embarked upon over the last 50 years and escalated into since the Clinton presidency, it looks like the crumbling infrastructure along with the increased levels of natural disasters (due to the interminable tilt of the axis beyond anything imagined for millions of years) will determine the fate of this nation.

With neither the human resources due to National Guardsmen deployed to foreign soil, and the lack of funds due to billions devoted to democratic posturing, a pseudonym for international invasions, there is not enough of either to rebuild a nation positioned for disaster.

Finally we have outsourced so many American jobs that the picture of homelessness looms. The spiritual beings I work with told me in the spring of 2007 that in a few years everyone would personally know someone who is homeless! To say tears came to my eyes is an understatement. This hit me like an bomb to the heart. Why, because back in the sixties they told me that in the near future everyone would personally know someone with cancer, and of course that has been true for years.

So solvency is important. But I believe more important is forming groups of neighbors or small communities that have a variety of skills because we will need this to survive the disasters that will change this nation and the world.

As we enter the new world past 2012, we who choose to stay, will light it with integrity, something sorely missing from the physical hierarchy around the planet. The rebirth of human awareness of who we are is part of the ascension of the planet into the ninth world of the Mayan.

So much to talk about, add your questions and comments and I will respond.

For any who happen upon this page, I am Michele Avanti CAP, EFT-3. I have been teaching metaphysics since 1972 and am a born psychic. I am also an International Society For Astrological Research Certified Astrology Professional, teaching, consulting and lecturing on astrology, both natal and mundane for nearly two decades. To see more about me visit
Anyway got to go right now, so much to do, but yes become solvent by 2009 and also consider what you have, where you are and what you really need, these factors will be thrust upon many in an instant, better to have thought that through long before it happens.